The moon landing is fake.

Discussion in 'Moon Landing' started by Yant0s, Mar 28, 2019.

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  1. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Quoting something without showing the context changes the meaning of what was originally said. That's a pretty low tactic.
  2. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Nobody wants to hear your opinion on anything.
  3. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Here's something I just came across. Start watching at the 33:12 time mark. It says that the SR-71 used the stars to navigate. The former pilot says it's the worlds biggest planetarium show.

    Lockheed SR-71 Mirlo | Nueva York a Londres en 1h 54 min | El avión de reconocimiento intocable

    We all know about this.

    Patrick Moore asks the alleged Apollo 11 crew could you actually see the stars

    What the SR-71 pilot says can be added to this list.

    Open Letter to Professor Brian Cox
    Please explain the contradictory testimony given by the named astronauts regarding the ‘naked eye’ visibility of stars and planets in cislunar space.

    John Young (Gemini 10) "Standing there in the black void of space was truly amazing. Everywhere we looked there were stars, even below us. They were a little brighter than what we saw from Earth, but what impressed us was that they didn't twinkle. That was because there was no intervening atmosphere to cause what the astronomers call scintillation.”

    The planet Venus was so incredibly bright it appeared like it was a UFO. Mike Collins later commented that “it looked like a 50-watt bulb in the sky".3

    Michael Collins (Gemini 10) "My God the stars are everywhere; above me on all sides even below me somewhat, down there next to that obscure horizon. The stars are bright and they are steady. This is the best view of the Universe that a human has ever had. Venus appears so bright that I have to convince myself that it really is Venus, not by its appearance, but by its position in the sky at the spot where Venus should be."4

    Bill Anders, Apollo 8, "The sky was a sort of grey, you couldn't see stars very well..." describing cislunar space in An Evening with the Apollo 8 Astronauts (Annual John H. Glenn Lecture Series).

    Neil Armstrong (Apollo 11) “The sky is a deep black when viewed from the Moon as it is when viewed from cislunar space, the space between the Earth and the Moon. The Earth is the only visible object other than the Sun that can be seen although there have been some reports of seeing planets. I myself did not see planets from the surface but I suspect they might visible." Armstrong speaking to Patrick Moore on the BBC astronomy program The Sky at Night in 1970.

    Michael Collins (Apollo 11) How telling is it, that during the morose and lugubrious post-Apollo 11 press conference, that Michael Collins could only reply with comatose timidity to Patrick Moore's query concerning the visibility of the stars. "I don't recall..." Not a hint of surprise, no incentive to expound upon Apollo's dull vistas comparative to his awesome visions from the beguiling Gemini 10 (see above).*

    Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14) “The Stars were ten times brighter than when viewed from the Earth" [in cislunar space].**

    Charles Duke (Apollo 16) "You couldn't see stars, it was too bright" [in cislunar space]. Speaking to me at Autographica in 2012, and reiterated at various public speaking engagements such as this event with Charles Duke.

    Mike Melvill, SpaceShipOne "Seeing the bright blue sky turning pitch black and seeing stars appear while it is daytime is absolutely mind-blowing."5 So the first civilian to reach space in a privately-financed spacecraft nullifies assertions from Apollo 8, Apollo 11 and Apollo 16 astronauts.

    Extra content
    *Apollo 11 Before a large audience at Autographica in 2012, Edgar Mitchell (in response to my reference concerning Armstrong's affirmation that he couldn't see stars in cislunar space) shot down my assertion that Neil Armstrong was entitled to be credited with great expertise in astronomy with the retort: "He didn't know what he was talking about!"

    This emphatic statement, resounding with such certainty, reduced the audience to a jaw-dropping silence. Neil Armstrong was in fact, by far the most qualified astronomer in the astronaut corps. The YouTube clip Neil Armstrong Misleads Patrick Moore sensationally contrasts the incompatible viewpoints of the two NASA operatives.

    **Apollo 14 Following his euphoric sermon at Autographica citing no less than a metaphysical rebirth as a result of the effects of observing stars in cislunar space, Mitchell was asked by a audience member to describe his thoughts whilst observing the Earth from the Moon. "We didn't have time for that many things," he replied vacuously.

    Edgar's sudden volte-face of passion, his inability to equate the spiritual component of the lunar surface vista with his cislunar epiphany were laid bare. From the front of the audience, I was able to focus on Ed's eyes which, to my thinking, unequivocally betrayed his inability to step from truth-based oratory to opaque illusion.

    The man from MIT seemed unwilling to leave the pulpit with a conflicted conscience. His only other option was to dissociate himself from the question and the questioner. This he did. However, unable to convey one iota of the emotional conviction that had accentuated his cislunar soliloquies, Mitchell's virtually instantaneous Jekyll and Hyde behaviour soured even his most fervent acolytes, who now winced with incredulity.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
  4. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Ye gods. He's been stopped from derailing the virus thread and now comes back to his main spam topic, forgets the crushing and case closing posts and starts posting moronic crap about stars. The entry level for clueless "truthers".!

    What is wrong with you? Are you worried nobody is paying your trolling any notice?

    Apollo used the stars to navigate. Perfectly visible if you dim the lights and pause re-orientate the crafty away from Sun/Earth/Moon light!

    Obviously you don't.

    A lie. THis is what you do and for some astonishing reason fail every time to respond. This is just total spam already addressed.
    Patrick Moore asked this at the Press Conference-

    "I have two brief questions that I would like to ask, if I may. When you were carrying out that incredible Moon walk, did you find that the surface was equally firm everywhere or were there harder and softer spots that you could detect. And, secondly, when you looked up at the sky, could you actually see the stars in the solar corona in spite of the glare?"

    In Low Earth orbit on the night time side.

    In Low Earth orbit on the night time side.

    Unbelievable. The answer is in the quote. He is in cis-lunar space subject to Sunlight, Earthlight, Moonlight and constant cabin light.

    Basically un-adapted eyes on daylight Moon! He has 3 layers of visor to look through and he had a rigid time table not allowing him spare time to go star gazing!

    Once more, the "truther" LIE. He was asked about seeing stars in the solar corona, Apollo 11 specifically observed and photographed this event!

    Mitchell was talking about on the dark side of the Moon!

    He is in cis-lunar space subject to Sunlight, Earthlight, Moonlight and constant cabin light.

    Facing outwards directly into the darkness of space with no peripheral light!

    It seems there is no subject too ridiculous for you to be suckered in by. Seeing stars in space involves the same as on Earth, no ambient or direct light into the eye and no visual barriers like triple visors.
  5. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    You seem to consider yourself to be an expert. Tell us exactly under which circumstances stars can be seen and can't be seen from space.
  6. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Anything to distract from your failures. Why do you consider forum-trolling such a fulfilling "hobby"?

    Here's an experiment for you, put on some sunglasses and see how many stars you can see at night. Put the light on in a room and look out the window - again how many stars are you seeing. There is not one single visual discrepancy in any spaceflight concerning stars. I gave you a short explanation for each one, yet bafflingly that was enough for you. Log off the internet, listen to your sister.
  7. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  8. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    You cannot educate uneducatable people. The guy clearly mentions having sunlight impairing his dark adaptability. No amount of explanation works with a troll and an agenda.

    Hey Scott, answer the question!
    We know the dust wave kicked up by Cernan rises at the same time and height, even dishonest people can see this, so it MUST fall in the same way. Can you explain why you think this is not the case? Your previous ignorant reply is impossible, the dust cannot fall faster than it rose.
  9. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Here are the direct quotes.

    At the 1:40 time mark he says, "The sunlight blocks out all the starlight so you can't see any stars just like here on Earth."

    Then, he says, "Then, when you look out into deep space away from the sun, it's the darkest black you can imagine."

    I suppose it could be interpreted that way. We'd have to see the continuous clip of him talking. I looked for it and couldn't find it.
    Wouldn't a person's eyes adjust to the darkness if he kept the sun behind him for a minute or so? If that's what he neant, it doesn't seem consistent with this.

    There's more on the stars issue here.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
  10. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  11. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    A little clearer? Your trolling knows no bounds. This matter has been shown to you 50 times and your pathetic evasion is once again on show.

    Proving that your statement above is trolling. Cernan jumps, creates a clear parabolic arc of dust that indisputably rises with him to the same height as his boot. Your clueless explanation is irrelevant, bouncing soil is impossible not just because it is moronic, but also because it defies the laws of physics. It rises at the same time and height, ergo it falls the same way. Despite your stupid claim, this is what we see!

    Can you explain why you think this is not the case? Your previous ignorant reply is impossible, the dust cannot fall faster than it rose.
  12. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    You have dozens of unanswered slam dunk posts. Why are you so afraid to be wrong? Does 20 years of your life failing online actually matter to you? Listen to your sister. Logoff and do something productive, you totally suck at science.
  13. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Anyone who puts the video on full screen and sets the speed at .25 can see that the dust falls while the astronaut is still floating which shows he's on a wire. You can deny the obvious all you want. A lot of viewers are probably taking the time to look at the footage and are not swayed by your rhetoric.

    Apollo 17 - analysis of another jump sequence

    The kicked up soil hits the surface and then goes back up. You can call it a bounce, or a ricochet, or any other word you want. The bottom line is that the kicked up soil hits the surface and then goes back up. Start watching at the 00:14 second time mark.
  14. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I guess you are simply too poorly educated to understand. Even when given very slow gifs, even when the undeniable is shown, you still come out with your clueless horseshit. Objects rise and fall at the same speed. Your observation is irrelevant and always was. The dust is level with his boot and is observable rising in perfect sync with it. THAT closes the case. Your pathetic and false assertions are impossible.

    Experiments | Water Parabola · Physikanten & Co
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
  15. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Of course they do unless one of them is on a wire and the other isn't.

    This doesn't address my observation. My observation shows that the astronaut stays up while the dust goes down. Let's hear you actually address my observation.
  16. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Well your brain is letting you down then. If you understand step one of the irrefutable process, step 2 is automatic! The astronaut rises AT THE SAME TIME as the soil. Right there game over. They rise to the same height, it isn't open for debate, if you deny it you are lying.

    What utter bullshit. The soil comes down in a perfect synchronous wave. Your claim is diversion with the moronic bouncing soil! It cannot FAIL to come down at the same speed as it rose. How can you be so hopeless as to not understand this basic, basic thing!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
  17. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I never said that the soil came down at a different speed from which it rose. I said it came down at a different speed from the speed at which the astronaut came down. That's the point I want you to address.

    If any viewers haven't watched this, it explains the point I'm making.

    The Apollo Moon Jump Salute Refute
  18. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    WE ARE TALKING ABOUT CERNAN'S Jump! You did this bullshit before. Which part of this basic simple to understand child friendly thing is confusing you!?

    It is irrelevant what lies you are telling regarding the descent! They BOTH reach zenith together, the laws of physics says they come down together. They rose together, or are you going to lie to everyone about this as well?

    Obfuscating spam. This is nothing to do with the jump salute, itself also a slam-dunk.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
  19. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I've been talking about this video. That was clear in post #663.

    Apollo 17 - analysis of another jump sequence

    Start watching at the 00.14 time mark. The soil doesn't go up as high as the astronaut does and it starts to fall before he does and it hits the surface before he does. This is very clear proof that the astronaut is on a wire as they would have gone up and gone down in unison if he hadn't been on a wire.
  20. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Pathetic, you posted your spam video of Young's jump!

    [Quotez]Start watching at the 00.14 time mark. The soil doesn't go up as high as the astronaut does [/quote]

    You are a disgraceful liar:
  21. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    The still picture is misleading.


    Watch the video at the 00.14 time mark. It will be very clear that the soil doesn't go up as high as the astronaut does and it starts to fall before he does and it hits the surface before he does.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
  22. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Suggestion for a new thread: "The Moon Is Fake" ;-)
  23. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    No, you are doing that. You are just so very deceitful. The shot shows quite clearly that the soil is at boot height and at zenith.

    This person will never admit a single thing no matter how irrefutable it is.
  24. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    You've made your position clear and I've made my position clear. All we can do now is reiterate. The viewers can decide for themselves.
  25. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    You don't have a position. You have denial and not just on this. Literally dozens of posts.

    There is a 100% irrefutable sequence showing a dust wave rising as one with Cernan. It gets to the same height and hits the surface at the same time. You are afraid to admit this because you are not here to debate and never have been. On this subject or any you pollute with your clueless observations and misinformation links, you are trying to sway people to your own perverse world view. I have no idea why you could possibly think such a thing was anything of value. Your goal now is to attempt to bury this latest in a long line of ass kickings.

    You have no education within one single discipline that you post on, so you don't even have sufficient level to understand your own gross failures. Your sister gave you the best advice you could ever have received! Logoff and stop listening to batshit!

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