Do you agree with race realism?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Conservative Democrat, Jul 19, 2020.


Do you agree with race realism?

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

  3. Don't know, no opinion.

  1. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    I agree with a lot of that.

    But in addition, education has a list of problems as long as your arm, and there isn't a sizeable constituency working to make it better. Actually, as a rule, Americans hate education reform.

    Successful systems have national schools, or a national curricula. A real national curricula, that meets current world standards, is beyond the means of many, many school districts. They just don't have the money, and right now their costs are going up, and their budget will either be the same, or in decline.

    That means things will have to give way to reality. My Mom was a math teacher in the 70s (when the economy was crap) and I did some temp teaching in the late 70s. It was miserable. Books held together with duct tape, trying to teach with 3 different textbooks. There was a culture of fear, loathing, CYA and predation. It persuaded me to stay the hell out of that profession.

    I think we're looking at a repeat of that.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
  2. Adfundum

    Adfundum Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Jul 31, 2018
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    I'd say that as a whole most Americans dislike education. Taped up textbooks have given way to smashed up laptops. Standardized curricula has it's appeal, but we have to accept that it also means limiting what is taught. If it's used as a guideline and is not too imposing, I have no problem with it. There are basic standards, but we should be able to go beyond that. I was told to stop making students read books. The admin said that no reading on the end of course exam is more than 10 minutes, so I should never require more than 10 minutes of reading. We weren't allowed to get into how language is used to influence people with things like sales and propaganda. We weren't allowed to explore the basics of logic in the use of language. Most of the activities we included to engage students years ago were banned because there were no test questions directly tied to what we were doing. The best teachers understand how students learn and what appeals to them. Once you remove that from the class, you get robo-talking monotony that makes you want to bypass the firewall filters and play games . Fortunately, This state is realizing that a centralized education bureaucracy is a failure and is giving power back to the local level.
  3. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    President Trump is doing executive orders because social media and google are banning sources to prove my claims.

    this is the only one i could find which proves colleges dumb down standards so lower IQ races can get affirmative action.

    some blacks, china men, and women can compete with white men through the use of affirmative action, but it is being used excessively presently.
  4. Adfundum

    Adfundum Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Jul 31, 2018
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    Thank you for the link. I don't think anything is being banned. Is that your impression?

    I read the linked article, and unfortunately, it didn't say anything about dumbing down the standards.
  5. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    medical cannabis discourages motivation, it blunts the dopamine receptors in the brain and lowers IQ in America.

    Nancy Reagan was right about saying no to drugs, and President Trump should enforce federal law on marijuana.

    it should be used for terminal cases only, most use it to skirt personal responsibility.
  6. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    yes, they are banning white supremacy sources.

    if you support free speech please sign this petition.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
  7. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Umm, no.

    It helped a lot when I had cancer.

    People are going to use drugs recreationally, pot is the least damaging recreational drug I know of.

    People can mean different things when they say medical cannabis. The pills I make have a lot of CBD, and just a small amount of THC. They don't get me stoned.

    Pot has a lot of medical potential. We need a lot more research to see where it's useful.

    One odd thing, cancer Docs noticed their pot patients were living longer in the 1970s. They had started research on it's use with people with deadly cancer, when the Feds came down on them with hobnail boots. You are stuck in 1975...
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
    FivepointFive likes this.
  8. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    The conclusion from your link:

    "It would seem that he should not only support affirmative action, but much more besides. Indeed, the history of IQ in this country, the massive closing of the gap that occurred in the 20th Century, is powerful and inspiring proof that better policies and more opportunity can do much to erase the IQ gap that Sullivan is so concerned by. And yet he seems to think that this data, which, again, shows up to half of the variation being environmental, as proof that all policies meant to rectify cross-racial inequalities are deeply misguided."
  9. bringiton

    bringiton Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Meaning more than half the variation is genetic, even in a society characterized by extreme inequality of material, social, cultural and educational environments.
  10. bringiton

    bringiton Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    But orders of magnitude less than non-medicinal alcohol...
    How about saying no to evil and insane prohibition laws that arbitrarily deprive people of their rights to liberty and pursuit of happiness? How about no to that, hmmmmmm?
    What an absurd load of bigoted, anti-scientific codswallop.
  11. bringiton

    bringiton Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    They actually hate education, period, as well as science and intelligence. Nothing makes an American's hackles rise so much as encountering someone better educated or more intelligent than they are.
    Which serves the interests of those who like public ignorance because the ignorant are so easily ruled.
    America is unique among advanced industrialized nations in the low wages and even lower social status accorded to teachers. Undertakers, septic tank cleaners, even used car salesmen have higher economic and social status than teachers in the USA.
    Adfundum likes this.
  12. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    the liberty and pursuit of happiness of the White Anglo Saxon Protestant Trumps all others.

    His moral convictions are against marijauna, fornication, and lower IQ foreigners ruining His countries greatness.

    laws are moving in the direction of His favor under our most honorable President.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
  13. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Within the context of that work.

    We're one species, there are no races within the species. The work I have seen, like the adaptability of the brain, suggests environment, not genetics.
  14. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Wholly crap.
  15. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    That's probably true but University Education departments are the bottom tier. They usually have the easiest requirements and are a catch all for people who've failed out of other programs. If teachers think they deserve more pay, the place to start is the Education Department. Make admissions as stringent as those for engineering programs and you will get a better quality teacher deserving a better wage.
  16. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Better yet, abolish the Schools of Education. Who better to teach mathematics than somebody who actually studied mathematics?

    As a schoolboy, I always presumed that my teachers were experts in the subjects that they taught. My physics teacher must, of course, be a physicist, and my history teacher a historian. I knew that my music teacher was a musician, for I had actually heard him play, and, during a dismal year in military school, I could see with my own eyes that the Professor of Military Science and Tactics was a bird colonel.

    Even when I became a schoolteacher myself, quite by accident, I imagined that I had been chosen for the work because of my knowledge of the subject I was to teach. It turned out not to be exactly so, for I was soon asked to teach something else, of which my knowledge was scanty. No matter, I was told. I could bone up over the summer. Eventually, I was asked to teach something about which I knew nothing, nothing at all. Still no matter. I seemed to be a fairly effective teacher and at least smart enough to stay a lesson or two ahead of the students. That's just what I did. No one saw anything wrong with that, and the students never caught me. It was nevertheless depressing, for it led me to suspect that my physics teacher perhaps hadn't been a physicist after all.
    roorooroo and Lil Mike like this.
  17. Conservative Democrat

    Conservative Democrat Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2020
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    A high school graduate should have skills that are valuable to employers. Intelligent high school graduates should have the skills to perform well in college. Skilled blue collar workers often make better incomes than many college graduates. Nevertheless, admission to a competent trade school requires passing a test.

    The only way to assure all of this is to require high school seniors to pass an examination in order to graduate.
    crank likes this.
  18. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    No they won't. We're talking about people who can't muster sufficient self-control to avoid a pregnancy .... they'll HATE having to prepare meals from scratch.
    Conservative Democrat likes this.
  19. FivepointFive

    FivepointFive Banned

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Well the Dispensary was busy as hell when folks got their stimulus. All Ages , genders, races go in that store. Governor Hogan thanks us for the tax revenue when very little else is coming in.

    I order online now and pay cash at pick up. Far cry from back in the day when you didn't know if paraquat or some other pesticide was on the crap.

    45 Years.. all it has done is limited the amount of money I can make because of people like you. 35 years of Tobacco use.. My OBlackmanCare lung scan was normal this year. I am pretty damn healthy.

    Did you know low dose psylocybin (mushrooms) help with migraines? It is under study now I believe.

    I need demotivation in the evening after I bust my ass all day as an apartment maintenance tech.

    The beers I drink are worse for me.

    Cannabis is Ancient. It was demonized in the 1930's

    Ancient China[edit]
    "Dàmá", the Chinese word for "cannabis", compounds "big; great" and "cannabis; hemp."
    Cannabis, called (meaning "hemp; cannabis; numbness") or dàmá 大麻 (with "big; great") in Chinese, was used in Taiwan for fiber starting about 10,000 years ago.[1] The botanist Hui-lin Li wrote that in China, "The use of Cannabis in medicine was probably a very early development. Since ancient humans used hemp seed as food, it was quite natural for them to also discover the medicinal properties of the plant."[2] The oldest Chinese pharmacopeia, the (c. 100 AD) Shennong Bencaojing 神農本草經 ("Shennong's Materia Medica Classic"), describes dama "cannabis".

    The flowers when they burst (when the pollen is scattered) are called 麻蕡 [mafen] or 麻勃 [mabo]. The best time for gathering is the seventh day of the seventh month. The seeds are gathered in the ninth month. The seeds which have entered the soil are injurious to man. It grows in [Taishan] (in [Shandong] ...). The flowers, the fruit (seed) and the leaves are officinal. The leaves and the fruit are said to be poisonous, but not the flowers and the kernels of the seeds.[3]

    The early Chinese surgeon Hua Tuo (c. 140-208) is credited with being the first recorded person to use cannabis as an anesthetic. He reduced the plant to powder and mixed it with wine for administration prior to conducting surgery.[4] The Chinese term for "anesthesia" (mázui 麻醉) literally means "cannabis intoxication". Elizabeth Wayland Barber says the Chinese evidence "proves a knowledge of the narcotic properties of Cannabis at least from the 1st millennium B.C." when ma was already used in a secondary meaning of "numbness; senseless." "Such a strong drug, however, suggests that the Chinese pharmacists had now obtained from far to the southwest not THC-bearing Cannabis sativa but Cannabis indica, so strong it knocks you out cold.[5]

    The Dutch sinologist Frank Dikötter's history of drugs in China says,

    The medical uses were highlighted in a pharmacopeia of the Tang, which prescribed the root of the plant to remove a blood clot, while the juice from the leaves could be ingested to combat tapeworm. The seeds of cannabis, reduced to powder and mixed with rice wine, were recommended in various other materia medica against several ailments, ranging from constipation to hair loss. The Ming dynasty Mingyi bielu provided detailed instructions about the harvesting of the heads of the cannabis sativa plant (mafen, mabo), while the few authors who acknowledged hemp in various pharmacopoeias seemed to agree that the resinous female flowering heads were the source of dreams and revelations. After copious consumption, according to the ancient Shennong bencaojing, one could see demons and walk like a madman, even becoming 'in touch with the spirits' over time. Other medical writers warned that ghosts could be seen after ingesting a potion based on raw seeds blended with calamus and podophyllum (guijiu).[6]

    Cannabis is one of the 50 "fundamental" herbs in traditional Chinese medicine,[7] and is prescribed to treat diverse indications. FP Smith writes in Chinese Materia Medica: Vegetable Kingdom:

    Every part of the hemp plant is used in medicine ... The flowers are recommended in the 120 different forms of (風 feng) disease, in menstrual disorders, and in wounds. The achenia, which are considered to be poisonous, stimulate the nervous system, and if used in excess, will produce hallucinations and staggering gait. They are prescribed in nervous disorders, especially those marked by local anaesthesia. The seeds ... are considered to be tonic, demulcent, alternative [restorative], laxative, emmenagogue, diuretic, anthelmintic, and corrective. ... They are prescribed internally in fluxes, post-partum difficulties, aconite poisoning, vermillion poisoning, constipation, and obstinate vomiting. Externally they are used for eruptions, ulcers, favus, wounds, and falling of the hair. The oil is used for falling hair, sulfur poisoning, and dryness of the throat. The leaves are considered to be poisonous, and the freshly expressed juice is used as an anthelmintic, in scorpion stings, to stop the hair from falling out and to prevent it from turning gray. ... The stalk, or its bark, is considered to be diuretic ... The juice of the root is ... thought to have a beneficial action in retained placenta and post-partum hemorrhage. An infusion of hemp ... is used as a demulcent drink for quenching thirst and relieving fluxes.[8]
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
  20. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    The focus on testing occurred because people were extremely dissatisfied with the results of public education before testing. You seem to suggest that public education was good before testing. It wasn't.

    I was never a teacher of any sort buy I supported myself for a while by writing term papers for money. I learned a whole lot about many different subjects including public education. One take-away from my experience is that educationists became all in a tizzy after school integration because Black kids didn't do as well as White kids. This consternation continues today despite fifty years of innovative programs, new initiatives and the like.

    Educationists got the balmy idea that all children should be educated to the same degree. One paper I read argued that education shouldn't strive for excellence because if some kids excelled it meant others didn't. The "no child left behind" initiative displays this mindset perfectly. It introduced standardized testing, as you probably know, and was intended to equalize outcomes among students.

    That, imo, is the reason for public school failure today, the unwillingness to let the mediocre students fall behind. We have to import the best and brightest from other countries because of an unwillingness to educate the best and brightest of out own nation lest the White kids excel beyond the Black kids.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
  21. bringiton

    bringiton Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    If that's not trolling, it's a damn good imitation.
  22. bringiton

    bringiton Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    That makes about as much sense as abolishing the police.
    Someone who is a better teacher than mathematician. One reason so many people struggle with math is that their math teachers are better mathematicians than teachers.
    This anecdote is actually evidence that it is more important to be a good teacher than a subject matter expert.
  23. bringiton

    bringiton Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Because the pay and status graduates can expect are so low.
    I agree that much of what passes for university education in pedagogy is nothing but politically correct cant.
    How are you going to get such people to apply if they can see no attractive career path? IMO it should start with measuring and rewarding teacher effectiveness -- yes, that means testing. It you don't measure it, you can't manage it. The purported problems with testing arise because schools refuse to pay for development and administration of valid tests. Based on students' measured progress, give better teachers more money and more students and worse teachers less money and fewer students. The market will soon get the worst teachers out of the system, recruit better ones, and equalize students' learning opportunities.
  24. bringiton

    bringiton Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I.e., "No child allowed ahead."
    It's the same anti-scientific, Procrustean egalitarianism that cannot tolerate race, IQ, or any genetic basis of behavior even as concepts.
  25. bringiton

    bringiton Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I.e., objective reality.
    That's nothing but anti-scientific bollocks, as full-genome sequencing proves every day. There are gene clusters associated with both outward physical appearance and geographically distinct ancestry. That's race. Deal with it.
    No it doesn't. You are effectively claiming that human intelligence did not evolve, that it is not a result of the differential reproductive success of different populations with different levels of genetically determined intelligence. Sorry, but that's nothing more than absurd, ideologically motivated, anti-scientific nonsense.

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