Short school uniform dresses are good?

Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by WJV, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. WJV

    WJV Banned

    Jul 30, 2016
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    There is no such thing as a so-called 'psychopath' or 'sociopath'. These are obsolete outdated terms - see the DSM. What you think I have is an 'anti social personality disorder'. You have been watching too many silly tv shows and reading pop psychology Im afraid. Did you know that Sherlock Holmes is a sociopath? :) But no I have no disorders Im afraid. Were you a sick child like Adler? (:)

    And do you really think that Shakespeare had certified 'predilections' towards paedophila? Is he really such a paedophile for suggesting that a 13 year old girl like Juliet can comprehend and feel love? That is quite a call. I do not think many would agree with you that Shakespeare was a paedophile - and I dont think many have a problem with Elvis being sexually attracted to and in a romantic relationship with Priscilla. I think you are being ridiculous actually.

    And you final sentence is proof that you see sex as a negative thing and that you see under 16s as being property not people. Just because a 13 year old may not have the words to articulate her feeling and emotions does not mean that those feelings and emotions are not every bit as valid as your or mine.

    And you are happy for 16 year old boys to be able to have sex with 13 year olds are you? You think that a 16 year old boy is going to cause a 13 year old girl more trauma than a man that is older than 18? I had a really attractive 13 year old girlfriend when I was 16. She was probably the nicest girlfriend I have ever had. I broke up with her because I was worried that she was a bit young for me. But it was just society that made me think that. Why do you think a 16 year old boy should be able to have sex with a 13 year old girl but not the rest of us?

  2. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    not a question I can answer here as I would probably be banned.

    Whatever your fantasies are does not sit with your actual comments, it appears to me that you advocate the legality of having sex with a minor IF in your opinion they appear to be mature enough.

    considering the reality that you have zero knowledge of my upbringing eg where I was actually raised then the only funny thing here is the idea that you can assume so much with so little knowledge.

    Under section eight of the 1969 Family Law Reform Act, the legal age of consent for medical treatment in the UK is 16. However, under-16s may be able to give consent if they understand the nature, purpose and hazards of a treatment.

    The question of the rights of children under 16 years of age to consent to treatment on their own behalf was considered by the House of Lords in 1985, in the case of Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech AHA. The majority opinion in the House of Lords was that doctors should have the discretion to act according to their view of what is in the patient’s best interests.

    The Law Lords said that a doctor should seek to persuade the patient to tell their parents they are seeking advice about contraception and the nature of the advice they receive. Lord Fraser concluded that a doctor would be justified in proceeding without the parent’s authority or knowledge if:

    The teenager understands the doctor’s advice.
    The doctor cannot persuade the teenager to inform her parents or allow the doctor to inform them that she is seeking advice about contraception.
    The teenager is likely to begin having, or continue to have, sexual intercourse with or without contraception.
    The teenager’s physical or mental health, or both, would suffer unless she received advice about contraception.
    It is in the teenager’s best interests for the doctor to provide advice, treatment or both, without parental consent.

    What ever the medical observations the legal side is that a person under the age of 16 cannot give informed consent to sexual intercourse, the law in this case works on the generalise principle ie at what age would it generally be expected that a boy or girl would be fully aware of the implications of their choices.

    My "deviant behaviour" would pale into insignificance compared to your obsession with having sex with 13 year olds.

    It has zero to do with treating others as property.

    You do know that Juliet is not a real person don't you, and that when it was written the age of consent in England was 12 years old.

    Most 20 year olds don't understand what love is.

    I really couldn't care less what you have faith in or not, I just wish I could find out your real name and where you live so I could report you as a risk to young girls, and hopefully you would be removed from ever working with them again.

    Now if you will excuse me I'd rather not converse with a pervert.
  3. WJV

    WJV Banned

    Jul 30, 2016
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    I am not advocating anything other than for under 16s to be treated as people not property. And I am also not advocating sex with 13 year olds - I am simply asking a question. If you remember this thread started with me saying that teenage girls should not be wearing short skirts to school.

    And yeah I have read the Gillick Competency and that is why I brought them up. You would think that in the 30 years since these were established that society would have become just a little bit more progressive wouldnt you? 13 year old girls can comprehend a lot more about sex now than in 1985 cant they? just look at society and how it has changed. Now 13 year old girls are hearing lyrics on the radio like " 'Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it. Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it." which are lyrics from a Rhianna song. Do you honestly believe that there is a 13 year old girl in western society that does not comprehend sex and be aware of their choices? Dont be ridiculous.

    I can hear the thunder breaking in the hearts of 13 year old girls everywhere and I would like to liberate them from the shackles of their parents and society - and I think that many 13 year old girls will fully agree with me that they should be treated as people and not property and that means that they should be able to make their own decisions about sex without interference from their parents or the state. I am advocating for under 16s rights and it is about time someone did.

    And Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet is a great example of how modern society treats young girls as if they are idiots when in fact they are quite capable of mature thinking. Do you really think that 13 year old girls have become dumber since the time of Shakespeare? When Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet were people outraged at the suggestion that a 13 year old could have mature thoughts and comprehend mature concepts? Of course not - so why are you now? You are being ridiculous.

    And who are you to tell 20 year olds that they do not understand what love is?

    And again - I have no faith in your cervical claims. I will send you my name and address in a private message in a second. I am a law abiding citizen that has committed no crimes and if an employer or the state tries to prevent me from working with children I will sue the living hell out of them. I also do not appreciate your defamatory comments and suggestions. But I am more than happy to give you my name and address. there is nothing wrong with asking a question and as the DSM states - there is nothing abnormal about finding under 16s sexually attractive as long as you do not break current age of consent laws by having having sex with under 16s. I have done nothing wrong and there is nothing at all wrong with the things that I am saying or the questions that I am asking.

    And if you didnt want to converse with me then you shouldnt have replied. Are you sure yu just do not want me to respond because I am hurting your little brain?

    And hey - have you seen that movie Thirteen?


    I really liked it. What did you think when you watched it?


    edit -

    Hey I found Thirteen on youtube in case you missed it. It is not great quality though. See if you can find it on netflicks if you want a better version maybe. It is a good movie.

  4. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    So you didn't say " I do not see consensual sex with a 13 year old as a negative or evil thing."?

    There is a huge difference between hearing lyrics or even seeing sexual images and engaging in actual sexual activity, and if as you say you have been involved in children (which I doubt) then you should know that.

    Absolute rubbish, it has nothing to do with shackling children .. what you are advocating is for people like you to use and abuse young girls in order to satisfy your own lust.

    Your ignorance of history is telling. The reason the age of consent was so low in those times is because life expectancy was low, approx 35 was the average life expectancy, add to this that over 25% of children born died before their first birthday, in fact around 40% of ALL people born did not make it to adulthood, hence one of the reasons women had children on average younger than they do now and had larger families, another factor was that there was no welfare available for the lower classes and as such many of their female children became prostitutes to supplement the family income.

    someone who is obviously far more worldly experienced than you are.

    and again I couldn't careless what you have faith in or not, the fact remains that the earlier a girl has sexual relations the higher the risk she incurs of developing cervical cancer.

    As far as your ignorance of what the DSM states, here is what it does say.

    " DSM-5 states that an indicator of a Pedophilic Disorder would be that an individual has “acted on” his sexual urges (Ref. 1, p 697). “Acted on” can mean that he has actually molested a child. On the other hand, it could also mean that he has masturbated to pedophilic fantasies or that he has viewed child pornography. The current criteria for diagnosing a Pedophilic Disorder place some persons who have never molested a child into the same diagnostic category as those who have done so."

    you can say what you like, your level of intellect would never be more than an annoying little buzz to me.
  5. WJV

    WJV Banned

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Oh my God. I hate these running quoted I am going to respond to this sentence and that replies. If you dont want to converse then why are you going to so much trouble?

    Yes I said that I do not see consensual sex with a 13 year old as an evil or negative thing. I also said that I am a law abiding citizen and that 13 might not be the right number - and that this is a topic that we need to think about. Maybe the right number is 12. I dont know. Im just asking a question. Like I said early puberty is the new normal now and it certainly does seem as though nature is trying to tell us something.

    "There is a huge difference between hearing lyrics or even seeing sexual images and engaging in actual sexual activity, and if as you say you have been involved in children (which I doubt) then you should know that.' ........So you do not fully agree with the current DSM thinking on this one either? Well I am glad that we agree on something. Yes there is a huge difference between seeing sexual images and engaging in sexual activity - and no I am not saying that I have ever looked at child pornography - but lets face it - those 13 year old girls from the movie Thirteen are hot as hell. Many 13 year old girls are sexually attractive and to deny this is just dishonest.

    "someone who is obviously far more worldly experienced than you are." ......HA!

    And I know what the DSM5 says but as you may have noticed I do not always fully agree with current DSM thinking and I believe that DSM6 may be a lot more progressive and honest in its thinking but the operative words there are "could" and "some". And I didnt say that I have viewed child porn did I? But did I have impure thoughts while I watched the film Thirteen? Hell yes. And the DSM would have no problem with that so the "could" and "some" certainly do not apply to me.

    buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz! :)

    Hey - what do you think about all the interest in Kristina Pimenova? Do you agree that she is the most beautiful girl in the world?

    - Kristina Pimenova (google images)

    When you look at the image above do you see anything sexual about it? Or just a pretty little girl in socks?

    kristina 2.jpg
    - Kristina Pimenova (google images)

    How about that one? Any inkling of impure thought in that brain of yours?

    kristina 3.jpg
    - Kristina Pimenova (google images)

    What did you think about Kristina signing a contract with LA Models? Do you think Kristina has even reached the age of puberty yet? Early puberty is the new normal and it is perfectly normal for a 10 year old to get her period. What do you think the reason is? Some believe that the reason is better living conditions but I tend to believe that it has something to do with society and the fact that young girls are hearing lyrics like "sex in the air baby I love the smell of it" and that society is far more open about sex these days meaning that children are thinking about and comprehending things like sex much much earlier than they used to. Do you agree that this is the reason for early puberty being the new normal? Wouldnt you agree that it is a no-brainer that future DSMs will need to reflect this new reality?

    Kristina Pimenova has a heck of a lot of fans doesnt she. What do you think of her?

  6. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Trolling seems to be your thing and having fantasies about underage girls .. never mind you might grow up one day
  7. WJV

    WJV Banned

    Jul 30, 2016
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    I just like a good debate is all. It doesnt matter what I believe - just that we have covered an important topic here. Good debate. I enjoyed it. No hard feelings.

    And I think it is very important to be able to see like a child. Not many people can do it you know.
  8. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Good company in Hell for M.J.
  9. WJV

    WJV Banned

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Is this song Jewish? It sounds pretty Jewish to me.

  10. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    You have a one way ticket downstairs, no point in bothering with you.
    At least you will always be warm, perhaps too warm.

    Have fun for the rest of Eternity.

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