Romney the great businessman

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by mertex, May 9, 2012.

  1. mertex

    mertex New Member Past Donor

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Mitt Romney, the great businessman, said the auto industry would cease to exist if the bailout went through, now Romney, the great flip-flopper is wanting to take credit for saving the auto industry! Go figure!
    Not only does he fail as a businessman, not being able to predict success, but he is without integrity, trying to take credit for something that he was totally against. Hope this erroneous assertion bites him the rear, you really can't trust someone that so blatantly lies.

    LANSING, Michigan – Just hours before making his return to his native state of Michigan where he will deliver a speech at a local university here, Mitt Romney reiterated his claim that he should be given credit for the resurgence of the auto industry, reigniting the debate over how the auto industry should have been helped and inviting criticism from Democrats, one of whom dubbed the claim a “new low in dishonesty.”
  2. f_socialism

    f_socialism New Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    Interesting. I was under the impression that he has been rather successful as a businessman. I thought he had made quite a lot of money. I'm a businessman myself, but am nowhere near as successful as I thought Romney has been, and I probably make more than 95+% of the people who post on this forum. Who are you comparing him to exactly? Yourself? Obama? What line of business are you in? Your hero, Mr. I'll Cut the Deficit in half, couldn't run a lemonade stand, and to say that his policies have under-delivered is a bit of an understatement.

    Do you have a problem with flip-floppers? Your idol Obama is a bit of a flip-flopper himself. Is it OK for him, but not Romney?

    Now I'm not some sort of fan of Romney. I don't like the guy, but one thing is without question, the country simply can't afford four more years of Obama's irresponsible spending that will plague our children, grand children, great grand children etc. Now if Obama's efforts had actually produced 500,000+ jobs a month as promised then maybe we could attribute some level of success to his efforts, but the truth is that the economy has lost tens of millions of jobs. That is failure.
  3. mertex

    mertex New Member Past Donor

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Whoa! All of a sudden you want to make this personal? Who gives a (*)(*)(*)(*) how much you make and how smart you are? We're talking about Romney, here, and success is not just measured by how much money you make. You may be making a lot of money but if your family life is in the toilet and you stab your friends in the back, or cause businesses to go bankrupt, that is not much of a success. Same thing goes for Romney, if he is going to try and take credit for something that he clearly was against (and we have videos to prove it), people that buy it are just as shady as he is. Romney has changed positions on social issues that Republicans hold dear, which, to me, would appear a bit suspicious. Does he really care about the issues, or just shifts to whatever sides gets him what he wants at the time.

    Social Issues - Mitt Romney has flip-flopped on most social issues, ostensibly for political expedience. Issues on which Romney has changed his public stance include abortion, stem cell research, gay rights and gun control, global warming, marriage equality.

    Early on in the 2012 campaign Mitt Romney expressed support for global warming in various ways, the typical comment being this: “I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that.” He holds this belief despite the growing body of evidence that global warming theory is based upon false assumptions and despite the last two winters being among the coldest in recent history.

    Over the course of the 2012 presidential campaign, Romney has said that he supports a federal marriage amendment, but that he’s not sure it’s politically feasible. However, he’s also signed NOM’s pledge which would require him to aggressively pursue a marriage amendment and support the Defense of Marriage Act.

    Everyone changes their mind from time to time, Kerry was called a flip-flopper by Reps, and now they are defending Romney. But, no one has flipped as many times as Romney and on big issues. Sure, Obama has changed positions on some things, but Romney has changed positions almost on every single issue. Here's a list compiled by McCain (one of your own), and this was at the last election.

    You're so concerned about the spending that will plague your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, but yet you support someone that clearly is going to help billionaires and shaft the middle-class. Romney is all in favor of Ryan's economy plan, (which cuts out pell grants for students and will double the rate of interest on student loans), then he claims that he is for keeping the student loan rate the same, like Obama, while Republicans in Congress all vote no to extend it? I guess you must be making money like a billionaire to be able to side with him.

    As for the jobs being created - more jobs are being created than the jobs that were being lost just as Bush was exiting from the White House, don't know where you get your information, but it appears to be flawed.

    If you think Romney's flip-flopping is common, you need to watch this video.

    “100% Proof Mitt Romney Flip Flops Like A Fish On Dry Land”

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