Principles of Politics

Discussion in 'Political Science' started by yangforward, May 31, 2022.

  1. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Politics is complex because people are divided both by which side they take in a debate, but also over how important the issue is.

    And that's only concerning the problems.

    At the 'solutions' end, political parties can be classed as having ideals somewhere between left-wing and right-wing, and between authoritarian and libertarian.

    But in addition to that, some ideals are innately more prone to subversion than others.
  2. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    If the methods are complicated, the data is even worse.

    Which news can you trust? People generally seem to get news from India.

    What ideals have worked in past? Don't rely on your recollections of history from school, or present-day school history teaching either.

    The methods are complicated and the data untrustworthy.

    We each have 86 billion brain cells but how can we tell which one is right?
  3. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    I don't think a general solution for politics is possible, only limited specific solutions.

    To me the worst solution to most problems is war.
    People love to ridicule and say 'what would you do if someone went up to you and pointed a gun in your face?'
    The obvious answer is surrender. But we know that was a metaphorical question. Ok then give a metaphorical answer.

    No, that would be disrespectful, and too easy. Ok, when was the last time that happened?
    2003 Iraq? No, they were on our side. 2001 Afghanistan? No, we only went there to bring them into this Millenium.
    Somalia? No, we don't pay attention to Somalia. Vietnam? Well, they had a plan to invade California, or maybe Cambodia.
    Etc. Etc.
    1812 Yes, that's true, that was an attempt to recapture the colonies.

    1. To me a violation of principle 1 is starting a war when it is not absolutely necessary.
    Last edited: May 31, 2022
  4. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    An attempt to apply this political theory: which President was worse, Trump or Biden?

    Counting 2 things President Trump did wrong:

    Serious fiscal error: Trump in his first year was able to pass tax cuts sufficient to harm the US economy substantially. Corporate tax rate was cut from 35% to 21% and estate tax is charged only on properties of over 22 million dollars, up from 11 million previously so fewer than 1 in 1,000 estates will pay any tax.

    Ironically the revenues were needed to pay for the CARES ACT which on a per person basis paid far more to the rich than it did to the poor. Whereas the poor wasted much of the money on food and heating and paying down debts, the rich wisely invested it in overseas businesses helping them to compete with US companies and further harming the US economy.

    Serious fiscal error: the CARIES ACT. It was supported by both parties so I'm not sure how much we can blame Pres. Trump for it.
  5. yangforward

    yangforward Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Counting one thing President Biden did wrong:

    Told Pres. Zelensky of Ukraine, the US would support him if he challenged Russia by violating the ultimatum Pres. Putin had laid down. And Biden stated he would back Ukraine's application to join the anti-Russia alliance NATO.

    There's been a lot of emotional stuff in the media of all sorts but it appears to be best handled by considering the effects on each party involved.

    Russia has lost a lot of personnel and material.
    Ukraine has suffered some damage and deaths and refugees have left both into Russia and into European countries.
    US has lost some weapons.

    To me, starting a war is a more serious error than wasting money.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2022

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