Romney V. Obama ... Its the economy..

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by MnBillyBoy, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Nice article..some tidbits ..

    How should the GOP campaign unfold? Mr. Romney’s overarching theme should be the basic difference between the left and the right: Democrats want to control or influence an ever-larger slice of our nation’s commerce. They want to oversee, for instance, the insurance companies, drug producers, hospitals, banks, coal miners, oil producers, pipeline operators and auto suppliers. By way of ramped-up regulation, subsidies and energized litigators, they seek to impose their priorities on businesses large and small – their rapture over green energy, their deference to organized labor, their indifference to profits.

    Mr. Romney’s retort: the government is not good at commerce. If bureaucrats could run the economy, the Soviet Union would have survived. This is a winning message. Polling done by the Gallup organization last fall revealed that 64 percent of Americans consider “Big Government” the greatest threat to the country -- much more than big business or big labor. Skepticism over the role of the federal government is profound; Americans estimate that 51 cents of every dollar spent by the government is wasted. Perhaps even more surprising is a poll also conducted last fall that showed Americans twice as ready to blame the federal government than Wall Street for our economic woes. Imagine -- after the biggest financial crash in decades.


    Hope and Change ?
    Flat earth society ?
    War on women ?

    Transparency indeed. :bye:
  2. Craftsman

    Craftsman Banned

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Considering that we have tried, for the last 30 years the conservative/mittens policies and they have led us to near ruin and your assessment/description of the evil Democrats policies are about as wrong as they be, I would have to say, realistically some place in between the two.
    We know de-regulation doesn't work, it costs the tax payer trillions in the end so why does the right keep insisting that it works and we need more of it?
    On the other side, as you righties claim the evil left wants to strangle everyone and everything with regulation (not true of course) that doesn't work either, so the real Democrat policies are in order, someplace in the middle.
    All that need happen is the right face reality, open their eyes and put away their fear and hate and get back to doing what is right for the country and not the party.

    It really is that simple.
  3. hoytmonger

    hoytmonger New Member

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Romney cannot defeat PrezBO in the general election... and I hope he doesn't.
    Romney cannot and will not be able to turn the economy around. The government can only produce a detrimental effect on the economy, so let the current dictator take the blame for it's failure.

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