Sixteenth & Eighteenth Amendments

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by Flanders, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    All of the talk about Romney’s tax returns leaves me cold. I should say all of the headlines about tax returns leaves me cold because I don’t read the stories, and I’m outta there the minute a talking head broaches the subject. To me, the government taxing income has done more to tear down this country than all of the other betrayals combined. With hatred of a tax on income a firm belief it is impossible to care if one politician or another fails to produce tax returns.

    Let me cop a plea here and say that there was a time when I believed that only government employees and elected officials should be required to report their incomes. I naively thought stiff prison sentences would reduce the number of crooks in government to a minimum. It did not take me long to realize that my position was hypocritical. I now believe that a tax on income is so reprehensible that Democrat crooks in Congress should not have to file a tax return.

    Let’s face it, stickup artists like Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein, etc., filed tax returns in every year they were sending tax dollars to their family businesses. Harry Reid’s land deals are casebook studies for young wannabe crooks.

    Like I always said, most of them arrive in Congress wearing dirty underwear and leave as millionaires. Those who arrive as millionaires not only protect their fortunes they get institutional protection for any larceny they might get up to while in Congress. My point: The XVI Amendment did nothing to stop small, medium, and large crooks in government from stealing. I just don’t see how it can be any worse without an income tax.

    The XVI and the XVIII Amendments provide the appropriate comparison. Throughout the Prohibition era the police, judges, elected officials, etc., were on the take. Government apologists swore bootleggers were successful because servants of the law were underpaid. Comedians of the day chuckled that bribes were nothing more than income supplements.

    Propagandists in today’s countless TV shows tell us government officials are straight arrows. Once in a while a storyline will depict beat cops taking a bribe from a local drug pusher, but how many shows have you seen where the officials at the top get their payoffs from drug kingpins? The fact is that drug dealers are more successful than bootleggers ever dreamed of being while government officials are overpaid. The question is: Where the hell are all of those tax dollars going?

    After the XXI Amendment repealed the XVIII Amendment one old drunk put it in perspective: Repeal is a con job. There is no more booze available now than there was during Prohibition.

    I suspect that repealing the XVI Amendment won’t see an increase in the number of crooks in government.

    Class warfare

    If you happen to hate the wealthy per se the number of tax dollar millionaires created by the XVI Amendment is ample justification for engaging in class warfare. Check the massive transfer of wealth that went from private sector producers to government coffers to tax dollar hustlers because of the income tax if you doubt me.

    Finally, I always thought the tax return is a violation of the Fifth Amendment in that the taxpayer is forced to testify against himself before being charged with a crime:

  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Yesterday’s article by Michelle Malkin fortifies my suspicion:

    Not only does MM identify a few lady crooks in government, she reminds us that depraved females populate the highest levels of the federal government. Crooks are crooks, but I’m pretty sure there were no female perverts and crooks in government during the Prohibition era.

    NOTE: I always thought it illogical to assume there were no morally corrupt females in Congress simply because none were ever outed. Any institution that sells its concept of moral superiority by force naturally attracts the most morally depraved individuals.

    Secretary Janet Napolitano is not a member of Congress, but she and her gal pals represent the first sex scandal in history I am aware of that shines a light on depraved females in the upper echelons of government. Happily, now that the dam broke it won’t be long before the ladies in Congress get the equal treatment they claim they want.

    The most troubling aspect of depraved ladies in high places is that they are usually feminists who would send American men to die fighting in foreign lands for human Rights. In reality: A female degenerate’s Right to govern is what they want soldiers to die for.

    Former Catholic HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is the worst of the worst because she is the cruelest of Hussein’s butchers:

    MM says this about Sebelius:

    The Liberal Sisterhood of the Plundering Hacks
    Michelle Malkin
    Aug 17, 2012

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