Senator Calls Obama

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Forum4PoliticsBot, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Forum4PoliticsBot

    Forum4PoliticsBot New Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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  2. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    I don't think Obama is stupid, I just think he is a bully. For example, to get votes he had to get people like Dennis Kucinich alone on Air Force One to splain things to him. Before Kucinich borded the plane, he described Obamacare as a sell out to insurance companies which would do NOTHING to reduce costs despite Obama's plees and the plees of the CBO right before the vote that said otherwise. Kucinich never took back one word of this yet he did miraculously decide to vote for Obamacare once exiting the plane.

    Then when voters in MA elected Scott Brown who vowed to nix Obamacare, Obama and his cronies had to think quick because they did not have enough votes in the Senate. Their solution? Reconciliation was the solution to avoid a Constitutionally mandated vote in the Senate.

    Now once again, the Constitution is in the way with the Supreme Court. So what is Obama going to do? Is he going to agree with the Supremes and say Obamacare might be unconstitutional? He knows that whether it is good or bad, it is the cornerstone of his term and, therefore, must be defended at all costs. This includes telling those on the Supreme Court they better not strike it down or be accused of activism.

    I just hope that those on the Court have it fresh in the minds when Obama spoke to the nation live on television as he questioned one of their other ruling, basically calling them out without a chance for them to respond.

    Obama is just a punk bully from Chicago. The only thing to do really with a bully is just hit him square between the knees with all your might.

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