Racists attack St. Louis train rider

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Ronstar, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. CircleBird

    CircleBird Banned

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Yes. All hate crimes are federal issues.
  2. krashsmith81

    krashsmith81 New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Of course not, the Just-Us Dept. has no desire to prosecute black racists, after all, according to black liberation theology, they don't exist - black people don't have enough high level positions in government and society to have any real impact in society. Of course in order to believe this you have to pretend that Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Eric Holder don't exist, but the race baiters are really good at playing pretend.
    Hands up, don't shoot - never happened.
    Pants up, don't loot, absolutely occurred.
  3. FixingLosers

    FixingLosers New Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I tend to think it's more of a case with negative stereotyping and social stigmatization. People expect "them" to behave like that, or became great entertainers or athletes. Some Asians that were born of very low economic and social status end up making it pretty "big". Why? Again, because people expect "them" to be scientists, researchers, engineers, doctors etc.

    If the society starts finding excuses for you before you ever could, you yourself became the very victim of low-expectations.

    This really is sad. "Black" people should realize they do not belong to a narrow "African American Community", that they should never "sell out", but to a greater collective called "Americans", and they are free to make up their own minds and go down (or up) their own paths. It's not easy but then again, who said it was and who had it the easy way?
  4. FixingLosers

    FixingLosers New Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    So, in your honest opinion, it was the racist that got served?

    Please don't tell me you are a liberal. Oh well...
  5. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Dont feed the troll.
  6. Bow To The Robots

    Bow To The Robots Banned at Members Request

    Jun 17, 2009
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    Oh really? So the New Black Panther Party is 'unintentionally racist?' Spike Lee is 'unintentionally racist?' B as in b, S as in s...

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'd like some of what you're smoking.
  7. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    So you are saying you are a criminal who would break the law? Interesting.
  8. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Hispanic is not a race...

    And most hispanics in America identify as white. Using your logic, brown skinned toned italians (and there are many), shouldn't be considered white due to having a brown skin tone. In fact, using your logic, the "white crime rate" would be lower if you in fact removed brown skinned toned Italians AND Sicilians from the "white category".

    In fact, considering that the majority of whites in America (myself included) all have some EVIL "non white blood" in us, perhaps we should ALL be removed from the "white category", which should be reserved for solely of those of pure Aryan master race blood? Just a thought.
  9. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    How can "African Americans" go back to Africa when they aren't even from Africa in the first place? You want to send America citizens to a country they weren't born in? How conservative of you.
  10. justlikethat

    justlikethat New Member

    Nov 27, 2014
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    Oh yes you are!
  11. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    If you're white, black, gay, straight...minding your own business and going about your day, in this case simply going home after a work day...a society cannot tolerate these sort of senseless physical assaults.

    Missouri honors concealed carry weapon permits from the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.

    You have my blessing to carry in this State, and in fact I hope you do; I think it will make for a safer Missouri if more law abiding citizens were armed.
  12. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    I never said hispanic was a race, I know it's not a race. Anyways most "hispanics" in this country do not consider themselves white, in fact they will more likely identify with the country where they came from whether it be Mexican, Honduran, Cuban ,etc. etc. We dont identify as a color, we identify by the nation in which our family came from. White people are the ones who use the term hispanic and latino to describe all of us. Me, I am a United States citizen with Mexican decent. And im sure if you saw me you wouldn't label my ass as white lol.

    And I am not talking bad about you white people, I dont think the whites of today are evil. Hell i dont think all blacks are evil either, but I wont deny that many of their ways of life are a drain on society. I dont sugar coat (*)(*)(*)(*), i sure as hell dont give a damn about PC and Im not scared to put down my own people because we have a set of our own damned problems we need to figure out.

    And yes, white should be considered those of predominately white European background. BTW did you know Italians are Latino? Just thought i'd throw that in there. Lets face the facts, liberals are the ones who need us to be brown when it serves their purpose to make their white conservative counterparts look racist because they want to keep out them "brown" people. BUT when it comes to crime, especially when it comes to so called white on black as we saw with Zimmerman, they needed to make it a "white hispanic" thing all the sudden because their first narrative of a white boy killing a black out of racism and what not was in other words WRONG. So tell the *******ned liberals to make up their (*)(*)(*)(*)ing minds on what color they want to describe us as, because im sick of being used by them as their little (*)(*)(*)(*)ing toy.

    Italians are predominately white btw, they just tan easily lol. There are nothing in comparison between the predominate brown skinned mexican and the average Italian. Google "brown italian" and look at the images you come up with. They just have very nice tans really, unless they are black in which there are black italians of course.

    Also by your terms we need to stop calling Barack Obama black then right? since of course he is half white but for some reason that is totally ignored. Why is that so? Hmmm, could it be because his african genes made him favor being black? so yeah he is black yes? Or no. What do you say?
  13. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    If you pay attention to the argument me and another poster were having then you would see my point. It is not me who first said blacks should leave, it was the other poster who first brought it up saying all blacks should move to central and south america and join an alliance with south americans and rule those countries together. In which I stated was a bad idea. So I just threw in there that maybe African American's should just all go back to their country of origin since she is stating that all of us who are not white go back down there as well and leave the whites to rule North America.

    Go back and read it, I was just going by that posters logic. I dont really believe blacks should go back to their country of origin, that would be stupid. BUT I do think they have a lot to fix amongst themselves for their own betterment and for the betterment of this country.
  14. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Wrong, many American hispanics are identifying as "white" when it comes to race. And many of them ARE racially white, as I live by many hispanics who have a skin tone similar to my pasty butt. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/22/upshot/more-hispanics-declaring-themselves-white.html

    I've known and associated with many white Cubans and Puerto Ricans over the years, and they sure as hell don't consider themselves "brown" or "non white minorities". Many of them are actually surprisingly racist towards darker hispanics. This is especially evident among the older ones.

    And most people in general identify with the country their family comes from. For example most Italian Americans don't go around calling themselves "white", they identify as Italian first and foremost. But Italian, like Cuban, like Mexican, etc, aren't races.

    I never said you are putting down white people. You were certainly putting down blacks. As for "PC", that's just a right wing garbage moniker made up by bitter right wing racists who basically can't go around insulting/berating people anymore without consequences.

    Says who? You? Who gives you the right to decide who is white or not?

    Italians and the Irish weren't considered white for many years, and then became "white" in order to increase the numbers. This had nothing to do with liberals. As for Zimmerman, he identified as white on the original police report. He has a German father. Zimmerman is in fact a white hispanic. Sure his skin tone is slightly brown, so what?

    I don't have to google anything. Plenty of Italians are brown, and it has NOTHING to do with tanning easily. A sicilian family lives across the street from me, and they are darker than many of my Puerto Rican neighbors. The fact of the matter is, if you are asserting that having a brownish skin tone automatically removes you from being part of the white master race, then you are basically removing most Sicilians and many Italians from the equation. Then at the same time you are complaining about hispanics being counted in white crime, even though many of them are in fact racially white, and look more white than many Italians (and greeks for that matter). In fact, many arabs, and persians for example are considered "white" by the US government, so if you really want to get an accurate "representation" of what you consider white in your mind, then you'd have to remove them too.

    The fact of the matter is, the "definition" of white has changed many times over the years, and will change again.

    Obama is bi-racial. However, since right wing racists created the "one drop rule" which means anyone with even noticeable amount of "negro blood" is automatically black (or non white), so yes, society sees Obama as black. If Obama were some unknown individual, every right winger residing in the United States who saw him on the street would consider him black.
  15. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Yea it works out great if you can get yours out first.
  16. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    Ugh, I had a reply but the freaking power went out and Im not going to re type that whole thing again so I am going to make this short and sweet.

    First off stop trying to put words in my mouth about race, I never stated Mexican or hispanic or honduran was a race.... I simply stated as that is what we identify ourselves as.

    Secondly, a big reason as to why hispanic people identify as "white" on a form is because what we identify ourselves with is not an option. We get the choices of white, black, asian, or other. We can't identify as asian obviously, most of us can not identify as black, and we dont want to be known as just "other" , so we just choose 'white' simply because it's the closest choice we have. I think you need to read your own article.

    Thirdly, there are white skinned toned hispanics, black skin toned and of course us brown people liberals love to pander to so much in the name of a vote and cheap labor. Those white and black ones have an identity on your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) papers, us brownies dont. At least Indians have Asian to choose from lol.

    Italians are predominately white, but just a little bit of a darker shade, an olive color to be more precise. They actually have some of the most beautiful skin tones in my opinion. But they are more likely to identify as white europeans, they have not near the number of us brownies from mexico to be considered much else.

    Irish people are not white, they are clear lmao. But im sorry, they are clearly white no matter what somebody back in the dumbass days said.

    Darker skinned hispanic/latino's south of the border are the great majority, but why are we put into the white category? go to mexico and tell me how many whities you see. Hell go to Guatemala lol. You wont identify many "white" people.

    And if Barack Obama is bi-racial then why not Zimmerman? oh wait, that doesn't get the masses as flared up as "white" hispanic. Oh and he also has african blood in his veins...but shhhhhh we had to keep that quiet and make sure they hammered in the "white" part lol.

    Anyways what it comes down too, us brownies are considered white by default of bull(*)(*)(*)(*) forms and practices, even though we are obviously not white. Which does give a boost in white crime statistics. Give us Brownies our own classification and you will see white crime fall and both of us whites and brown people will have a lower crime rate than the small minority of blacks in this country.

    And yeah im sorry to say this, because I'm just a blunt person, but blacks have a major problem amongst themselves. And if they call them puting them down then so be it, it is still the reality of the situation. Yet they only go nuts when some "white" person kills a black. Could you imagine what would happen if they put that much anger into black on black crime? There wouldnt be a single city left standing. But na, black lives only matter when the white man is the killer. Meanwhile a black child is shot in her sleep because of a gangbanger drive by, then all the sudden its "Dont snitch" or "Snitches get stitches" . White shoots a black it's "Burn this mutha f$$$$$ down" " Lie and tell them hands up dont shoot" and calling for peoples heads.

    It's the truth, whether you like it or not.

    Oh and by the way, once again tell liberals to make up there mind about us, either we are the "brown" people that the so called white conservatives are somehow racist against, or we are the white people who speak spanish that kill black guys.

    Pick your poinson and stick to it. And please do a better job of understanding Hispanic/Latino issues, because you dont honestly know very much at all, I dont care how many different groups of neighbors you say you have to try and prove a point.
    RiseAgainst and (deleted member) like this.
  17. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    I think a big reason why many hispanics identify as white on a form is because they are white, it's that simple. This mirrors the Italian, Jewish, and Irish immigrants of the past who were NOT considered white by the majority, who then eventually melded into the white population. I believe the highest of all so called "interracial marriage" is between whites and "hispanics", which means those kids are going to be considered "white" in the future. This is why i never bought into the notion of a "declining" white population in the first place, since the definition of what constitutes as white has changed in the past, and will change again.

    Sure, the "brownies" as you call them have a choice, they can (and do) identify as white just like brown skinned toned sicilians, Arabs, and Persians do. Chances are most of the "brownies" have a high amount of European blood in them, which basically makes them white for the most part.

    You're missing the point. What happened in the past is going to happen again. Populations that were NOT considered white by the majority will be considered white in the future. We have examples of this with past Italian AND Irish immigrants who dealt with racial bigotry from whites, who then melded into the white population in the future. Today, they are considered white by the US government. The same will happen with "hispanics", and I believe the "hispanic" label will eventually be dropped altogether.

    Zimmerman self identified as white. He only became "Afro Peruvian" when he was accused of being a racist. Obama is bi-racial, but because he's half black and half white, Americans, due to the one drop rule invented by racists, see him as black.

    You're argument is stupid. Hispanic is not a race, and since many, if not most, are racially white, they should be included in the white category. As I said, using that logic, you might as well remove every single darker skinned toned Italian, Greek, Arab, and Persian from the "white category". I mean since you are so concerned with the "white category" and all, and who is "white enough" to be pure Aryan or not.

    Seems to me like you are making generalizations. Thugs and losers riot and burn down cities. Most regular law abiding black people don't. And since there's a history in this country with whites murdering blacks and getting acquitted by all white juries, or murders getting swept under the rug, I suspect many blacks even to this day don't trust whites. It is what it is. You treat people like garbage for so long, it's going to take a hell of a long time to gain their trust. Ironically, if many blacks have a strong distrust of white people, it IS in fact the fault of white people. That said, I'm not black, so I can't say whether blacks talk about black on black crime amongst themselves. I'm sure many do.

    Oh, conservatives definitely hate brown skinned toned people as well. There's plenty of evidence all over this forum or any right wing blog to confirm it. It just happens to be that conservatives hate blacks the most. And this isn't a recent thing, it goes back hundreds of years, which includes putting into place Jim Crow laws and segregation.

    LOL, and what "hispanic/latino" supposed issues do you know? You think because you are Mexican, that somehow makes you an expert on "hispanic/latino" issues? You are one guy with your own opinions. That would be like me or some random white guy claiming to know what "white issues" are. There are a hell of a lot of white people in this country, and they all have a different variety of issues. I imagine this applies to "hispanics" as well.
  18. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    I can't even fathom this much purposeful intellectual dishonesty just becuase you want to keep us in the white category of criminal behavior lol. And yeah what would I know about hispanic/latino issues, even though I am one, raised by them, lived with them my whole life including living Mexico and visiting many countries. But yeah I guess you will come to the conclusion that I dont understand my own background just because I dont fall in line with your sorry ass liberal bull(*)(*)(*)(*).

    You know, this is why i (*)(*)(*)(*)ing hate you liberals, you want to cancel out my experiences just because I'm not on your line of crap that you feed the ignorant. Now excuse me while I go tell a black guy that he has no experience of what it's like to be black or that he doesn't understand his own peoples issues lol. I wanna feel what it's like to be a dumbass liberal in this sense.

    On top of that I was just told that Brown is white lol, I guess the sky isn't blue either, its actually matte green.

    go to mexico and see how many white people you see, by percentage they make up about 7% of the population. I think the term you are trying to find is Mestizo, which is those who do have european descent, but the great majority are still not white. Argentinians are very fair skinned and the majority of them classify as white. But yeah in Mexico, you wont see many white skinned people, just us brownies. But I know I know, when it comes to crime statistics you want to call us white, when using us as a political platform we need to be brown .

    But it depends on where you go

    And yes as most blacks are law abiding, that doesn't take away the fact that blacks are still a major problem wherever they are a larger population or the majority. And then when they actually run a city they destroy it just like Detroit, Memphis is on its way out too. Then again it could be just a liberal thing because most of the cities that are high crime zones are liberal majority.

    Oh and one thing, liberals are way more racist, as you are proving right now. Conservatives dont hate us brown people, they just dont like illegals and neither do I. BTW, we are not a race of people remember, and also since you classify us as white then how can white conservatives be racist towards white people? Make up your mind dude.

    Now please, tell me more about how I dont understand what I grew up in please. Give us more liberal enlightenment on the subject of what you want to classify us as when the situation serves you the best. Thanks for letting me be brown when you want to talk about white conservatives racism, and thanks for letting me be white when it comes to crimes. Thank you Mr. liberal, now I know how to identify myself based on your standards.
  19. hudson1955

    hudson1955 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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  20. Princess Supastar

    Princess Supastar Banned

    Nov 23, 2014
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    To be fair, Mexicans come in all shades. There are many white mexicans who probably like to call themselves brown just as Italians or Spanish like to call themselves brown. As a pure White, After Hours should be the authority on who is classified as White and who isn't. That is his decision and just because you don't like it doesn't mean he is racist. In fact it is quite clear he is anti-racist. Many Mexicans like to deny their whiteness because it is a shameful history maybe, that's natural but is it honest?
  21. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    There's a black man, a former St. Louis Cardinals baseball player who was physically assaulted recently by a white man at a gas station in a predominantly white neigborhood. He was assaulted for no other reason than he was black. I would say the same thing, this ball player has my blessing to use lethal force. I think if enough of these bullies who attack random strangers for whatever reason start getting a taste of their own medicine, they might think twice. What may look like an easy target to them could still be capable of defending themselves, lethally.

    My main beef are innocent people going about their daily lives getting physically assaulted, often brutally. It is often a crime based soley on hatred and it is something that any decent society should not tolerate.

    Are we supposed to hope for the best, take the beating, risk a concussion, risk a blood clot in the brain?
    Right it off to boys being boys and no more?

    Shoot them dead...perhaps only then will they think twice about acting out to impress their friends...and justice is color blind. A black man getting assaulted for no other reason than his skin color has every right to shoot his attackers dead also.
  22. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    LMAO...Offense was definitely intended when you chose to play the misogyny card in your asinine retort.
    Who gives a (*)(*)(*)(*) what kind of women give you a hard on? Why bring it up?
  23. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    I don't care that they were racist - they're entitled to their views - but I do care about violent assaults. Shame he wasn't able to shoot them dead.
  24. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    Lol, THIS incident would damage the legitimacy of today's justice dept?

    THIS incident? Really Circlebird????

  25. CircleBird

    CircleBird Banned

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Yes. Thats what I said.

    I'm not sure you actually said anything.

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