Why China always and will be in the future acts like a (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)y?

Discussion in 'Asia' started by metter, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. metter

    metter New Member

    Apr 24, 2011
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    Summary: most part of the idea came to me when I was embracing my second brain cell cutting down special. I guess it was already there, just waiting for the right moment…And usually I don’t say this: all the things I’m about to talk about here are just my speculations, you need confirm them before making any move; don’t blame me if you accidently start World War III.
    Not long ago, The Republic of Tajikistan handed over about 1,000 square kilometer of 28,000 sq.km controversial land to China. When looked closer, you shall see that it was the result of two countries’ negotiation back to 2002. I can’t really tell whose will was that; but consider Tajikistan is a small country, and they offered occupied land voluntarily, as a peace loving, thoughtful country, that merely make sense. Then I recalled the 2009 China-India border negotiation event. The way India suddenly reinforced two mountain divisions and one soon-to-be-arrived artillery division to the border, the way they didn’t budge an inch during the first two rounds of meeting, a little bird must tell them that China was willing to recede this time. And then the fact that Hong Kong newspaper somehow was able to reveal commies’ bottom line should further solidate my assumption. Commies were about to waive their right over 90,000 sq.km fertile soil, that is two and half size of Taiwan.
    Wow, what’s the rush! Why can’t you just leave a tiny space for our descendants to improvise? You expunge radical writer’s articles from children’s textbook, flood internet with texts about how to blow yourself, which I can all understand, but this? Are you so worried that our situation will very much turn down in the future? Then a war might be a perfect diversion. Or do you fear a war would drag down our economy? But the chance of having a war seems far lower than the chance of economy going down by itself. That’s just paradoxical! Call me evil but how are you gonna solve the enormous population problem in the future? Three Gorges Dam? SARS? It’s like a wolf pretends itself as a sheep to the outsider for too long, it decides no longer eat meat. There must be something else.
    Now, before further discussion, I think there is one ground rule about certain sector of Chinese secret agents’ playbook you should know about; that is everything they do shall have a superficial cover, everything is coincidental, everything is misunderstanding; in the end, you are the one that gets paranoid.
    Back to the 2009 event, there was another unusual caught my attention. To response India’s sudden troop surge on the border, China decided to exercise a large scale cross region military maneuvers. To my surprise, they didn’t assemble those troops together; instead, they restrained them separately among four military regions’ usual exercise fields. Aha, that kind of “cross region”! At least you should send them all to the Tibetan Plateau for a while, after all altitude sickness appears to be the more imminent issue. And if you really like subtle, you can always have them build a road or something over there for the Tibet people.
    Follow that hunch, more things now look suspicious. You shall notice that there were no out- door large scale military drills appeared in China since 2004. And also one intriguing accident I read from some Hong Kong newspaper back then but could no longer find it on web nowadays. That back around 2003~2004, When Hu jintao newly made the present, he seemed somehow managed to make the former present Jiang zemin believe that he was pushing him too hard to hand over last piece of the power jigsaw. Then one day incident finally occured. When little Hu showed his manly power, climbed abord some ship to get closer experience toward the ongoing navy exercise, suddenly a missile deviated its course and hit right near his ship. He even fled Yunnan nuclear bunker for that. Well, that was just what you though it was. China is a country of etiquette; people, especially with much political power, prefer to do things in a more subtle manner. Compare to the fact that Jiang was awfully quiet during the following years; I must say, it’s more like a warning “Hey, Mr. Present! Don’t leave town!”
    Now you smell something, ha! But that won’t get you anyway unless you combine the other two things. And even though you might found it hard to believe, I swear on somebody’s grave, it’s definitely true! Let’s just say, God is humorous.
    Here is the hardest selling part, the “All-Time-Mind-Detector”, which I mentioned several times before at some other places. And back then I said it was originated from polygraph; well it could be, but I don’t think that’s how commies do it. Actually till now I still can’t figure how it really works. All I can tell is that it is able to discriminate different brain activities on certain extent. Whether you’re glad or sad, excited or calm, afraid or angry; whether you’re intrigued or careless; whether you agree or disapprove. You don’t have to say anything, have you take a glimpse of some multiple-choice options (separated by detailed illustration) then they can get the answer. Sometimes combine with your reading speed, they can even determine your opinion toward certain line of a long article. And the terminal device must be concealable on certain level, it should be there, but you just can’t find it with your eyes.
    Now somebody is sounding crazy. I know, it’s hard to believe; how can an always one step behind, non-scientific spirit country develop such advanced technology and have led its way for so many years while others still struggled to aware its possibility. But don’t you forget that China is very good at human stuff, being evil sometimes get its perks too. And if you care to look, there are evidences everywhere. For instance, here (http://www.politicalforum.com/economics-trade/214201-perfect-social-system.html): how do you think they kept feeding me the Chinese economy strategies even though they knew I(and others) wouldn’t answer any of it. So don’t judge it too fast, wait till you see the whole picture, if you still don’t buy it, you can always turn the whole thing into a marvelous conspiracy movie.
    Cool, right? Well, that’s just basic application. If you can improvise a little bit, such as beguile your victims through some vague implications, like some meaningful sounds, or signs. Just need to condition that with some insubordinate penalties, it should be enough for you to play god, and make them believe that they are actually hallucinating. And the best part is they dare not to tell anybody. Because most of them are very successful people, if they start to talk, they have to bear the risk to lose their jobs, their status. And in China, when you’re known to the public as a mentally ill person, your relatives can easily take away everything from you and throw you into some remote darkness psycho ward.
    In old days, even you hit that kind of jackpot, you can’t put it into large scale usage, because you’ll risk such perk falling into hands of others. But today we’re all now kind of hooked by mobile networks. That’s right, the terminal device only produce raw signals, which disguise themselves as noises, then will be transported through your cell phones to the base stations. (Why do you think China has the world largest telecommunication equipment provider?) After that they will be decoded and send into a super computer (Why do you think China has the world N0.1 fastest super computer?) to process and return the real meanings to the agents who have subscribed such mind readings. They say Americans are globally monitoring our cell phone conversations, but compare to this, that’s just child’s play. Now all you need is a wrong thinking to be a dead man. But due to its nature of analog form, the target can’t get too far away from the base stations, otherwise you’ll bring extra real noises into the “noises”. Same thing goes to satellite communications, because at such long distance, you can’t possibly transport high quality covert information through analog wave.
    China has two major mobile networks, one for mind control, that is ‘China Mobile’. The other is ‘China Unicom’ which is for counter-intelligence purpose. On GSM stage, ‘China Unicom’ network got weaker signal. Then later the company tried to catch up by introducing CDMA first handed, although it’s more environmental, but some as*hole forgot to make phone number detachable as an option, like SIM card for GSM; and it took them many years to realize “oh, that actually is a problem”. Whew! That was close; because CdmaOne or CDMA2000 had to use asynchronous CDMA for uplink, which transport digital signal with many real noises, make it impossible to send out your mind wave.
    Now we entering 3G era, there was WCDMA which became most popular standard, but da*n thing still allow noises for uplink, so China have to come up a new air interface standard call TD-SCDMA to force asynchronous into synchronous even if that means slower connection, low mobility for mobile phone, and much complexity for electron devices. Experts said China did that for circumvent some patent fees, but why not develop a whole complete set of specification for that matter.
    ‘China Unicom’ continuously plays the role by implementing WCDMA; and ‘China Mobile’ of course deployed TD-SCDMA. Although the later encountered many drawbacks, thus the two seemed even this time; ‘China Mobile’ was still able to play the usual ‘Strong Signal’ card. So elite people in China, if you were suddenly persecuted by the government despite more bribes and more connections; you should seriously review yourself, were you too fond of iPhone and refuse to take any another usual ‘China Mobile’ serviced phone with you?
    ... to be continued
  2. metter

    metter New Member

    Apr 24, 2011
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    From the way Jian became quieter and quieter, I guess he still didn’t figure it out how the hell that missile could deviate itself and stood up for him uninvited. And how Falun Gong followers could be so organized, file civil and criminal lawsuits against him in at least 33 countries, and send out junk mails about his brutality through out China till 2008. The only explanation is that he might smell something about their scheme, so they kept weakening his influence, feared that he might step in the way. Rumor has it the Company ‘Harbour Networks Limited’ split out from Huawei was under the direct interference of Jian’s son. So I guess the tip Jiang was received should be like: “new technology, elite people, telecommunication, descendants”; and such blunt move must also have cost his presidency.
    Descendants? Ha! I guess we have no right to question their reign. But I can sure you they all nuts, must get twisted by the sufferings during the ‘Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution’; and they have betrayed everything their forefathers had fought for. For example, about the China’s largest, world second water conservancy project, the ‘Three Gorges Dam’. There was this plot that appeared to the outsider as one kind of Chinese famous ruse that expose your weakness deliberately thus hesitate your enemy. (http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_48d24c5601007ygt.html)(One ‘brave’ journalist disclose three gorges dam’s huge cracks to the public despite the fact that government had briefed the media beforehand not to report them; as if it concerned nothing about the national security) But the truth was that they had planed to have local knuckleheads blow up the dam by making it look like the dam is the source of evil.( http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_48d24c5601000am8.html)( http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/news/1/215490.shtml)(In order to avoid annual huge cost for dealing with silt, the company who run the dam had bribed the experts to claim that the dam was miscalculated its capacity over 10 billion square meters large, and they drain the water on rainy season, reserve the water on dry season, which made rainy season more rains and dry season much dryer) If they ever succeed the plan, they can gain more funds, expand much territory and pass the most private invading laws, which even in the country like China could not possibly be allowed in normal times, against their own people.(Not like they haven’t done those secretly) Diminish huge population just a little side show.
    Now you know why the President or high ranking military officers can’t leave town with their troops around. And I didn’t say they won’t have any backup device; but due to the stringent electronic restrictions in the army on high code level, they might not be able to hold on the situation. As for the war, as long as it involves many troops and certain long period of time, they might think otherwise. Send outsiders to the war? If they win, they now earn the right to challenge their sovereignties. If they lose, all they have to do is wipe out those cockroaches to exempt themselves if they could have the accurate intelligence, (that’s the part where you guys come along) and them puppets will be very pleased. Send themselves to war? Are you kidding me? They can’t afford another Mao Tse-tung to break the power balance.
    Well, that’s pretty much everything, and you go help yourselves. If you want to liberate North Korea, go ahead, China dare not send troops this time. Can’t you see that they are crying for your help. Why do you think they act so crazy, and their people talked about recovering South Korea all the time even in hungry, also try to dim the efforts Chinese army had made during the Korea War?
    I love my country, but she is clawing with vermin and parasites. I just very much like to see some people make a quiver every time they drink a bottle of very expensive champagne, or f*ck an extreme gorgeous girl.
  3. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Granny says, "Dat's right - we gonna have to whup `em...
    A full blown war over South China Sea Islands awaits U.S.-China?
    Tuesday 24th January, 2017 | WASHINGTON, U.S. - The United States on Monday promised to ensure the United States would prevent China from taking over territory in international waters in the South China Sea.
  4. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Grandpa says, "Dat's right - Granny and I are preparing for a second marriage before God in Heaven. :oldman:
  5. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    I wonder how many pages of gibberish you will be churning out if a Chinese Trump rises to power next time. Since you like to swear, you can swear on my grave next time. I am interested to find out the truth too. :angel:

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