What gay 'propaganda' vote tells us about Russia today

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by leekohler2, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. leekohler2

    leekohler2 New Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    I found this very interesting. This brings back memories I have from the 80's in the US- trust me, not a fun time to be gay.

    I actually think after watching this that Russia will get it eventually and move on. It's going to take time, but at least both sides are talking. That is a good thing. What frightens me though, is that certain public speech has been made illegal in Russia, which never happened in the US. That is the difference here. I never had to worry about talking to an adult about being gay when I was young.

    However, we are now in the internet age, the world has gotten much smaller and information travels pretty freely. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  2. funinsnow

    funinsnow Banned by Member Request

    Sep 5, 2012
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    It's right to be homophobic to stop gays from homolesting 15 year old boys. Reason Russians called in Occupy Pedophilia is to stop gay homolesters. Worldwide media has been covering this. Media reports that teen boys were attacked but that's 1/2 truth because intent of these Russian men is to bash gays to stop them from homolesting 15 year old boys. What likely happened is that mistakes happened where 15 year old boys were bashed when the gay bashers intended to bash gays who go after 15 year old boys. Huffington Post like other media distorted what happened by saying they went after teenagers-when in fact the gays bashed were adults not teenagers-there were mistakes made where a couple of teenagers were bashed but most have been adult gays.I have never been to Russia, but the Russian men are bashing adult gays to stop the gays from homolesting 15 year old boys. The Russian men pretended to be 15 year old boys on Internet so that they could bash these gays.Those gays were looking for 15 year old boys to homolest but instead got bashed by men pretending to be 15 year old boys.

    Yes, they should report this to cops and let the cops arrest the gays but I have no sympathy for these gays who get bashed. If a gay is going to look for 15 year old boys on Internet to meet and abuse-if instead they get bashed by men who pretended to be the 15 year old they had hoped to meet, then no sympathy for the gay. The Russian men who are bashing gays are doing this because they won't tolerate gays going after teenage boys. yes, while vigilanteism must still be punished by law as you have to do it legally with cops arresting the gays who abuse teenage boys and then the legal system punishing the gays after they've been hopefully convicted, what is happening here is vigilanteism. The gays who are looking for teenage boys to homolest get no sympathy for being bashed. Yes, vigilanteism must be punished by law as what is being done here is assault & battery, but it's less sensational than what media makes it out to be.
  3. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    What's "homophobic" is your approach to dialog on any of these matters. Heterosexuals molest a significant number of the children you claim to be concerned about.

    Even so, I'm pretty sure that 15 is not a legal age to have sex in most States (especially not with an adult).
  4. funinsnow

    funinsnow Banned by Member Request

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Gay/lesbian activities whether it’s willing or forced are bad & the punishment for statutory rape must be more when it’s homo/lesbian. That means if a man has sex with an underage girl the punishment = if a woman has sex with an underage boy. But if the statutory rape is gay such as in Harvey B. Milk’s case, then punishment must be more because sex abuse is worse when it’s gay/lesbian in nature as that often causes homosexuality/lesbianism and transexuality (transexuals are mutilated gays and abolish sex change mutilations -to deny this is dishonest, delusional or both.It's right to be 'bigoted' against homosexuality and transexuality (which is worse) just as it's right to be 'bigoted' against cocaina smoking. It's undebatable truth that if a person's a victim of childhood sex abuse, then it's more likely he or she will do gay/lesbian conduct repeating what he learned-those who deny are either dishonest, delusional or both. Many gays were victims of homo rapes when they were boys such as by gay priests. There could be other causes which haven't been conclusively proven such as genes, but if that's true then the gay gene would be the same thing as heart attack gene. We should work to find a cure for the gay gene if indeed this is true.
  5. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Forced sex is always bad; legally consensual sexual activity is AWESOMELY GOOD, as long as people are 'safe' about it.
  6. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    statutory rape does not have to be forced to still be bad. I see you are trying to find a technicality in able to support Milk still. But he preyed upon a youthful male in order to have sex with him. And because that youth never came out and admitted to it, nor did he try to press charges, doesn't mean a crime didn't occur
  7. funinsnow

    funinsnow Banned by Member Request

    Sep 5, 2012
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    JavisBeason, the victim does not press charges-they only report that a crime happened. Police arrest and charge the victimizer and they help the prosecutor prove a crime happened. In fact, police can arrest a suspect if they believe a crime happened and the case can be prosecuted even if the victim doesn't want prosecution. It's State vs. Criminal and a criminal case can be prosecuted even if the victim doesn't want prosecution because it's the govt. who prosecutes. The victim can be forced to testify if prosecutor orders it.

    Harvey Bernard Milk was a homosexual coward who in 1964 committed statutory rape on a teenage boy (the boy committed suicide i 1980) but H.B. Milk was never prosecuted for it. Harvey Bernard Milk should’ve been convicted & jailed for felony statutory rape in 1964 & lost his right to vote. Harvey B. Milk being dead since 11/27/1978 won't be able to homosexually statutorily rape any more teen boys. & If I were a lawyer I'd have happily defended Daniel James (DJ) White for free-he wouldn't have to pay anything in lawyer's fees because some things are more important than money-in fact, Harvey B. Milk's family should have had to pay for DJ White's defense.
  8. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Did you READ my short post? Do you recall that I said:

    And WHY do you think I used those exact words?

    Come on, please don't be specious with your responses.
  9. JavisBeason

    JavisBeason New Member

    Mar 6, 2011
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    The victim in a statutory rape crime never has to report the crime, someone else can. The thought behind that is the victim may not even see themselves as a victim if the older person is good at what he/she does.

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