Presidential Limbo Dance

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by thinkitout, Sep 20, 2020.

  1. thinkitout

    thinkitout Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    The metaphorical bar has been lowered further and further during the last four years. Pres. Trump, despite his considerable stature and girth, slithers beneath all his own heretofore unmatched previous lows, his fan club continuously applauding his disregard for the Constitution and his unapologetic mendacity. Their heads STILL buried in the sand, you can hear their muffled outcries of ”fake news” in response to Bob Woodward’s recorded confession of Trump that he lied to the American people about the pandemic in order to avert panic. (I suspect that it was Trump who panicked when he considered the probable effect on the stock market.)

    According to A.M. Rosenthal, outspoken former editor of the New York Times, “When something important is going on, silence is a lie.” This upcoming election certainly is a time for true patriots to speak up. We have a President seeking re-election whose ongoing agenda is and always has been to undermine our faith in government in order to legitimize his bid for our complete trust, clearing the path for maximum expansion of his executive powers. His base is composed of those who believe that traditional altruistic values are impediments to their own personal financial security.

    Pres. Trump, along with his staunch supporters, want Americans to believe that patriotism refers to allegiance to the stock exchange rather than to defense of the Constitution and the lives and welfare of our citizens, and most Congressional Republicans do not dare to disagree with Trump’s subversive agenda. In light of his intent and subsequent actions, he committed perjury on his first day on the job as soon as he took the oath of office. In truth, he will do whatever it takes to win the upcoming election, including lying concerning the risks associated with the deadly COVID-19 virus, risking the lives of thousands in order to avert a stock market crash, which would lower his status in the polls.

    We have been led to believe that the government’s primary responsibility is protection of wealth, not to “promote the general welfare”, and definitely not the correction of economic deficiencies; therefore, many Americans have long considered so many of our own citizens to be liabilities rather than assets that need to be protected. However, the “status quo” can never be morally justifiable unless it serves all and is not prejudicial towards any group or even any individual; universal empathy and consideration for the needs of ALL others are essential requirements needed to sustain our democracy. After all, the criterion by which a society rates itself should be whether acceptable minimum standards for all are being met, not whether maximum expectations for some are being exceeded.

    I wrote “FREEDOM DOESN’T TRICKLE DOWN: REFLECTIONS ON THE CHANGING FACE OF OUR DEMOCRACY” in order to tell the story of the continuing evolution of a once confident, freedom-loving nation into a fearful society dependent on a “trickle-down” economy. Although it is considered by others to be a nation of abundance, America is defined by its people, not by its borders or resources. It was our spirit, our values, and our unity that made us great, not the fact that we are the world’s richest country. Our wealth is the by-product of coordinated efforts made possible by our unity, and our present economic woes are the result of our increasing division.

    Trump is not concerned with Russia’s interference, since it will be in his favor, but he is very concerned about the mail-in voting, which he says will lead to corruption. Since polls show that 50% of Democrats, but only 18% of Republicans plan to vote by mail, he has taken not-too-subtle steps to disable the US Postal Service, causing major disruptions in a time of crisis.

    Rigid rules have been set in place to ensure fairness in campaigns and elections, but it is left up to the press and voters to publicly call candidates out on uncalled-for mudslinging and outright lies. The media do not universally share Republicans’ commitment to blind loyalty to their exalted leader, but their divided partisanship and conflicting perspectives leave viewers and readers confused. Trump followers are defending his countless misdeeds and flawed character in order to rationalize overlooking values for the sake of the economy. This process of rationalization I find very confusing. If we lie to others and they believe us, we say that they are gullible, but if we lie to ourselves and WE believe, what is the explanation? Besides, Trump has presided over record deficits in a recovering economy, and Wall Street figures mainly illustrate how well corporations are exploiting workers and consumers, so his personal contributions to the economy are questionable. . . . And a “law and order” Commander-in-Chief who has clearly shown contempt for both the law and the military??? If re-elected, the validation will further embolden him.

    Concerning domestic terrorism, the White House has been warned by Homeland Security numerous times since Trump’s inauguration that his rhetoric, policies, and actions have contributed to civil unrest, but their warnings were ignored. It was more convenient to blame the problem on left wing radicals.

    Polls consistently show that on the average, Trump’s popularity varies inversely with prospective voters’ level of education. . . . Anyway, I have come to realize that diehard members of the Trump cult are impervious to logic. However, a special interest group that appears to be vulnerable to conversion is the “Christian Coalition”. Traditionally, they have voted Republican due to their pro-life platform, but Trump expresses so few Christian values that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to endorse him.

    From a religious standpoint, God’s chosen people were periodically subjected to many hardships when they abandoned God’s principles. By allowing ourselves to be led by an immoral and deceitful leader, are we not doing the same? We are now plagued with Covid-19, rampant wildfires, frequent hurricanes, and an economic crisis, all at the same time. . . . Or tying this in with racial inequality and the accompanying restricted freedoms, could this not be God again, figuratively speaking, saying “Let my people go”, the message Moses relayed to Pharaoh? Blacks were enslaved for over 300 years in America, but even now they continue to be exploited and discriminated against, making their emancipation incomplete.

    Daniel 8:25

    By his cunning he shall make deceit prosper under his hand, and in his own mind he shall become great. Without warning he shall destroy many. And he shall even rise up against the Prince of princes, and he shall be broken—but by no human hand.

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