With all the rioting, defensive courses would be prudent.

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by SiNNiK, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. SiNNiK

    SiNNiK Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2014
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    It's been demonstrated time and again that through no fault of your own, you may find yourself and your loved ones in the middle of a riot.

    The left has promised more of the same in the near future. Adding a first aid kit to the vehicles or EDC would also be a good idea.

    I've looked around for courses for civilians in regards to riots but only find courses for police and military. Should self defense academies look into what a civilian can do to improve chances for his family in these kinds of events?
  2. Texan

    Texan Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2014
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    Here is what I do. I keep a first aid kit and water in all vehicles. I never let my fuel level get below 1/4 tank, so that I can get away in an emergency.

    I have my license to carry and I always carry. Besides the obvious benefit of protection, my gun reminds me to be aware of my surroundings. I check behind me often and keep an eye on places ahead of me where crime could happen. As an example, when I drive up to the ATM at my bank, I look for people in hiding as I pull into the bank parking lot and keep an eye on my mirror as I use the ATM. My bank is 150 yards from the nearest home or business. Keeping alert will discourage thieves sometimes, because surprise is their biggest tool. Criminals are looking for easy targets. Don't be one.

    Another thing I do is that when big events are happening, I stay home when possible and I definitely don't take my family out during these events. These events can be political or social. (Presidential election, OJ verdict announcement, BLM marches happening nearby, etc.......) Listen to the news and plan accordingly.

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