USA is demanding Venezuela cede land to Guyana

Discussion in 'Central & South America' started by Heinrich, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. Heinrich

    Heinrich Active Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    The new American ambassador to Guyana, Perry Holloway, has involved himself in a very old dispute regarding an area known as Essequibo. Both Venezuela and Guyana have already agreed to let the United Nations mediate in the dispute but Holloway sees it differently. What on earth has this to do with the United States? Answer: OIL for an American corporation. "The 190-year-old dispute was reignited in May when the Guyanese government of President David Granger — just elected amid allegations of ballot-rigging — granted offshore oil exploration rights in the region to Exxon Mobil."
    Landy deary me! The Yanquis are stirring it up again and for the same old reason. Haven't they done enough harm in Latin America already?

    Perry Holloway fresh from his success as Political-Military Counsellor at the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan (2013 – July 2014)

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