The Covid-19 Pandemic Does Not Exist

Discussion in 'Viral/Biological' started by Eleuthera, Nov 18, 2021.

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  1. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Watch this informative video. It'll explain to you how diseases/epidemics 'emerge' and how they 'disappear'. It's all about reclassifying disease names. It's exactly the same trick used to make the covid vaccine appear to 'work'.
    Eleuthera and UntilNextTime like this.
  2. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I don't know about that video. It maintained that chickenpox was just a weak strain of smallpox. Check out this picture of a person with smallpox.

    That looks pretty different from a case of chickenpox.

    Also, the video didn't address the issue of the death rate before and after the supposed eradication of smallpox. Did it drop significantly? I don't see how that video actually proves anything. I'm going to sit on the fence for now.

    The smallpox, plague & lepracy hoax + a farewell to virology and contagion theory ft Dr Mark Bailey

    This article says that three hundred million people died of smallpox in the twentieth century.

    Hardly anyone dies of chickenpox.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2023
  3. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    It's not a 'strain' because it's not caused by any microbe. The two conditions (in the old days) are essentially the same, but categorized by different labels to make it appear that the smallpox vaccine was effective in reducing/eradicating smallpox. Keep in mind also that the electron microscope was not commercially used until after the 1960's. So to make the claim that a 'virus' was to blame for all early smallpox cases is not scientifically tenable (not that any smallpox or other virus has ever been isolated to begin with).

    NOTE: We're also being fed the myth that the black plagues of old were spread by rats through the fleas they carried. But where's the science?! They don't even know how many actually died from it. The figures are all over the place, depending on where you look. But in
    2018, scientists changed (again) this theory. They now believe the plague spread too fast for rats to be the culprits (which I've been wondering for many years why they didn't realize this sooner).

    People diagnosed with smallpox (mostly in 3rd world nations where they're being over-vaccinated) have scary looking skin conditions. This is caused not by any microbe but by vaccinations. When they show you these scary looking pics and claim it's 'smallpox', you need to question the medical history & living conditions of that victim—not just automatically assume (without evidence) that the victim was afflicted by an infectious microorganism.

    Keep in mind too that skin poxes/pustules & rashes are a common condition in people suffering exposure to some form of toxin. They're especially more common in children too because they're growing, changing, and affected by hormonal conditions which makes them more sensitive to environmental conditions (like man-made toxins, vaccines/medicines, malnutrition, etc.).

    Additionally, the smallpox of colonial times is not the same smallpox of today (just as the 'leprosy' of ancient times is not the same vaccine-induced horrible debilitating leprosy of modern times). In colonial times bed bugs appears to have caused the epidemic of skin conditions (white settlers were very filthy). They likely also transferred these bugs to native populations through infested rugs, blankets, and clothing which they gave to them. (Native populations were also subjected to smallpox inoculations, which also likely contributed to skin conditions/illness.) Thus we have the appearance that the condition is 'contagious' owing to the fact that people in the same dirty dwelling would be exposed to these bugs. Historical records by medical caregivers & doctors show that smallpox is not at all contagious. The 'pest houses', where smallpox patients were housed, never saw a single care worker become afflicted with smallpox no matter how intimately they were in contact with the patients. That's because these places were cleaner & free of bed bugs.

    (1) Assuming the actual death figures are accurate for the same diagnosis, how many of these victims had been vaccinated? My guess: ALL of them. Why? Because smallpox was always considered a benign condition until medical 'intervention' came into the picture.

    About smallpox, Dr. Thomas Sydenham said in 1688, "provided no mischief be done either by physician or nurse, it is the most safe and slight of all diseases."

    (2) Smallpox vaccines have caused the emergence of illness (diagnosed as smallpox, monkeypox, or other disorder) in cultures that never had a single case of it. Similarly, the leprosy vaccine has caused the same. In fact, Hawaii, being completely isolated, is a prime example of vaccine-induced disease (leprosy). Not a single case of leprosy existed among Hawaiians until the introduction of the vaccine.

    (3) If the vaccine kills a person, and that person has skin lesions, they will blame the death on smallpox or some other 'viral' disease. And if large numbers are given the same vaccine and many develop similar skin lesions, they will also claim that the disease is 'contagious'.

    All we have are claims made by so-called prestigious institutions & govt agencies. But where's the SCIENCE!?
    Eleuthera likes this.
  4. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I suppose it could be argued that the skin condition theory is consistent with the scenario of the maladies that people had throughout history but the microbe theory also seems consistent with that scenario. I would consider the skin condition theory to be a mere hypothesis.

    Have you read this book? My Teacher Told Me_reading group guide.pdf

    Check out chapter three.

    The scenario of native Americans dying en masse seems more consistent with the microbe theory. The symptoms they had seem consistent with smallpox – especially in South America.

    Also, what about bacterial diseases?
  5. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    You have to look at the graphs showing smallpox cases vs time (date), and when the smallpox vaccine was introduced. You'll see the late arrival of the vaccine had no determinable impact on the already declining rates of smallpox. This we see with all other vaccines as well.

    What makes you believe that a microbe was involved?

    There's no evidence that what was called 'smallpox' was in any way contagious, nor evidence that it was caused by any microbe. So why believe it was caused by one? Recall in the video, they explain how epidemics are created and how they're ended. It's a slight-of-hand trick where diseases that are similar are simply reclassified.

    Eg, no vaccine can eradicate a disease. So once the smallpox vaccine is widely introduced, authorities can make the vaccine appear to be eradicating the targeted disease by simply reclassifying still-existing smallpox cases (in vaccinated people) as another from a list of similar/identical skin conditions.

    This is how the flu magically disappeared during the 'covid pandemic'. It was replaced by 'Covid-19'. (In this case, when vaccinated people become sickened or died from the jab, they'll blame it on either another disease or on a 'variant'. This is to hide the dangers of the jab, and to also create the appearance that the jab is 'effective' against 'covid'.) The same happened with polio when the polio vaccine was introduced. The same neurological disease still exists to this day, but is classified under numerous other names. (Note: The iron lung has been replaced by ventilators.)

    Smallpox / skin conditions reclassified


    Polio reclassified

    UntilNextTime likes this.
  6. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    The way chapter three of the book describes the spread of the malady seems consistent with that of a microbe and inconsistent with mere skin irritation. Also, the Aztec drawing of the sick woman is consistent with smallpox symptoms.

    Lies My Teacher Told Me

    I know that's hard to read. I couldn't find a PDF text of the book.

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