Thoughts on The Young Turks (TYT)?

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by ProgressivePower, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. ProgressivePower

    ProgressivePower Active Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I have been a subscriber and viewer of TYT for about a year now. I love there rants against political corruption and the media. But lately, I have seen there extreme and I mean extreme bias. They are literally like the Progressive Fox News. I feel like they have an agenda against Repubs and Conservatives, like Fox does with Dems and Liberals. I don't think they fact check anything. I used to see TYT's critics make videos about Cenk and some TYT segments, but never watched them or took them seriously and just sided with Cenk and TYT at all times. But lately I have seen some of TYT's critics videos and they really make great points and point out Cenk and TYT's extreme bias. Like for instance Sargon of Akkad makes some great points. Sargon is even an ex viewer of TYT. I heard that there was a time, when TYT was amazing, and great, and wasn't extremely, extremely biased as it is today. I've also seen that there are many ex viewers and subscribers of TYT. Many people stopped watching because they felt like they were watching an extreme left-wing propaganda biased show, and that they have gone in the wrong direction. I am starting to feel like this about TYT as well. What are your thoughts about TYT?
  2. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    I never liked them.

    It was clear years ago that they were self righteous and pompous which is too good signs of someone out of touch with reality and who is wrong more often than right.

    Yes I agree Sargon, repzion, undoomed, thunderfoot, the amazing atheist, chris ray gun and many many other youtubers have shredded the TYT over and over again on many issues.

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