Revisiting Taft-Hartley

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by Flanders, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Before Democrats (public sector unions) lost the Wisconsin recall election they lost the illusion that the Democrat party represents private sector unions. The Democrat party despises all private sector workers irrespective of the stimulus money that went to the UAW by routing it through auto industry bailouts.

    Taft-Hartley killed private sector unions in 1947, yet in the 65 years since then the Democrat party never tried to repeal it. Democrats had the numbers to ram the healthcare bill through Congress —— they could have done the same thing with repealing Taft-Hartley but they didn’t. On top of their majority, they had a president who would have signed it; whereas, President Truman vetoed Taft-Hartley. A BIPARTISAN Congress overrode his veto.

    The Wisconsin recall election is the first tangible evidence that working Americans are finally catching up with the difference between private and public sector unions. I say that with confidence because a lot of private sector union members in Wisconsin who voted for Walker had to know that government employee unions are enemies not brothers.

    Also, a lot of voters who respect labor unions without actually belonging to one had to vote for Walker in order for him to win. I believe you’ll find that voting bloc among elderly, old-time, Truman Democrats —— a vanishing breed to be sure.

    NOTE: President Truman was a mass of contradictions. Liberals and conservatives can find legitimate reasons to love him as well as hate him. To me, that makes him the most interesting president ever.

    Finally, entire industries along with millions of private sector jobs have been outsourced since 1947, while not one public sector job ever went overseas.

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