Russia's Government talks about Release of E.T. data. (Part 2)

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by DennisTate, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    So say we believe you, the aliens are here. Thats a scary reality for most people.

    Then say....hey you know the matrix ......yep thats you nothing more than a battery or food source for aliens. Ok thats pretty bad, but guess what.....we die, we all die.....thats worse.

    Oh they're gonna kill us ALL? What are they waiting for? Well again we all die, so yeah it sucks mankind is wiped out if thats the plan but chances are given the many generations before us its not in our lifetime. And if it is.......we all die anyway.

    So what could worse than what we already know?....we're gonna die one day.

    Perhaps make something up that would be equally as bad as this alien reality?
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Would you say that the ufo's and aliens that surround the earth have a great deal of control over some aspects of the Void part of the near death experience?

    The Void….. seems to correspond to fifth and sixth dimensional space - time.

    I remember reading that in five dimensions…… electromagnetism would be a component of gravity……. but time would be altered.
    Do intelligent UFO's have the power to give….. misleading or tempting experiences to some people in this state?
  3. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    We really have nothing they need other than perhaps will up with water and grab some H3 on the Dark Side of the Moon.

    The SCARY PART is that they see us as we see a animal as very few people have a problem when we go and capture an testing...lace Radio Tags on it....all the while the animal is TRANKED and is SCARED TO we Human's do this in the name of science and Preservation.

    So do they.

    It is very little slolice to the Rhino who is tranked and has his Horn SAWED OFF to protect him from poachers that it is being done in IT'S INTEREST!!

  4. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Dennis....the Dimensional State of our Universal Space-Time MUST EXIST AT A MINIMUM OF 10-D OR 11-D AND COULD VERY WELL BE 26-D!!!

    In our Universe 5-D un to itself does not exist as it must exist along with all other Minimum 10,11 or 26-D Space-Time Dimensional Geometry.

    5-D is not enough for Matter and Energy to Exist.

  5. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Thanks AA, so basically as you said earlier - with super intelligence comes cold calculation. Although if we had animals that we could actually talk with and educate they'd be highly valued, but yes tranked and studied all the same. Interesting subject.
  6. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    As I have said....if a person or group happens to see an unusual craft in the sky taking an interest in them and begins to track you......RUN!! RUN YOUR A$$E$ OFF!!!

    Or drive to the nearest HIGHLY POPULATED AREA that has a LOT of people around.

    Of the little bit I know since there is really nothing we could do to stop them from abducting people and running experiments.....the only concesion we could get out of a TREATY with one Alien Race is that if they did abduct a peron and tagged them they had to bring them back alive and unhamed...Physically at Least and Memory Loss is common.

    However although the Treaty we have with one Race is followed and this one Race in particular helps shoo away other Races that might have no inclination to bring back a Human or even bring them back in pieces or bring them back at all......there are other Alien Races.....100,000 to perhaps over 1 Million Years in Advancement to our own that think NOTHING of disecting a Human ALIVE just to learn what makes us tick!

  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Which........ makes them strangely like us humans!

    Back during the 1990's as I researched the paranormal I ran into one especially provocative case where a researcher......… who was involved in experimentation on chimpanzees........ was regressed in time.......... this researcher saw themselves as a Roman soldier....... who was involved in castrating Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus!

    Now...… I don't know exactly what inspired this......… was it guilt combined with what they had read and researched while they were teenagers?????????

    Did it inspire this researcher to quit his job and join or even become a founding member of PETA????

    I don't know???????

    But........... I do believe that we human beings are being shown information that implies that the "golden rule" should actually be expanded and expanded........ and we should really learn something from Janist Buddhists?!

    Those Buddhists are not entirely stupid people......… some of their monks do have the ability to astral project, do controlled OOBE and they do have one of the most advanced philosophical ideas that I have ran into in these last forty years of considering such information.

    I have read a pretty convincing case from several different sources that Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus travelled to India, Nepal and even Tibet..... previous to beginning his ministry in the Roman Province of Judaea. A Thomas samples.html

    Did Rabbi Jesus/Yeshua learn about healing in India before teaching in Judaea?

    Rabbi Jesus/Yehoshua in INDIA!!!!???
  8. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Sorry im not seeing that at all if the accounts you guys talk about are true.

    We have Beings who are say a million years more advanced than us. To them planetary travel is probably quicker and easier than entering another country for us. Yet are they embracing multiculturalism with us? Being inclusive? Allowing us to migrate to their home worlds and become citizens? Maybe having an equal vote, racial quotas, no one left behind education, equal pay/ benefits ect? And with all of that, think they'd allow themselves to become minorities?

    Not on your life. The super advanced beings are showing via their actions that these are terrible ideas. Ive no ET, after death or godly experiences to share, but im enjoying the tread and keep an open mind to existence of god/s, ETs, that we could be ET dna and or ETs are what we think of as god/s - but cmon - if they're here they're showing us xenophobia and racism and given their superior intelligence it must be logical. I dont wish to derail the tread in political ideology but lets be serious in what they're showing us.
  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    My apologies if I have posted this same quotation in this thread previously……. but if you haven't yet read this……. it is one of the best explanations for the process that our soul - spirit…..(plus our over soul/ higher dimensional hard drive)….go through…. that I have ever read. I get the impression from what Christian Andreason was shown that my soul - spirit…… has indeed incarnated on other planets……. and/ or in other dimensions…… in order to learn a greater amount of empathy/ compassion?!
    Chapter 5 - Questions and Answers,


    Although what Christian Andreason asserts is certainly rather strange…….. it sure does seem to fit with other information that I am running into from quite different angles…….. such as past life regression and future life progression under hypnosis?????!
  10. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Hi Dennis, yes im pretty sure id read that in the thread somewhere before. Thanks for posting it again, its very thought provoking and interesting. But i would consider that more an expanded heaven/ religion although i understand that our souls could be deemed as some higher life form that god (an even higher life form) plants in bodies around the universe. I hope its true as it would unlock so much knowledge for us and that feeling described sounds like bliss.

    But that is not exactly little xenophobic racist aliens coming along in space ships monitoring, probing, tagging us from a distance against our will and knowledge.

    Perhaps they have the same souls as we do (in a larger picture you describe), but it should be obvious these beings that are perhaps a million years more advanced than us dont see it that way. If they did they wouldnt have any trouble in sharing their knowledge with us all and helping us travel as they do.
  11. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    You know, I've learned a lot from you about why to avoid E.T.s.

    I'm somewhat slow on the uptake on this topic. I wasn't always afraid of UFOs. If I had seen them, then I would have waved at them and ran over when they descended to ground level.

    I always thought it was for a good cause, and besides I would have done anything, anything, if it meant that no other human had to go through such a thing. Though I think at some point I felt guilty when I figured out the concept that science never takes just one! That is to say when E.T. scientists discover that one human can survive an intensive, painful procedure than that's a likely indicator that other humans can survive such a procedure and then they can collect more data regardless of the human cost.
  12. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I never understood why you and others put faith in hypnosis and regression?

    I was under the impression that it can provide false information, Hypnotists can accidentally (or purposely) lead the subject into saying things, or even it can cause false memories to form in the subject??!!

    I'd stay away from it myself even though there are things I want to learn from when I had amnesia..
    DennisTate and (deleted member) like this.
  13. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Hypnotic Regression cannot be trusted at all.

    First of all not all people can by Hypnotized....I can't.

    I can place myself in a deep state of meditation that slows my heart rate and lowers my vitals and BP....but I cannot be Hypnotized. Brain won't allow any exterior influence just suggested to me without any sensory input to become a reality in my head.

    During the Cold War during Psy-Op's Training they tried to do this while we were under the influence of Scopolamine...which does not work by the way.....LSD.....Sodium amytal.....pentothal sodium.....etc.

    Some people are simply not suseptable to Drug Induced Hypnotic Regression.....I am one of those people as my bodies metabolism processes the drugs out of my system quickly but I ALWAYS knew what was going on.

    Other people stare at a blinking light or swinging object and they come out of it telling everyone they were CEASAR in their past life!!

    Ever notice no one ever states they were a DITCH DIGGER or a GARBAGE MAN???

  14. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    So, is hypnosis in general complete bunk?
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Actually…. I still do have a copy of Helen Wambach Ph. D's first book.

    One of the most amazing things about her study is that only about ten percent of past lives viewed could be described as rich or upper class.

    I couldn't be hypnotized either on the one occasion when I did go to a hypnotherapist in Nova SCotia who does these types of regressions. I did not like the feeling of beginning to lose control……. and I snapped out of whatever it was that was beginning.
  16. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Well.....depends on the person.

    Some people are extremely susceptible to suggestion.

    Some people are not.

    And some people are in between.

    And then there are people like me.

    You have to understand that most people live their entire lives without doing anything a person might consider to be extraordinary and because of this and because of a very deep desire NOT TO BE ORDINARY....they ALLOW themselves to be supposedly Hypnotized.

    WITHOUT A DOUBT......99.999999% of the people who go to a BAR on say a WEDNESDAY see and participate in a SHOW called JIMMY DONAHUE HYPNOTIST EXTRORDINARE......who go there and vollunteer with a group of other people as this is an attempt at MASS HYPNOSIS.....well.....99.999999% of the people who BARK LIKE A DOG.....CLUCK LIKE A CHICKEN....CROW LIKE A ROOSTER....WHEN A SPECIAL WORD THE AUDIENCE HAS BEEN TOLD IN ADVANCE WHEN HEARD BY THE PERSON UNDER HYPNOSIS WILL CAUSE THAT PERSON TO CROW LIKE A ROOSTER......welll the VAST majority of those people on stage who vollunteered ARE IN FULL AND TOTAL CONTROL OF THEIR FACULTIES bt just want to share the SPOTLIGHT and BE SPECIAL.....and not be for one night above all things ORDINARY!!!

    Then there are people with very real BIOCHEMICAL IMBALANCES IN THEIR hopefully they are being treated by such Doctors as not only their General Practicion but as well being diagnosed by Neurologists, Psychiatrists and such problems could be brought on by many things be they GENETIC or perhaps SUBSTENCE ABUSE....CHEMICAL TOXICITY.....CANCER....ETC...

    Then there are people who can be HONESTLY HYPNOTIZED and usually certain LIGHT DRUGS are included as some people experience MENTAL TRAUMA as Children and they BLOCK IT OUT.....but what often happens is that the person doing the Hypnosis....ususally a Psychiatrist....really IS NOT QUALIFIED TO EITHER PROPERLY SET UP CONTROLS AND IN MANY, MANY CASES THE PSYCHIATRIST ALREADY HAS A PRECONCIEVED NOTION OF WHAT THEY EXPECT TO FIND DURING A HYPNOTIC REGRESSION SESSION.

    Just the FACT that any person can be placed into a Hypnotic State where supposed SURPRESSED MEMORIES are being documented by a Psychiatrist......I KNOW TO BE DATA RECOVERED THAT IS BEYOND HIGHLY SUSPECT!!!

    The FACT that this person can and does allow another person to place them into a deep Hypnotic State many times with the aid of drugs......TELLS ME THIS PERSON IS SEEKING ATTENTION UNLESS......prior to sessions of Hypnosis an INVESTIGATION IS BROUGHT FORTH that allows certain REALITIES to be known and thus FORM OF cross referencing can be established.

    If such attempts of Hypnotic Regression Therapy is not done PRECISE AND WITH A CONTROL OR CONTROL GROUP.....and if the Psychiatrist even with their Medical Doctorate......IS INEXPERIENCED OR HAS TRAINED UNDER ANOTHER WHO IS MORE INTERESTED IN PROVING THEIR THEORIES THAN HELPING THE PERSON.....well in my BOOK this is simply Hucksterism!!!!

    Now I personally annot be Hypnotized....not at all.....not under the influence of LSD, Sodium Amytal.....Pentothal Sodium...etc...etc....etc.

    Oh.....I will be TRIPPING BALLS!!!

    But I always know what is reality and what is not.....and being a LUCID DREAMER.....which evidentally has something to do with an extremely unusallly high number of Neural Connections and according to the Doctors....I have the most Right to Left and Left to Right Brain Hemisphere Abnormal in number and density and total mass...they had ever seen before.

    I am never sick but a while back for no reason I came down with a severe case of VERTIGO!!! Imagine visually seeing the entire world around your RAPIDLY SPINNING and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it!!!

    This was right after New England Patriots had won their 3rd Super Bowl and Patriot Linebacker #54 Teddy Bruschi was in bed and started having mild symptoms specific to a stroke or Heart Attack and he waited TOO LONG and almost died but made a full recovery.

    I had never had Vertigo before and if you are standing up still the WHOLE WORLD QUICKLY SPINS IN ONE DIRECTION AROUND YOUR HEAD.....AND AS I HAVE STATED I AM NEVER SICK SO I am thinking that a Blood Clot from an older Gun Shot Wound might have broken away from it's anchored position near my carotid artery and I think I am about to die!!! LOL!!!!

    I had a Female Doctor and they got me to the ER by Ambulance as I could not drive and tey immediately gave me a CT Scan.

    Now I personaly am not afraid to die but what I do fear is ending up as a VEGETABLE CAUSED BY A STROKE and I would have to find a way to take my life as I could not live that way.

    The Female Doc said it would be a short while and for me to rest as best I could and they would be back with the CT Scan results.

    About 25 minutes later this Female Doc comes back in to the room with other Doctors around her and say's to me..."We have to do the CT Scan AGAIN!!!"

    Now I have a degree specific to Medicine and I KNEW something was up and asked her...."WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE FIRST CT SCAN!!!???"

    She say's...." looks like it BLURRED perhaps from your head movement so we need to take another Scan."

    Now I am REALLY WORRIED as I know what a CT Scan is and how it works and I NEVER MOVED A MILLIMETER while the first scan was taken place!!!!

    The take the 2nd Scan and I am telling myself at this point...." have had a GRADE A LIFE!! You have done more and seen and experienced mre amazing things than most people could in 100 Lifetimes!! Whatever hapens....NO REGRETS!!! AND REMEMBER I WAS OR PERHAPS STILL AM LUCKY!!"

    The Female Doc comes back this time with 4 other Doctors with her and I am saying to myself...."THIS IS IT!! THEY ARE GOING TO TELL ME I AM GOING TO DIE!!!"

    Instead the young Female Doctor begins to ask me questions like...."Do you throw a Baseball with your Right Hand and Arm or your Left? Are you more inclined to be good at Mathematics and Science and Analytic Logical Challenges.....or are you more Creative, Artistic or Musically Tallented?

    I answered....."How about all of the above?"

    She asked...."Seriously?"

    I told her I am almost fully Ambidextrous and I am extremely good at Sports and anything that is Hand, Leg, EYE connective. I also explain I hold multiple degrees including those in Particle Pysics, Astronomy, Cosmology, MBA, Finance, Medicine, Music, Art.....and NO....I did not have to take out a COLLEGE LOAN to earn my degrees.

    The Female Doc say's....."THIS FIGURES!"

    I am still freaking out and ask er why the 2nd CT Scan and she tells me at first all these thousands of extra Neural Connections between my Left and Right Brain Hemispheres caused them to think the first CT SCAN they gave me a 2nd scan but it came out the same.

    So I ask her....."WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!!??"

    She say's....."RELAX YOU BIG BABY!!! There is a rare Human Virus going around and I was like #73 to go to the ER that week alone!

    She gives me a few bottles of Pills some for the dizziness some for the nausia.....and tlell's me she want's to gt my HEART RATE I thought I was a dead man so it's to be she tells me she is ging to shoot into my Drip .1 Mg's of Lorazapan also known as Ativan to trank me and allow me to sleep for an hour or two.

    I tell's not going to work....I will still be here's what you do as.....

    I knew this before I said it but NOTHING irk's a Doctor more than a Patient telling them what to do!!!

    So she shoots me up with ..2 Mg's of Lorazapan....THAT'S POINT 2 mg's..........20 minutes.....30 minutes.....STILL WIDE AWAKE....NOTHING!!!

    She checks on me and and startled still awake?

    I say....I told you this won't work so if you just listen to.....

    She shoots me up with another .1 Mg of Lorazapan.....NOTHING AGAIN!!

    She come's back and I am checking my messages on my cell phone while THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD IS SPINNING and she asks me...."WHY ARE YOU STILL AWAKE!!??"

    I reply....."I have been TRYING to explain this to you but every time I start talking you go and.....

    She shoots me up with another .1 Mg of Lorazapan so now I have .4 mg's of Lorazapan in me and I am still dealing with the vertigo but I am no where near coming close to falling to sleep!!!

    She comes back and now thinks there is something else wrong with me as she say's I should be asleep....I tell her I don't care if she shoots me up with 15 mg's of Lorazapan....I will not fall asleep.....due to my body burning 3 to 5 times average Metabolism.....and my Psy-Op's Training and I was a Teacher as well.

    She say's....OHHH!!! YOUR ONE OF THOSE!!!!!!



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  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Wow! This is a brilliant analysis of the flaws in hypnotic regression therapy.

    Perhaps a decade or two ago……. a group of psychologists got together and regressed a number of people in time under hypnosis and an unusually high percentage of these people saw themselves abused by Satanic cults at the time that they were children…………. my suspicion is that this could perhaps have been a deliberate attempt to discredit hypnotic regression therapy itself as a science……….. that is only a theory but when Helen Wambach Ph. D. began her research she knew that if she got a significant percentage of visions of the life of Napoleon or Caesar's or Cleopatra or other extremely wealthy and famous people then she would basically have proven that reincarnation was a false concept.

    I have gotten the impression that Helen Wambach Ph. D. knew how easily a volunteer could be led in the wrong direction and I have the impression that she did an excellent job of asking questions that did not lead her subjects……… (that is just my impression from reading both of her books…… and I am certainly no expert)!

    My own case of attempting to be hypnotized was unusual………. I did feel a trance state beginning……. and it scared the crap out of me….. which is why I could not be hypnotized at that time………… since 1990 I have been fighting for control of my own mind………. and I did not like the feeling of losing control……….

    This is one of the occupational hazards of volunteering for what I had volunteered for back just after Yom Kippur 1990……

    AA you have read this before…. but wgabrie might find this interesting……
    (Hey AboveAlpha…… that e-mail to Rabbi Hollander is evidence that if I really want to…… I actually can spell and even have half reasonable grammar…….. but usually…. all I have to do is get my ideas across and set up the quotation…. that I have in mind)?!
  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I believe it was around February of 1992 when I went to one of the only hypnotic regression therapists in Nova SCotia.

    I laid on the floor of her consultation room…… and I felt the hypnotic state begin……… and it scared the hell out of me…………… volunteering to become some sort of Yom Kippur goat is a rather dangerous thing to do and I was kind of worried…….. that I might unleash the "beast within" …… and we might get a scene a bit like in "The Exorcist" where Linda Blair's head spins around and the green pea soup flies all over the place?????!

    Wgabrie….. I deeply appreciate how you have spoken about your own experiences……. well…… I had a pretty unusual one as well………

    As I began to research near death experiences…….. the first article I read about them was in Psychology Today…… then I read "Life after Life" by Dr. Raymond Moody…… I believe it was in Dr. Moody's second or third book……Raymond Moody,
    …. where I ran into an account of a negative near death experience……….. This man stated that he had "gone downstairs"…. . that he had seen a valley with what seemed like millions of men……. no women……. they had no water and were asking for water…………. they were naked…….. there was a pedestal or throne in the middle of this large or even massive room….. and a guy was on it…….. who the negative near death experiencer identified as SAtan/ The Devil…….. Well…… I had something a little like this myself but……. the context was different……… I had been taing Matol for over two years…… at high levels….. and I was becoming rather psychic….. I saw the aura around a flock of evening grossbeaks……….. during prayer I ended up either in what might be termed an "open vision" by some…… this might have been the beginning of an OOBE…………. whatever it was…… I saw something similar to that valley with a guy in the middle on the throne…… he looked like Pan but could have been Pan's little brother or son…… I don't know………

    I told the people/ souls between me and him to get out of my way…… that I had to go talk to that guy…… and voila…….. a narrow path opened up up to his throne….. I walked up to him and asked him….."Do you want a break?"….. He kind of glared at me……. so I elaborated….. "You know…… a vacation…. a rest?"……… "I want you to go up to heaven"……….."There are angels up there!" (I was referring to the female version of angels)!…. and voila……. up he goes through the roof of that room…….. that seemed very high………. and he disappeared…… so I scrambled up onto his throne and I began to elaborate to the people there that practically everything that they had been taught……. was false………….. and in a way what I said at that time would fit well with…….
    …. After a while………. the guy comes back………. to the first rows of those I was rambling on to……. he is glowing…….. he is no longer dark but quite bright…… so I figure this guy has something to say……. I am scratching my head and wondering about how quickly those angels had managed to transform this guy…… so I get down off his throne for him to go back up onto it….. and I walk away scratching my head…….

    …. Wgabrie……. for all I know………. that could have been a little bit like an alien abduction???????!

    … Oh yeah….. this will give you some more background……

    Rabbi ......, this all began over a woman! #4

    Saturday, May 1, 2010 12:53 PM

  19. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Dennis, "goat for Azazel?" What does that mean?

    And do you consider yourself ruling hell? I always suspected you had strange goals?!. Do you consider yourself a prophet?
  20. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    In my experience in an alien abduction a UFO zooms over to you, and you might not even see it coming, and several aliens run out and surround you. Then they grab you and pull you into the ship.

    Then they restrain you and, usually but not always, they insert an intravenous needle into your arm or at the side of your abdomen and fill you full of tranquilizer. I have gone to sleep just from that (though not always sleeping out the entire experience).

    From there your experiences may vary, it's the luck of the draw. Anything from a soft caress to suctioning your eyeball and sticking a probe into it (By the way, going in it doesn't hurt. You just see pretty colors, but then they do something inside, to the side of your eye and you DO feel that!). I once went into spasms when they snipped something hard in my abdomen.

    I usually remembered what happened. So, if there was some sort of memory wiping procedure it didn't really work on me. Of course, all of my alien encounters happened before I got amnesia in my teen years so I can't really remember or be sure what's real or what's a dream or delusion. I just can't tell the difference in my pre-amnesia memories.
  21. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I have an experiment in mind for you that is related to one of the questions that AboveAlpha has posed……..
    Seriously….. What would it take for a GOD to prove itself? (Part 2)


    Wgabrie……. I have gotten the impression that aliens and UFO's and "Hungry Ghosts" as the Buddhists term them……. have a great deal of respect…… or even fear…… both for Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus as he appears at this time…… or of anybody who will call out to him.

    I personally have gotten the impression that choosing Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus as your guide and protector………. can make you somewhat immune to many types of psychic attack….. or even alien abduction as you describe???!

    You are correct by the way….. what I experienced was significantly different…… Rick Joyner author of "The Vision" would probably agree that mine might have been an "open vision???"
  22. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The time is coming when the weakest, least knowledgeable, least well informed, least gifted Christian…. will attain a level of consciousness even greater than that attained by John the Baptist.

    Matthew 11:11
    "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."

    At the time that I volunteered for the role of "goat for Azazel" the only precedent that I knew of was Barabbas/ Bar Abbas…… but twenty five years have gone by…………. and now I know about what also happened on June 3 - 6, 1966……..6,6,'66……… A Autobio.html
    I have met a few truly gifted people……… and they were shown rather quickly some things about where I had been and where I was going……….. After Ms. Debbie Young saw that I could not be hypnotized she gave me a reading….. and told me that she saw The VAtican….. somehow behind me…….. At that time I was scratching my head and thinking to myself ………."The Vatican????????…… I'm practically Jewish………. what would I be doing at the Vatican?????????

    But….. 23 years have gone by…….. and it does make some sense now………
    My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge.

    Yes……. when I pass on and float outside my body………. I want to meet with Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus in his glorified form…… I want to meet his twin brother Judas Didymus Thomas in his glorified form…. I want to meet with Moses and Elijah as well……. and the Archangel Michael……………… and I want to offer to them that I would like to finish what I have started…….. so one way to do this would be for the ARchangel Michael to throw me……. Dennis Tate……. down into…………..

    Revelation 19:20
    "And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."

    Messiah Yeshua - Jesus made it possible for me to comprehend that I……. terribly flawed as I am….. could serve as some sort of metaphorical Yom Kippur goat….. I do feel that I have been guided since that time….. my life resembles Isaiah 45:1 in a lot of ways…………. I can't just do this without talking to the One who made this possible……………… but yes……. I do have strange aspirations………….!!!!!!
  23. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    No Dennis, I'm not going to become a Christian for your experiment. Now I would have dismissed your entire argument out of hand, but since I had pre-birth memories of some kind of existence prior to life I had the sense that maybe there was something else going on???

    Now I don't usually mention this, because you read these forms and I know you have a need to believe the things that you do because your father died without accepting Jesus, but I have often been troubled that other people don't have similar experiences to share. I don't understand it. How could this be? Could it be that not everyone has a higher state of being? It seems cruel but that's one possibility I have considered.

    Another possibility that I have considered is that there are two parties involved in this relationship: the physical and the spiritual. Now the spiritual part will go on to bigger and better things but the physical part is going to wind up dead! You're going to suffer, and you're going to DIE and there's not going to be any higher experiences for you. And Dennis, you don't reach THIS level of consciousness and ability to interact with your environment without being the party that gets suckered!

    Since I can place my hands together and feel them, I have a pretty good idea of which side of the relationship I'm on. I don't expect anything more, like an afterlife.
  24. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Wow! I knew you were special, but you might be on of the most mentally advanced humans to ever live!

    But your resistance to drugs must be hell when you have to go to the dentist?

    Oh, but I think I have heard of hypnosis or something being used in enhanced interrogation manuals? Is that even seriously considered anymore? Or perhaps you can't tell me?
  25. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I knew there was something about you that was different. And special. You seem like a very intelligent person Dennis. I just hope everything goes well for you? You seem like the kind of guy that might be disappointed if not everything manifests itself in this lifetime?

    Well, you never know what kind of influence you have on other people and events while you're living out what seems to be a normal life.

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