Our illustrious predominate media...

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Fred68, Dec 6, 2022.

  1. Fred68

    Fred68 Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2015
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    (Written long ago.)


    I watched a speech by Iranian President Mohammad Ahmadinejad to his Islamic Consultative Assembly where he said, “Death to America, death to Israel, death to the infidel.” The Assembly remained in place and silent.

    Before candidate Obama’s first primary, my mother and I watched a speech by Michelle Obama, wherein she paused, looked down, and said quietly, “I hate America.” (This is not her speech after Obama was elected where she said, “...for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country.”) I sat shocked and speechless, and my mother responded by saying, “What did she say? That’s it! I’m not voting for him!” Since then, I have been unable to find a video of either speech anywhere, not even on C-Span’s website.

    After the explosion of TWA flight 800, hundreds of eyewitnesses came forward saying that something flew up toward the aircraft before the plane exploded. The navy was doing exercises in the area at that time. When the government report finally came out (many months later), it said that the aircraft exploded and part of the plane had an engine still working, and the part of the plane with the engine fell for a while, turned around, and flew back up and hit the remaining aircraft. The government subsequently retrieved and reconstructed the fuselage. I saw footage of that fuselage on television, and there was a perfectly round hole in its side with the hole’s border bent inward. It was reported only a few times in the media that traces of an explosive were found on the airplane’s seats.

    I saw, on television, President Clinton sitting next to a young female aide on Air Force One. As they talked, he reached over and grabbed her inner thigh. She tensed up and, as casually as possible, hooked his arm with hers and leaned forward attempting to disengage his hand. The public eventually became aware of Bill Clinton’s adulterous escapades though the MSM mostly avoided the topic.

    The predominant media worked diligently to get Bill Clinton elected and re-elected president. At the end of this piece is a link to a partial transcript of an interview with the creator of 60 Minutes, Don Hewitt. It reveals how he edited the footage of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s interview about the Jennifer Flowers scandal. Over two hours of taping were edited to about 13 minutes to salvage Bill Clinton’s political career when his numbers were falling, and pundits predicted he would not be nominated. The theme of the 13-minute interview was that Bill and Hillary were a loving couple dedicated to making their marriage work. They both acknowledged Bill’s problem and were working on it together. After the airing, his numbers turned around, and he became president.


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