Texas Restarts Border Wall Project Cancelled by Biden, Says Governor

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by XXJefferson#51, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    …“In addition, a lot of people saw on TV a lot of these border wall components like this that were just laying on the ground, that taxpayers had paid for,” the governor added. “Biden chose not to build the wall.”

    “We found a way, by going through the surplus program of the federal government where Texas would be able to obtain these border wall panels and we obtained as much as we could, until Biden found out about it,” Abbott explained. “He put a stop to Texas being able to get it. There may be some other ways that we will be able to get more.”

    The stacks of panels appeared to cover more than an acre of the land.

    The governor explained the first parts of the Texas project were built on state-owned land. The new sections are scheduled to be built on parcels provided by ranch owners….

    read more: https://www.breitbart.com/border/2022/03/14/exclusive-video-texas-restarts-border-wall-project-cancelled-by-biden-says-governor/

    This is great! More wall will be and is being built. Texas is protecting America while the useless ass that is now President will not. Let’s go Brandon. Well done Governor Abbott!
  2. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    Here’s hoping that Texas can get others to front for them to get a hold of the rest of the surplus material for Trumps border wall and build the rest of it.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  3. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    will they be stealing land from property owner on the border that don't want to give up their land?
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  4. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    yep, Trump promised Mexico would pay for it, another Trump lie
    MJ Davies, yardmeat and cd8ed like this.
  5. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    Read the article beyond my snippet and find out!
  6. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    it was a simple yes or no question, remember Trump tried to take peoples land from them

    as for the article, we will see, they said that before too, but not everyone wanted to give up their land
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
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  7. US Conservative

    US Conservative Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 19, 2015
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    Dude you never do your homework.

    You expect to be passively fed everything.

    Up your game.

    And as for Texas illegals...adios muchachos!
  8. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    we will see, like I said, Trump said the same, but turned out to be a lie

    no one is stopping landowners from building a wall on their property if they want

    "Because of getting both the materials and land without cost to Texas taxpayers'

    Texas says they plan to give up their land for free, won't cost tax payers a thing, you seem to believe them, I say we will see

    I heard Mexico would pay for the wall too.... what happened?
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
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  9. mdrobster

    mdrobster Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Restart a wall that doesn't work. Must be real proud. :)
    MJ Davies and yardmeat like this.
  10. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    The governor explained the first parts of the Texas project were built on state-owned land. The new sections are scheduled to be built on parcels provided by ranch owners.

    “Texas is not having to use eminent domain,” Abbott explained. “People who own property on the border are so angry against the Biden administration, so frustrated by the chaos and the crime created on their own property, they are giving us an easement to build the border wall.”
    JET3534, US Conservative and Steve N like this.
  11. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    The Trump wall, like Trump himself,.. is a joke.

    Trump’s border wall has been breached more than 3,000 times by smugglers, CBP records show

    All It Takes Is a $100 Saw To Cut Through Trump’s Big Border Wall
    mdrobster likes this.
  12. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    and we will see how that goes, or if they start taking land, and if it starts costing the taxpayers

    could be, but also might not be... time will tell
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  13. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    It's a pure boondoggle and land grab combined, and are they building it IN the Rio Grande?

    I've been to Texas. It's Trumptopia, a giant desert. I think the State Animal is the armadillo
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
    btthegreat likes this.
  14. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Banned

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Completely disagree. A country without borders over the period of time ceases to exist. It changes fundamentally. But that is perhaps exactly what people like you want.

    Goodbye America
    A country that cannot control its own borders cannot survive

    Entry by illegal immigrants into the United States has doubled in the past year and it is estimated that nearly 47 million US residents, 14.2% of the total population of the country, are now foreign born, the highest percentage in the past 112 years. As many are illegals and are not on a path to eventual citizenship, the Democratic Party policies has sought to empower them by relaxing voting requirements at state levels, meaning that the potential for fraudulent voting will be enormous. As expected, the White House and Congress use a euphemism to explain their position, calling it “voting rights,” which it most definitely is not. In some cases, the Democrats are pushing for illegal extension of the voting franchise. New York City, for example, has already declared that it will allow non-citizens to vote in local elections.

    The Biden Administration has systematically ignored and has challenged court rulings requiring asylum seekers along the southern border to remain in Mexico while their cases are being reviewed and it has even been using taxpayer money to aid in the transporting of the illegals to cities like San Antonio, from which point they are put on planes and buses and moved to other parts of the country where they disappear into the local immigrant population. Mexico, for its part, has ignored agreements failed to implement agreements intended to slow the flow of the potential immigrants through its territory.

    The Border Patrol has reported over two million “encounters” with illegal immigrants in the past year, with a likely half million more who entered the country without being detected. Deportations of the illegals have declined precipitously under orders from Washington. In January alone, 62,573 illegal immigrants were “released” by the Administration and administratively allowed to enter the US, more than were released in all of 2021, so the trend is to develop something like an open border in the south of the country. US Border Patrol personnel who object to what is going on are themselves frequently punished under orders coming from the White House and the Department of Homeland Security.

    Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas even boasted last month of having “fundamentally changed” immigration enforcement, declaring that even criminal illegals have rights under the Biden Administration. He said that “For the first time ever, our policy explicitly states that a noncitizen’s unlawful presence in the United States will not, by itself, be a basis for the initiation of an enforcement action.” Illegal immigrants who kill someone while drunk driving are, for example, not subject to deportation. In other words, the US government is enabling illegal and even criminal activity. Get past the border and no one will bother you.

    The White House and tame media have effectively hidden much of what is going on along the country’s southern border, but a new immigrant issue has recently surfaced relating to potential security issues relating to asylum seekers and refugees. The Department of Homeland Security is seeking to resettle in the United States thousands of Afghans who recently fled the change of government in their country. The program has the usual euphemistic tag attached to it: “Operation Allies Welcome.”

    One of the processing centers being set up is in Northern Virginia, in Loudoun County, at the National Conference Center. Depending on what information one believes to be reliable, between one and two thousand Afghan refugees will be housed and transitioned monthly to their new lives, possibly the first wave of a total of 16,000 or more other asylum speakers who will follow. The first new arrivals, a group of 300, arrived last Tuesday. They and the other future arrivals are reportedly coming from screening in Qatar and some are also apparently already being held at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey. Reportedly, more than 80,000 Afghan refugees have already been settled in the United States as “displaced persons from Afghanistan” who have been admitted into the country under a special immigrant visa (SIV) or humanitarian parole. Many thousands more are still waiting in processing centers overseas and will also be in the pipeline.

    No one is denying that the United States government has an obligation to assist the Afghans who actually worked for or directly assisted US forces in Afghanistan before the country fell to the Taliban in August. Those individuals would have documentation confirming their status and identities and those documents should be confirmable through records retained by the US Embassy and military commands in the country at the time. They and their families should and must be helped.

    So the question comes down to “Are all these refugees legitimate? And what do we know about them?” And “What are the security implications of their being resettled in our communities?” One can only recall how hundreds of people escaping Kabul were stuffed into airplanes and the presumption has to be that very little was known about many of them. According to DHS, the refugees include members of groups considered to be in danger if they had staying in Afghanistan, to include teachers and “women rights activists.” How were these latter groups identified and authenticated? DHS also claims that all asylum seekers entering the US had received “rigorous screening and vetting” before being let into the country.

    The be sure, the Loudoun County Sheriff Mike Chapman has advised some caution and and raised some issues about the vetting process that has apparently taken place as well as the security at the conference center. He observed that only 30% of the arriving Afghans reportedly speak any English, which challenges the claim that they were interpreters or worked closely with American personnel. Bear in mind that the Department of Homeland Security will inevitably want those on the receiving end of the resettlement to believe whatever narrative it chooses to promote, so it claimed that 15 Federal Protection Officers would be on site to provide security and control the movements of the refugees. Chapman observed, however, that they have no law enforcement authority in Virginia so they can hardly be called upon to police their wards.

    Sheriff Chapman’s concerns about the selection and vetting process are in line with my own experience. I was in Kabul in early 2002 as part of the joint team that was setting up airport and facility security. The issue of how to determine Afghans who were actually friendly or non-threatening from those who might be otherwise was of prime importance. We quickly learned that identifying Afghans was not easy. Many Afghans had only one name or names that were not distinguishable. Most had no identity documents of any kind. Few knew when they were born, and often where they were born. It was so difficult to determine who they were that we began using biometrics and created our own records based on that physical information. Since 2002, Afghanistan has had a puppet government that did not control much of the country and has been assailed by an active insurgency. I would have to believe that any possible process to identify the Afghan people has not progressed very much outside of Kabul. So who are they, these folks coming over here as a result of Biden’s great bungle in the evacuation of Afghanistan?

    The Loudoun political establishment led by Chair Phyllis Randall, a loyal Democratic Party team player, asserts that “These individuals are not refugees; they are our allies and family members of American citizens and lawful permanent residents,” but that is contradicted by other government sources. In fact, as Sheriff Chapman suggested, there have been problems. Dozens of the so-called Afghan refugees already released inside the country have Pentagon records that “indicate potentially significant security concerns,” according to a new federal audit, mostly due to failure to properly vet thousands of the Afghans. The possibly dangerous refugees are somewhere in the US and cannot be located, with the Department of Defense observing that “As a result of…not vetting Afghan evacuees against all available data, the United States faces potential security risks if individuals with derogatory information are allowed to stay in the country.”

    President Biden ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to be the lead agency in the program to resettle the Afghans and the White House assured Americans that the refugees would be thoroughly screened. That has not materialized and for months media reports have “exposed crimes, including child molestation, assault and domestic violence committed by Afghans temporarily housed at military bases throughout the US.” And it should be noted that those Afghans at the military bases are free to wander around outside the perimeters after they receive medical clearance, contrary to the assurances given to Sheriff Chapman.

    To put it succinctly, there is a certain recklessness about how the Biden Administration does or does not apply any standards regarding measures to be taken before new potential citizens or permanent residents arrive in this country. It is changing the country and not for the better. One does not have to go far to encounter other Americans who are beginning to wonder if the nation as conceived by the Founders can survive at all. It is a legitimate concern.

    Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org.
  15. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Bigoted Bull feces

    The USA is BUILT upon Open Borders. It's among the bedrock fundamental principles that make this country what it is and is undoubtedly a major reason why we are the strongest, most prosperous and most free nation in the world today. People like you want to turn us into one of the sh*tholes that most of our ancestors escaped to come here
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  16. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Banned

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Nah...Democrats are doing an excellent job into turning the USA into a third world country by opening borders to third world countries. Getting millions of poorly educated and unqualified people will definitely drag the country down. Your argument is a logical fallacy. The past U.S immigration policies were based on the merit. The USA got the educated and the most qualified people from other countries. That made the U.S the force. Not poorly educate immigrants from third world countries.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
    US Conservative and Steve N like this.
  17. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    Lol…maybe you can recoup the money Bannon already embezzled from the wall construction funds.
  18. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Oh good, we need a Trump monument right now to keep out the poor people.

    Not the terrorists, drug runners, human traffickers, and criminals, they'll still get in. But at least we'll keep out those dirty poor people. And Trump will have his monument.
  19. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Again, bull feces. In the 19th and early 20 centuries the USA was populated by the greatest known migration of humanity there ever was and almost entirely they were refugees; people fleeing famines in Ireland, failed revolutions on the continent and most of all seeking to escape from bigotry and prejudice to their ethnicity and/or class at home. They were no testing stations on Ellis Island asking you your credit rating or what trade or profession you practiced. Indeed, there weren't even police seeking criminals. We took just about everyone who wasn't too sick to walk and quite a few of them too. We were the great kingdom of the second chance, we took indeed the "wretched refuse of the teaming shore" and we turned that dross of humanity into the Greatest Nation on Earth, all we gave them was freedom.

    And now you want to end all that, shame on you, Truly, we are deporting the wrong people
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
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  20. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    But only the brown ones, from the shithole countries. Whites from Norway and Sweden are welcome, though we never see them (I wonder why)
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  21. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Still a dumb idea that will never happen.

    Just how gullible are you?
  22. mdrobster

    mdrobster Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Western TX is desert or prairie, eastern TX is quite ideal for farming.
  23. Aleksander Ulyanov

    Aleksander Ulyanov Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    I guess so. I've never been to the Eastern part.

    I forget it's the size of France. It has a certain integrity in having been its own country for nine years, which is I guess is why it was never broken up into other States.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
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  24. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    When Trump was President we had greatly reduced the number of human traffickers and their victims into this country as well as drugs, especially Fentanyl. Biden opened the floodgates to it all again and deliberately so.
    US Conservative likes this.
  25. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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    And this is what happens when the border and its wall are abandoned. If there were no prison guards the inmates would eventually bust out of the prison.

    A wall is just another layer of security that the left doesn’t want.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022

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