Why Is America's Prisons Full?

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by ar10, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. ar10

    ar10 New Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Because we pass laws against stuff, that should be common decency


    Teacher,34, female, married 10 years, two kids.

    Gets stupid, and starts doing the vertical nasty rub with a high school student, 18.

    She gets arrested.

    Listen, the student is 18.

    In Texas, if you are a teacher, it against the law, to date your student, of any age.

    She is looking at time in prison.

    Is this a good law?

    We have more people in prison, than any other country in the world. Millions of people in jail. Now we are jailing them for falling in love?

    The teacher, is a scoundrel, granted, but no one from Enron is in jail. Clinton, doing the same thing in the White House, is not in jail.

    As a government, we need to get out of the adult bedrooms, and leave people to do what they want to do, and stay out of their private lives.

    While she is in jail, we the tax payers, will be purchasing food stamps for her kids, and paying their rent.
  2. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I am sorry, I do not quite understand what you are saying. America's prisons are not particularly full — at least not compared to countries such as Brazil or Mexico.

    But yes, if you want to compare America to most European countries, or to Australia, American prisons are a horrible place.

    Take a look at the demographics of the prison population. Different populations of humans are like different breeds of dogs, they have significantly different behavioural tendancies. The other problem is higher levels of poverty in the USA, and the higher cost of living in many cities.
  3. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    I'd be more upset at the repeat violent felons who are not in prison or not being placed on the end of a rope.

    The teacher should be booted, but a local jury should decide her fate.
  4. robster644

    robster644 Banned

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Are there video's of said 'vertical rubbing'?

    I would have to watch this evidence for about 10-15 minutes in private to make a decision.

    thanks ;)
  5. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    yes, parents should not have to worry that teachers will be hitting on their students, it's abuse of a position of authority

    our jails are crowded because of the war on drugs, they will probably let this teacher out and put her on a list as they do with many predators

  6. sparky2

    sparky2 Banned

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Many of the prisons in the United States are indeed over-crowded.
    Some are not. But most are.
    I have studied it, and I believe that the number one reason so many people end up in prison is because they are not terribly smart, and they do stupid things.
    (That was what is known as a blinding flash of the obvious.)

    It doesn't matter what the age or gender of the teacher, and the age or gender of the student.
    A teacher has a responsibility to teach, instruct, guide, and help to advance the intellectual skills, knowledge, and abilities of their students. In accordance with the curriculum and the guidance and laws of the State and the school district.
    Whenever a teacher chooses to ignore that responsibility, and instead, chooses to (*)(*)(*)(*) (or otherwise engage in sexual activities with) their young students, then they have violated a trust.

    If a military Drill Sergeant or Commander or Executive Officer (given the responsibility for training young recruits) chooses to instead have sex with their recruits, what would you have to say about that?
    Is that any less of a crime, in your opinion?
    Or is that okay?

    How about a prison guard, or the staff or the Warden?
    Is it okay for them to (*)(*)(*)(*) the inmates?

    Before you pull the trigger on your response, please pause to run your posting thru your computer's SpellCheck or Grammar Check.
    The reason I advise that is simple; the title of this thread is a grammatical abomination.
    And I have reviewed a few of your postings on this web forum, and though your heart is certainly in the right place, you do have a habit of sabotaging your credibility by committing egregious spelling, capitalization, and grammatical errors.

    Thanks, man.
  7. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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  8. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    U.S. leads world in imprisonment
    Sunday, August 05, 2012, 12:00am
    More people in the U.S. are in prison than anywhere else in the world.

    On Dec. 31, 2010, according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice, the U.S. had 2,266,832 people in prison. The U.S. incarceration rate is 730 per 100,000 of national population — up from a rate of 501 in 1992.

    Russia’s rate is 511. Cuba’s is 510. Iran’s is 333.

    According to prisonstudies.org, the top three nations for total number of prisoners are the U.S., China and Russia.

    Canada has seen a decrease in its incarceration rate from 123 in 1992 to 117 in 2010. Germany’s rate of 71 in 1992 rose to 83 in 2010 (27 percent are foreign prisoners).

    Why are we the world leaders in imprisonment? Is it our violence? Our laws? Our for-profit prisons? Privatization is not necessarily bad, but we don’t want to see the profit of individual companies affecting policy.

    According to The Associated Press, the U.S. is locking up more illegal immigrants, increasing profits for the nation’s largest prison companies. In the next few years government plans call for new facilities to house the 400,000 immigrants detained annually.

    An Associated Press review shows that businesses have spent tens of millions of dollars lobbying lawmakers and contributing to campaigns.

    Indiana has two correctional facilities run by a for-profit company, The GEO Group: New Castle with 2,680 inmates and Plainfield’s Short Term Offender Program.

    According to a report released in June by the Pew Center on States, criminal justice policy in the U.S. has been shaped by the belief that the best way to protect the public was to put more people in prison and lengthen prison terms. Indiana was one of 10 states that didn’t report the data Pew needed so it is not included in the analysis, said Stephanie Bosh, Pew communications manager.

    Prisoners released in 2009 served an average of nine additional months in custody, or 36 percent longer, than offenders released in 1990.

    Drug offenders served 36 percent longer in 2009 than those released in 1990, while violent offenders served 37 percent longer.

  9. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    casualties of the war on drugs

    sadly this is why they created a list of sexual offenders as a alternative to prison time
  10. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    And it's crazy...in some states one can get a card and legally buy and smoke the best marijuana grown...but in other states you go to jail and have your life ruined.

    No one is in favor of people who commit sex crimes, obviously, but the politicians want to pose for the public and appear tough on crime so they make ridiculous sex offender laws...peeing in public can get you convicted of a felony and labeled a "sex offender" for life.
  11. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    Because prisons in the US are businesses. The owners of these business bribe, I'm sorry, I mean donate, money to politicians to not only pass more laws making more things illegal but to pass laws making sentencing tougher as well.
    ryanm34 and (deleted member) like this.
  12. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Yes. Exactly right.
    I mentioned this in post #8.

    It has nothing to do with "justice" or "law and order" or "public safety". It's all about business...and many judges and sheriffs have interests in these prisons for profit.
  13. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    I was watching some US news on youtube a few months ago and it seems a number of US judges are currently in prison after they were found to have been taking bribes from private prisoners to throw the book at people. Some of these judges were giving max sentences to everyone who came in front of them.
  14. RedRepublic

    RedRepublic Banned at Members Request

    Jun 1, 2012
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    It's like god(*)(*)(*)(*) 19th century England all over again.

    "They just keep coming in, we must punish harder! "W-what's that you say?" "Of course this system is working, we just have to keep it up long enough!"
  15. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Are we a society of correction or only punishment?
    If punishment is the only goal is there any hope for rehabilitation?

    We must educate ourselves to their political Modus Operandi. Why do politicians wish to punish?

    Basically for reelection and funding for more bureaucratic red tape that we pay for through escalating taxes. These laws have not in the past protected anyone except the employment of corrupt "law" enforcement and more bureaucracy.
  16. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Granny says is cause...

    ... dey's a whole buncha blacks an' Hispexicans...

    ... doin' violent drug crimes...

    ... an' gettin' caught.
  17. Individual

    Individual Banned at Members Request

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Granny is a liar and a bigot. The FBI statistics on our prison population show that only 27% of the people in prison have committed a violent crime.

    The United States did not build the largest prison system in recorded history because we have a violent population. The United States built the prisons because we are governed by control freaks. We should also remember that for every person in jail there are about seven more who are on probation, parole, ankle bracelet house arrest, or forced into "community service" labor.
  18. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    You seem to complain about all the people in prison for "just selling drugs." So you must agree that all narcotics and marijuana should be legalized.

    Do you think if a company sells a product with extreme psychoactive ingredients, and that have known dangerous and lethal side effects on humans and fetuses, should be held legally accountable for any damages their products inflict?

    So who should be allowed to grow, distribute or manufacture narcotics? The feds? Private industry? The drug lords south of here? Should people be allowed to cook meth around children?

    You sure do not want any poor drug dealer or druggie to do any hard time for the harm they do to others. Do you also think we should allow these same people to get welfare, food stamps and Medicaide?

    My answer again is individual accountability. Sell drugs---do hard labor for a few years [breaking rocks, etc.]. Injure someone while high on drugs or alcohol----hard time. Sell drugs to a child or cause their death or injury from their use---death penalty. Be found to be a member of a violent street gang that murders people and sells dangerous drugs---get hanged per RICO laws. This is called "fairness."
  19. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    What time should people get, who get all anal-compulsive, about HEMP, which Henry Ford was making into ethanol and plastic, since before 1908, when the Model T came out? Maybe they shouldn't have much time, left, you know?

    They should get MASS EXTINCTION EVENT 6, since they are too ANAL, to let hemp be a resource, for their awesome, anal, profiteering prison industry, which ALWAYS deflects how hemp is resource, for an estimate 25,000 market-leading products, including paper, cloth, plastic, food, and building materials, which are so superior, hemp products make all competitors obsolete.

    Without CO2-neutral biomass AND re-greening, our early stages of Mass Extinction Event 6 will be a lot more uncomfortable, since people don't plan, so petroleum is both causing a lot of the global warming AND failing, at the same time, without biomass research even catching up, with hemp, which is venerable.

    If we don't re-green, the coral record shows how when CO2 rises, only partly as fast as concentration is rising, today, the Earth suffers a nasty mass extinction or the PETM.

    My answer is this: SMARTEN UP, quit being so (*)(*)(*)(*)ed ANAL, or we are going to lose human habitat and die the heck OUT.

    We reduce the corruption, including gangs and cartels, in all directions, AND the related carbon footprint, or we die, FASTER.

    The US directly funds 25% of the world's prisoners, with 5% of the world's population, while funding and pimping the international drug war, which is killing, out-of-control, while leaving a massive carbon footprint, which will kill human habitat.

    The US is preventing the swing, of HEMP, from contraband, to resource, while preventing the swing, of humans, from polluter and parasite, to steward of the planet. Be smart, or remain imprisoned, by your own insanity and the dementia, of those in the same, virtual prison. Just saying!

    Legalize it, or die out. We can't afford the hidden costs, of the anal compulsions, of dead people, who were simply bubbling up inflation, in order to deflect, for deadly petroleum agendas and their hidden interests.

    How does the drug war kill? A LOT, in all kinds of ways, starting with just one plant: HEMP.

    As for the rest, legalize and regulate, and quit pretending we are going to saddle another generation, with hard time, for some anal compulsion, which has caused the world agenda to be subjected, to the dementia, of anal transferists.
  20. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    And I,m anal???

    Anyway Hemp's greatest potential is for making rope, not dope. It CAN help save the planet. By hanging all the most violent people instead of wasting resouces on them for long, comfortable prison sentances {which only rehabilitate about 30% of the time}, ropes made of hemp always cure violent behavior. These excess felons are breathing our oxygen and using our food and resources.

    Ropes again are a wonderful, green technology. Inexpensive, biodegradable, reusable and only require gravity and a small amount of math skills to operate when formed into a noose.

    Good point.
  21. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    I use "anal compulsive" in a kind of colloquiel sense, to convey anal retentive and obsessive-compulsive disorder meaning.

    When you block my claim of 25,000 market-leading products, you deflect, by advocating a destructive anal retention, which is your desire to hang people, out of some logical social order.



    So, when people want to assign blame, for some reason, this may involve a transfer, to some target.

    When you are obsessive, you shouldn't try to be destructive, when you always miss the point of interaction, in order to get to your circular agenda, leading to your destructive compulsion.

    If you ALWAYS display a dangerous rigidity, so you want to deflect media, to enable or perpetrate attacks, on other people, you need to seek something, let's see, what was that, you know, starts with an "H" . . .
  22. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    I use "anal compulsive" in a kind of colloquiel sense, to convey anal retentive and obsessive-compulsive disorder meaning.

    When you block my claim of 25,000 market-leading products, you deflect, by advocating a destructive anal retention, which is your desire to hang people, out of some logical social order.



    So, when people want to assign blame, for some reason, this may involve a transfer, to some target.

    When you are obsessive, you shouldn't try to be destructive, when you always miss the point of interaction, in order to get to your circular agenda, leading to your destructive compulsion.

    If you ALWAYS display a dangerous rigidity, so you want to deflect media, to enable or perpetrate attacks, on other people, you need to seek something, let's see, what was that, you know, starts with an "H" . . .
    Akula and (deleted member) like this.
  23. Individual

    Individual Banned at Members Request

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Where in my post did I say that everyone in prison is there for a drug crime? What is it that set you off on such a tirade?

    The people in prison for non-violent crime are there for such things as hate crimes, illegal possession of a firearm, fraud, dui, drug crimes, etc.

    Listen to rant on what people with drugs should do. Hard labor, decades of jail time, and the death penalty. The whole time you rant about this you claim to be protecting children. What are you protecting them from? Don't you think we should protect the children from living in nation that has labor camps and death camps? I have never cooked meth in front of a child. Have you ever abused children by exposing them to your Stalinistic views on prisons?

    Where are these groups of violent street gangs who are murdering everyone while they sell their drugs? I've traveled a lot throught the west and I can't seem to find them. The only murderers I've heard about lately come from a slightly different group.

    We live in a country where the harshest and cruelest of penalties are imposed on whoever we have labeled as the bad guy. Then we act outraged when someone goes to his school, or goes to a theater, or goes to a church and kills the people he percieves as the bad guy. It is the prison building drug warriors, such as yourself, who have destroyed the moral fabric of this country. You took us from a country where people respected other individuals and different beliefs to a country where everyone wants to impose the harshest and cruelest of penalties on whoever the consider to be the bad guy.

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