Who is Donald Trump anyways?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Cougarbear, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. Cougarbear

    Cougarbear Banned

    Mar 1, 2019
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    Seems like the Democrats and Never-Trumpers still want the old Washington politics ruling the nation to solve problems at home and abroad. Yet, problems never get solved with their methods. In comes Donald Trump. An outsider who looks at the world's problems from a Business Man's point of view. A Capitalists point of view. And, that's what people and states wanted in 2016. Out with the old way. So, what does that mean?
    1. Peace in the middle east can be solved by getting all the other Muslim countries seeking peace and trade with Israel before and ignoring Palestinians (Iran/Russia backed) quest for freedom while condemning Israel wanting death to Israel and the U.S. And, Peace is breaking out in the Middle East instead of Obama's method of attacking Israel for being the problem and causing endless wars.
    2. Getting back at Russia with trade wars and getting Europe to defend themselves more and pay for more of it. And, Russia is now losing much of it's strength against Europe, Oil.
    3. Getting manufacturing companies to come back to the U.S. and make it in the U.S.A. And, do it cheaper by lowering taxes and regulations. The old method was let corporation leave to other countries to make things cheaper losing millions of good paying jobs leaving Americans having to work 2 or 3 jobs to make up for the good paying jobs lost by Obama-Biden and the Rhino's methods.
    4. With healthcare and education, Trump sees the Government responsible for the high costs of both. The more the Government subsidizes them the more the cost goes up for salaries and building costs. And, lawsuits costs as well. Trump wants less Government interference where the costs are driven up by Government involvement. Instead, we are trapped by the liberals and unions that want socialized medicine and education. That will drive costs up, taxes up and regulations up all subsidized by the middle class. The poor will get poorer and the rich Rhinos and Leftist politicians get richer like Biden through corruption.

    I could go on and on about the pandemic and other things where Trump can actually balance the pandemic and Economy (opening up) while Biden and the Democrats do it the old way and try and fix just one thing at a time destroying the economy and wrecking the greatest country every seen in the world. Biden thinks he can cure the virus and is the messiah. Trump just fixes things.

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