The Pain of Rejection and how some react violently and politically.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by AboveAlpha, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I think it is safe to say that just about every member here has at one time either been rejected or perhaps a relationship for whatever reason just did not work out or perhaps couldn't work out and the result was a lot of emotional pain for you and perhaps also the one you love.

    The first time I had my heat broken I was 16 years old and on of the companies my family owns had a Bowling Team on a league where I and our employees actually won the League Championship the first year and the 2nd year we came in 2nd....but it is WHY we came in second that matters here.

    I had already had sex and was not a virgin but for the first time I fell in love with a girl on another team in the league named Jessie. She was also 16 and beautiful and well developed and I had a crush on her so hard I could barely think about anything else.

    She really liked me and we dated and eventually we had sex and when you are 16 and in love for the first time and having sex it makes the breakup just all the harder.

    It wasn't about another guy as I am a fairly good male specimen but what it actually was about was MONEY.

    You see I have always worked and thus I always had money and my family and Military Father and "CIVILIAN" the manner the quotes denote Mother finished their service to our nation and worked very hard and so did I and built several businesses which are now relatively large companies.

    I brought her with me to my families company and I never saw it coming. She saw the buildings and she saw the warehouses and those pretty blue eye's instead just registered $ signs.

    After that it was the only thing she could talk about and she started asking me to buy her very expensive things and it became apparent to me it just was not going to work out.

    But we all know....we all see the warning signs way before anything bad stats to happen right?

    I loved her dearly but she put me in a position and asked me to make a choice and I chose the RIGHT THING....I chose to break it off and of course in reality she broke it off with me but it was MY CHOICE to make.

    Now again as WE ALL KNOW....the pain of that first break up....that first time you are in love is painful in the extreme and it tears you apart and here in lies the POLITICAL ASPECT of what I am talking about.

    Groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda for those of you who do not know are using a very devious method to develop, condition and control would be SUICIDE BOMBERS.

    They are using very young and very beautiful women who basically so engross these young virgin Muslim Men that once they break up with them these men are so devastated they are EASY PREY for recruitment into ISIS or Al-Nusra which is a part of Al-Qaeda.

    Anyways....I was recently reminded what such pain is like and although I am older and experienced I can tell you even at my age it is DEVASTATING!!

    You don't want to don't want to don't want anything....except the one you love back.

    But sometimes a person has just got to do what is in the best interest of another as if you really love protect them....even from yourself.

    DennisTate likes this.
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I can empathize....... my first two ex-wives talked about money......(OK, the relative lack thereof in comparison to their expectations)..... pretty much all the time........ I knew from the beginning that our days were numbered.....

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