USA "democarcy": Gays & lesbians are forcing majority to love them again!

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by martin_777, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Johnny-C, did you talk to a doctor? I am serious. You repeating this over and over again, do you notice this?
    Do I repeat over and over that "Johnny-C wants to nuke the moon"?

    Where did I ever advocated to discriminate homosexual people?
    I see that homosexual people discriminate straight people. Shall straight people to be discriminated? Standing up for rights of straight people is not discrimination of homosexuals. You are good example of hammered American, who can't see the difference due to huge gay propaganda.
    We see all kinds of analogies in our life, BTW, when some category of people wants to be treated as preferred class.

    Let's see an example.
    I say, that I stand against Zionism, what means "Jewish fascism". What kinds of attacks on me will be launched and what kinds of accusations will I hear? That I am anti-semit. Right?

    Same with you and many other people, who are calling me a "homophobic bigot". The propaganda is so deeply implanted in your mind, that you can't even notice it. A person like me, who grew up in a different world, who doesn't watch US TV and doesn't drink fluoridated water can easily see it.
  2. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Did you talk to one?

    No, you are off-topic.

    There is only one type of response, fro the type of argument you continue to relate. Do you want me to lose focus of MY view and purpose? (Sorry that for you, it isn't THAT easy.) Get over it.

    You could. And really, it might make far more sense than much of the irrational animus you fire so viscerally at homosexual human beings. Even so, don't expect me to tolerate your BS... no matter what you say.

    Have you 'ever' read the meaning of the things you post? (Come on... you are clearly against homosexuality AND homosexual people. Or did I misunderstand you so completely?)

    Please, share one example of that. (I'm sure you'll find some exception out there, somewhere.)

    What?! Is that a question? (Rephrase it, please.)

    What exactly does "Standing up for the rights of straight people" entail? (I'm sure the answer will be, hilarious.)

    Show what you mean, then prove what you are implying. All I know, is that you are spraying-out a lot of BS.

    Equal Rights, does not amount to seeking 'preferential treatment' (or regard).

    If you can be reasonable, and not attack other human beings in rejecting "Zionism" (which some surely manage to do), then so be it; that is your view/opinion. But as soon as you go dehumanizing others because they are different than you or disagree with you... then you likely receive what you would dish-out. It is as clear as that.

    Have you (ever) personally asked a significant number of homosexual people (more than 2 or 3), what your words/views communicate? (I think you REALLY should.)

    Even if that were true (and it likely isn't); what is it about my views and opinions, that you would wish for me to alter, change, reform? What?!

    Look 'different guy'... you live in a world with MULTITUDES of 'fluoridated', 'TV entertained' and open-minded individuals. LEARN TO COMMUNICATE and GET ALONG WITH THEM. Otherwise, you are just being unrealistic, or just plain "DIFFICULT".

    Really, it is your 'choice'; I'm just sayin'.
  3. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Arrr... You can't ignore me, huh? I am really on your nerves, huh?
    You are the one which goes into different topics and repeating yourself over and over. So, I strongly insist that you should talk you a doctor. You already said 2 times that you are going to ignore me and you don't. See?
    Do you get it now?

    Gay marriages was not a topic here, but you are the one, who brought it. When you will stop trolling?
    Do you get it now?

    What is your view? I hardly understand what you are trying to prove me. I clearly see that you want me to stop criticizing gay favoring and be pro-gay, because they are "discriminated" Hah-haha-haha.
    Do you get it now?

    This is my view and your view is a BS.
    Do you get it now?

    I have a right for my views, do I?
    I am against something what discriminates and offends me. Why it's wrong to be against what you find wrong?
    You are discriminating me, because you are against me, Johnny-C.
    Do you get it now?

    Are you mocking me? Look at the topic of this thread. Have I told you about the fact 10 000 times where I see discrimination of straight people - 1 man acted in favor of 2%, ignoring 98%? Administrators? Please stop this man from trolling.
    Do you get it now?

    Yes, shall straight people to be discriminated - 1 man acted in favor of 2%, ignoring 98%?
    Do you get it now?

    That 98% should not be ignored, when decision is made in favor of 2%.
    Do you get it now?

    Your constant mumbling, repeating the same thing over and over, ungrounded accusations, like I want to take away gay rights, etc.
    Do you get it now?

    Lets see an example of inequality towards straight people. Imagine, you are a manager at a company and you need to lay off someone. There is 1 open gay in your department. You definitely will not lay off this gay, because you will be afraid of law suites or afraid of stigma, that other people's might start thinking that you are a gay hater. So, you will lay off a straight. Do you see discrimination and preferred treatment? Of course, it's not in the law. You will not lay off a gay out of fear to have tons of headache for you and your business!

    I even got an anecdote for, I've heard it from my coworkers.
    "All whites were fired from a company, except 1 white man. Everybody look at him, silently telling him that now his turn to go. Seeing and understanding that he declares: I am a gay!".
    Do you get it now? Hah-haha-haha.

    Being colored gives you 1 level of protection(favoring), being gay/lesbian gives you 1 and being a woman also gives you 1 level.
    So, the most protected status in USA is a colored lesbian women - all 3 levels of protection.
    The most discriminated kind is a white straight male.
    So, this is 1 of the reasons we see so many gays among whites, then among others. It encourages them to become gays. They are simply week people and can't stand for themselves or they lack attention or maybe just lazy.

    Do you get it now?

    I gave you a simple example how the world works now. In the case I clearly stated, that I am against Jewish fascism, which is "Zionism". Or any other Jewish wrong doing. If you criticize white people, will you be called by something similar to "antisemit", see, there is no even world for that! You can trash and criticize white people. This is how 1 nation can become exempt from any type of criticism.
    Do you get it now?

    Why I should ask them? I have my views and I don't need their approval.
    Do you get it now?

    You are totally missing the topic of this thread. You are constantly bringing things which are irrelevant. I am standing for rights of strait people and democracy, like ask people first what they want in the schools, while you keep mumbling like I am attacking gay rights or like they gay no rights, etc.
    Do you get it now?

    Learn to listen, prove your agenda, stop mumbling over and over the irrelevant things and stop your attempts to troll me out.
    Do you get it now?
  4. Darkwater

    Darkwater Banned

    Aug 31, 2011
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    A homophobic Russian? Quelle surprise!
  5. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    See? Good example. I am called "homophobic". Good example that US pushes to love homosexuals, because if I don't - they stigmatize me - you are "homophobic". See?
    This is how "freedom and democracy" works in the most "democratic" country - "you should love homosexuals or we will punish you"!
    Start building Gulags for not liking homosexuals!

    BTW, being Russian I have -1 level of protection.
    I am not colored, I am not gay, I am no a woman and take of 1 level - because I am Russian.
    USA still hating Russia, despite we are no longer communist/socialist, while in love with communist China, oppressive regime. He-he... Jee...
  6. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Not in the emotional sense. In a pragmatic sense, I'm talking about the real estate on my computer screen (scrolling). Still, something readily overcome.

    I have a message and an agenda; it isn't sinister however. Of course, there are things I mean to say, and to say them as much/often as I see fit. You don't have to engage them, if my repeating bothers you so much.

    That's just silly; you don't know what you're talking about there.

    Intellectually, I do make it a point to ignore many things you've said. But if I decide to engage, and oppose what you say... you need to accept that by either responding or ignoring what I say. But for the record: I've decided to NOT necessarily "ignore" all that you say here. (Get it yet?)

    Deal with me being here and responding to you; that is what I intend to do. (I hope that YOU "get it".)


    Always had it, IMO.

    Your views aren't mine. We are indeed talking about the SAME thing(s), but I'm sure we disagree so vehemently, that we do likely talk past one another. Even so, I'm going back to the front (the OP), and see if I can 'write' more definitively at points I wish to make. I won't deny, that we've LOST one another somewhere in the discussion.
  7. pragprog

    pragprog New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Let me see if I can deflate you bigotry balloon, puff my puff in simplistic terms. Democracy is a philosophy of government by which a people govern themselves. A republic is a form of government in which elected officials make and see that the laws are executed and enforced. We are a Democratic-Republic, meaning that the people govern through their elected officials. Add to that is the fact that we are a Constitutional Democratic-Republic meaning that we also have a set of strict rules that say the majority rules in most cases, but they cannot do so if their actions harm, discriminate or marginalize a minority group. GOT SO FAR?

    So governing by polls is not going to happen and even by referendum if the result of the referendum violates the Constitution that protects the minorities. That's why Prop 8 has been challenged in the courts. It has been suggested and so far the courts have agreed that even though, on the day of the vote, more people voted for Prop 8 the results meant that gay citizens were not being treated fairly or allowed equal rights matching straight citizens. Now we are waiting to see how the Supreme Court decides.

    As far as what is taught in school, we certainly can put that to a vote. The criteria for what is taught must be what can be proven scientifically or supported by verifiable data and knowledge. Otherwise we might have some school districts where voters want creationism that cannot be supported by any scientific data taught instead of evolution that is supported by scientific data. Also in sex education some folks want it taught that being gay is a sin, because the Bible says so, but in our nation the Constitution says that something only supported by a religious belief cannot be taught as fact. Since psychological, medical and social data all support homosexuality being a normal but recessive trait then school systems can pass this information on to students. Of course parents may ask that their children not attend sex education classes and that request is honored.

    Now I'm certain that you have a clearer picture. The bottom line is that no one, much less gay people, is ever going to require that you love gay people. You must, however, show them the same respect and dignity to you grant to any other human being. That too is part of our Constitutional Democratic-Republic.
  8. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I agree with what you've expressed above. (You beat me to going back to the 'front', and responding. And you did it better than I might have.) Thanks! :)
  9. pragprog

    pragprog New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Thanks :cool:. You don't seem to have any trouble holding your own.
  10. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Still can ignore me, huh?:-D
    What is this all about?

    What is your message and agenda?

    How can you know what I know and why/what is silly?

    No, I don't get you at all. Ignore means ignore. But double standards are very typical for American, especially politician. I am not surprised.

    I have a hard time understanding what is your mission here. Looks like you want to save your defeated face just by leaving a last word. It will create you an illusion that your "arguments" were the last and "you are right". LOL.

    I perfectly understand that our views are different. What now?
  11. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    "Thank you" for calling me a "bigot" again, just because I don't support homosexuals and challenge truthfulness of US type of "democracy".
    I know that you are not a democracy. Why the hell then I've heard and hear the word "democracy" over and over from Obama, Bush, McCain, any TV or radio channel most of the time? Like US is for democracy, like it's the most democratic country in the world and it attacks other countries, because they have no democracy, I hear US barking at Russia, Belarus, etc, that they lack democracy, etc? Do you follow your mass media channels?
    Also see my post here.

    Shut your fu*cking big Mass Media mouth and stop barking at other countries. Call yourself $$$-cracy and say the world that you are upset that other countries are not $$$-cracies too and US is angry that they don't obey to US and don't want to be like US. US has a tyrannic order, a tyranny of the $$$.
  12. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Unlike you Johnny-C, he could say something. Good mutual ass-kissing exchange, btw.:mrgreen:
  13. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Oh yeah. Despite whatever you wish to call it, I agree with those I think/believe have things right; and that should clear up (especially for you) why I disagree so vehemently with most of what you say within this forum.

    So be it.
  14. pragprog

    pragprog New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    You spew hate, anger, bigotry and ignorance and expect we'll pay attention to what you have to say? Dispel yourself of that notion immediately.
  15. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Amen to that!!
  16. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Ok, you disagree to respect American people of California and you are supporting coersion of people. Unlike you, I respect American people of California. I think instead forcing their kids to study "homo history" they should ask them first - "are you ok with it?" or find other mutually satisfying decision, like create "gay schools" or "gay-free" schools as an alternative. Thus you give people choices, which will benefit as homo as straight.

    I am like Obama, McCain & Bush fighting for democracy around the world, including US. I believe before attacking other countries and accusing them in lack of democracy, United States should implement it first at home.
  17. rstones199

    rstones199 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2009
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    We also have another saying here: if the show fits, wear it :mrgreen:
  18. rstones199

    rstones199 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2009
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    If the Shoe fits wear it!
  19. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Heeeeyy!!!! Look at that intellectual ass-pumper, thinking that it makes him better then anybody! :mrgreen:

    Is anyone who firmly defends and stands for his agenda should be called "bigot"? You want to stigmatize me, like you do with all your cattle-like US population with steady hammering, so that I would stop standing for my rights and act in favor of homosexuals!

    You all, in your turn look to me a homosexual bigots, especially "Jonny-C" with his senseless mumbling and his imitation of "fight for rights".

    I don't think that psychological mutants should oppress heterosexual people and make us to love you!

    This is true unbiased reaction of people towards you:
    In the Georgian village of gay men from Germany were thrown into the river

    Your behavior is interpreted as disgusting :puke: and offends all normal people. If people bully you, that means they don't like you. Why don't you respect us, instead of forcing us to love you? We have right not to like you, remember that. We are also free. Love and hate are 2 sides of the same coin. Forcing us to love you will create even more hate.
  20. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Why all that hatred in your post, martin?

    What do you think you are really saying?

    And also I say, thank God for the 2nd Amendment here in America; that helps a lot with the pesky problem of unwarranted assaults upon gay people.
  21. martin_777

    martin_777 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    I have a right to hate, Johnny-C. I have a right not to like something. You will never change anything, unless you start hating it! Love and hate are 2 sides of the same coin and both of them could be quite productive. Do you know that?

    Where does 2nd Amendment says that I have no right to hate something?

  22. 317_tree

    317_tree New Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    He did not say you don't have that right.
  23. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Dont listen to the simpletons who think the existance of a Republic, precludes the existance of a democracy. They dont know what they are talking about. The US is what is commonly referred to as a liberal democracy, but a democracy none the less.
  24. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    No, don't listen to the idiots who think that "democracy" in America, is equal to "Majority Rules" where people's rights are concerned; that isn't the case.
  25. BullsLawDan

    BullsLawDan New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Are we still debating the meaning and application of democracy with someone (the OP) who cannot even spell the word?


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