Anyone Have An Experience With Covid

Discussion in 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) News' started by Just A Man, Aug 31, 2023.

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  1. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    Bing, google, wikipedia, snopes...yeah, great sources there bud.
    James California likes this.
  2. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    Worth considering. William Makis is a wealth of knowledge

    Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine

    Trust the Regulators. No conflict of interest there...

    Remember how we sent over one million emails to FDA regulator Doran Fink in 2021 and 2022 pointing out the problems with Covid vaccines in kids? This past February (2023) Dr. Fink went to work for Moderna. Because of course he did. This was just three months after VRBPAC member Oveta Fuller died suddenly and unexpectedly from getting both a flu and Covid shot at the same appointment — something the FDA assured the public was safe. Peter Doshi at The BMJ is not happy about it. Apparently the FDA, CDC, NIH, and the White House are not troubled at all by this brazen (indeed genocidal) corruption. This is the face of the banality of evil.

    Doran landed on his feet, and I thought it important to spread the word on this next chapter of his career, and also circulate BMJ’s (Peter Doshi) thoughts on the matter
  3. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    I suddenly got high fever and chills but that was gone on the next day, I was vaccinated ~2 months ago.
    I think the Covid vaccine saved me. :)
    Seth Bullock and FreshAir like this.
  4. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    Sniffles yesterday, gone today.
    Sore throat today...did a hike.

    Tested positive.

    No vax.

    My super duper immune system saved me.
  5. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    The vaccines save lives and reduce the covid burden on our hospitals. In Canada, they found an unvaccinated 15% of adults did 47% of the dying from covid.

    No, but they aren't as significant as you claim.
    How about presenting evidence instead of just listing links? I think you don't because you don't understand the science.
    How come you don't acknowledge you just copied the highlighted text above?
  6. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    I can see by the way you ignored the emails and Dr. Hoffe's letter and Henry asking that it was "taken out" that you're happier with lies than truth.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  7. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    I explained to you already that within that 15% most were vaccinated within 2 weeks. They were likely killed by the vaccine and then counted as unvaccinated deaths. Very diabolical for sure.

    Public health liars also told that health care professionals were about 95% vaccinated. In the legal case brought against Henry for privacy breach by allied health care professionals (about 4500 of them), which she tried dodging and lost on July 2023, it was found that 30% of nurses in BC were dismissed for not taking the vaccine. 30% is a lot higher than the 5% they lied about.

    You probably didn't hear about that on global or the CBC so you pretend it didn't exist. That's the quality of "evidence" you have. That is part of the reason why they can no loner enforce mask mandates, currently, in hospital.

    I didn't make any claim of significance. It's also nearly impossible to determine which turbo cancers, congestive heart failures, and other issues are due to the vaccine when absolutely no investigation towards determining this is allowed.

    At least you admit they're happening.

    Progress from you! :clapping:

    I understand truth and science, probably an order of magnitude higher than you do. You're a bit of a parrot and a shill.

    What are you on? That is the abstract from the study (link) right above it. It's the "evidence" that you said I didn't present.

    lol... no words.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  8. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    The Canadian government and media spread fear among citizens about the COVID-19 pandemic while implementing measures to force them into taking vaccines under threat of potential reprisals, according to a report by the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI).

    “The pandemic was a textbook case of the collaboration of government and industry to subvert the democratic institutions and convince the citizens of the validity and truthfulness of a narrative that was objectively false from the start,” the Nov. 28 report reads.
  9. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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  10. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Nice, post the huge picture and miss the link at the bottom of the page!
    "STUDY and LINK here:"

    Sorry my image isn't as big as the batshit section. On that same page at the bottom, clicking that image takes you here:

    Report falsely claims Covid vaccines killed 17 million worldwide | Fact Check (
    "As evidence, they cite a September 17, 2023 report from a Canadian group called Correlation Research in the Public Interest. The paper -- which has not been peer-reviewed -- analyzes all-cause mortality and vaccination rates in 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere to claim the Covid-19 vaccines kill roughly one in 800 recipients.

    "This is a staggering number, compared to what is generally believed about traditional vaccines," the authors say in the conclusion.

    The ratio "equates to 17 million Covid-19 vaccine-related deaths worldwide," the Epoch Times reported.

    But Tarik Jasarevic, a World Health Organization (WHO) spokesperson, told AFP in an October 3 email that the claims "are not correct."

    Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security, agreed, saying the findings "represent a major distortion of the actual data."

    "All-cause mortality spikes are likely due to the virus surging during certain periods and have nothing to do with booster campaigns," he said in an October 3 email.

    Flawed paper
    Correlation Research in the Public Interest claims that, in the countries analyzed in its report, "there is no association in time between Covid-19 vaccination and any proportionate reduction in (all-cause mortality)."

    The group bases that conclusion on figures from the World Mortality Dataset, Our World in Data and a few other regional sources. The authors accurately note that excess deaths -- those recorded in a crisis beyond what would have been expected in a "normal" year -- rose in early 2022 after an uptake in Covid-19 vaccination.

    But Oliver Watson, a visiting researcher in the School of Public Health at Imperial College London, told AFP that instead of proving Covid-19 shots cause death, the report simply "correlates vaccine rollout with increases in mortality" without accounting for other events that could have caused the spikes."


    To SUMMARIZE what that ridiculous claim did: It took a single statistic of 1 in 800, then "extrapolated" it across the entire vaccine rollout. That is not just incredibly deceptive, dumb and incredibly unscientific, but is flawed in the extreme by virtue of the errors made in establishing the single statistic!
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2023
  11. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I can see by the way you ignored these sources in their entirety that you're happier with lies than truth.
    I'm happier with far simpler explanations than ridiculous batshit. Google them!
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2023
  12. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    I didn't ignore anything. Those resources were bogus, and I explained why with evidence that you all ignored. Pot meet kettle.

    Thinking can be hard, but it doesn't have to be.
  13. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    Oh yeah, bought and paid for "fact checkers" :alcoholic:

    Do they really fool people still? PT Barnum think so.

    I guess it must be so.

    In the video, what was presented that you can provide counter evidence for?

    "I won't watch it!"

    Yeah, I know.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2023
  14. MuchAdo

    MuchAdo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Once again, threads are being hijacked to post blatantly false information.

    Who is Dennis Rancourt:
    • A former professor of physics,766 therefore no expertise in anything related to vaccines
    • He is a member of Pandata which is a group that has promoted COVID-19 denialism and vaccine misinformation, therefore highly biased
    Rancourt’s analysis of 17 million deaths was sent to his X/Twitter account and the highly biased Epoch Times. Rancourt’s analysis is highly flawed.

    Rancourt, via his flawed analysis, denied that SARS-CoV-2 had caused a pandemic. It also claimed that deaths only occurred after the vaccines were given out.

    The authors reached their conclusion by calculating an “all ages vaccine-dose fatality rate” which they labelled as the proportion of “inferred vaccine-induced deaths” to the number of vaccines doses administered in a population.

    For this kind of analysis, to infer a fatality rate caused by vaccines, you would actually have to know whether the people who had died had been vaccinated or not. THEY DID NOT DO THIS.

    You can’t draw causal inferences between vaccination and death without knowing who was actually vaccinated. To even carry out an unbiased analysis of deaths during the pandemic, you actually have to include deaths caused by the virus itself in the analysis. Rancourt completely ignored the virus as a ‘potential cause’ of excess deaths during the pandemic which completely demonstrates his bias.

    Summary: the analysis is flawed and biased. Experts in any field do not use social media and dodgy biased websites to disseminate information. If one looks at analyses performed by actual scientists with expertise, one can clearly see that spikes in death are unrelated to vaccine roll-out and are related to actual deaths from being infected with the virus. There are hundreds of analyses from around the world that have been peer-reviewed and published in accredited journals, yet morons choose to believe anti-vaccine misinformation posted to social media.
  15. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    According to AFP, two-thirds of its revenues come from its own “commercial activities” :alcoholic:

    "I obtained BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in physics. I held post-doctoral research positions at prestigious institutions in France and The Netherlands, before being a physics professor and lead scientist at the University of Ottawa for 23 years."

    Pretty smart guy, certainly much smarter than some random dude trying to discredit him on an internet forum.

    "The clearest example is that of a relatively sharp ACM peak occurring in JanuaryFebruary 2022 in Australia, which is synchronous with the rapid rollout of Australia’s dose 3 of the COVID-19 vaccine; occurring in 5 of 8 of the Australian states and in all of the more-elderly age groups (Rancourt et al., 2022a, 2023). In contrast, often one must contend with the confounding effect of the intrinsic seasonal variation of ACM; however, in this case for Australia, the said January-February 2022 peak occurs at a time in the intrinsic seasonal cycle when one should have a stable (Southern Hemisphere) summer low or summer trough in ACM. " page 10

    "Method to Detect Time Transitions to Regimes of High All-Cause Mortality We implement the following method developed by one of us (JH) for detecting changes in regime in ACM data by time (day, week, month, quarter). One is interested in detecting transitions in time (as one advances in time from a stable historic period) to regimes of “higher than usual” or “higher than recent” ACM, which may be associated with the declaration of a pandemic or with rollouts of vaccines. " page 12

    "Although the trained eye can detect such transitions in the raw ACM by time data itself, it is useful to apply a statistical transformation, which is designed to largely eliminate the 13 confounding difficulty of seasonal variations in ACM, which occur in non-equatorial countries. Since the dominant period of the seasonal variations in ACM is 1 year, and since we wish to detect changes moving forward in time, we adopt the following approach. We apply a 1-year backward moving average to the ACM by time data. Each point in time of the 1-year backward moving average is simply the average ACM for the year ending at the said point in time, and we plot this moving average by time. Changes in regime of ACM then appear as breaks (in slope or value) in the moving average by time." Page 13

    "The vaccine administration by week (e.g., orange, Figure 2), for all-ages analyses in the present paper, is obtained from the original cumulative data (OWID, 2023a) by interpolating to obtain all dates, and then summing by week. As a result, where there are sudden jumps in the cumulative data, this can produce a large weekly value as an artifact, such as for the Philippines (Figure 2). Similarly, drops in cumulative values can produce artificial negative weekly values, as seen in a few cases, below."

    Screen Shot 2023-12-25 at 1.40.41 AM.png

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    Figure 2: Transitions between regimes of mortality ― ACM by time (week or month) (blue), vaccine administration by time (week) (orange), and the 1-year backward moving average of the ACM by time (week or month) (red), as per the legend, for the 17 countries in this study. The 11 March 2020 pandemic declaration date is shown by a vertical grey line in each panel. The data sources are specified in Appendix A.

    Here (Figure 2), 9 of the 17 countries have no detectable excess mortality in the year or so between when a pandemic is announced on 11 March 2020 and the starting time of the first vaccine rollout in each country. That is, in 9 of the 17 countries, there is no detectable excess mortality until the vaccines are rolled out (Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay). In the other 8 of the 17 countries, a new regime of higher mortality is initiated after 11 March 2020 and prior to any COVID-19 vaccine administration (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, South Africa).

    Coincidence!!!:applause:Or maybe Climate Change!
  16. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    As explained to you, he is NOT qualified and part of an organization that gains him notoriety with conspiracy theorists.

    You completely ignored two posts that detailed his ridiculous, RIDICULOUS statistical generalization.
    Here's something else for you to ignore, the "spike". WHY was there no continuation of it as rollout gathered pace!?
  17. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    I'm declining to discuss this further with you, although I may comment.

    My comment at this time ... You seem to have no clue what constitutes evidence to support your theories. An undisciplined mind, perhaps? Henry? Not a fan, but for reasons I doubt you'd appreciate.
  18. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    What are your qualifications then?

    Says someone who is not qualified. Funny how it works. I posted but just a few charts and the methods. Go on, tell us your qualifications and how >specifically< they are wrong.

    I'll wait...maybe...
  19. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    It's a good question. At least you acknowledge the spike. There are further charts in the study that show continued spikes with each booster. So maybe you should read it in full before commenting (denying)?
  20. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Irrelevant. I'm not the one making the most absurd statistical generalization possible, based on an incorrect baseline!
    I am perfectly "qualified" to determine whether it is a statistical failure which it is. I am perfectly "qualified" to read the summary from people who ARE qualified saying his baseline is wrong n the first place.
    Not in the way you think it is. Apply that same mantra to every post you make "says someone who is not qualified"! Only in your case, the vast majority of what you post is from unqualified people and charlatans eager to make money from the burgeoning "conspiracy theorist" market!
    Hmm, let's look at your charts shall we!?

    Argentina: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Australia: Bulk of first dose no correlation and ACM actually tails off!
    Bolivia: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Brazil: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Chile: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Colombia: Numerous significant ACM spikes occurred before vaccine rollout, largest spike began BEFORE rollout!
    Ecuador: Ludicrous that you even post this! ACM spike occurred a year before vaccine rollout!
    Malaysia: Looks close, but once again the ACM spike began BEFORE vaccine rollout!
    New Zealand: Not even close to a correlation!
    Paraguay: ACM spike BEFORE rollout!
    Peru: Ridiculous, not even close!
    Philippines: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Singapore: ACM spikes occurred well after vaccine rollout and showed no correlation whatsoever!
    South Africa: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Suriname: No correlation and the main ACM spike began and reached near its peak before vaccine rollout!
    Thailand: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout! Continuation has zero statistical correlation!
    Uruguay: Spike appears to occur at the same time, but the correlation between dose and ACM is not even close to significant. Continued spikes show zero correlation.

    So, your big wall of "data" actually proves that the damn vaccines CANNOT have been the cause!
    "They" are wrong as detailed in the two posts you failed to answer!

    Action: I go to Wyoming and ask 1000 voters who they want as their president.
    Response: Poll gets a 75% answer as Trump.
    Question: Do I then extrapolate this across the entire US?

    NOBODY will answer "yes" to that! Yet your unqualified antivaxxers took a small section of NON-correlated "all cause" deaths that their useless graphs PROVE are not from vaccines, then they attribute all deaths to the vaccine and then use that bullshit "1 in 800" to extrapolate the rest of the world!

    Shall I wait for more diversion from you? You will definitely not answer this post properly!

    You ignore inconvenient posts with graphs that actually mean something:

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2023
    MuchAdo likes this.
  21. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I literally just went through each one showing this to be the complete opposite in many cases, no correlation whatsoever.
    NONE of the ACM spikes correlate with vaccination drives.

    And as for your in-your-face denial of my observations:

    Here are the first 3 countries (no point in redoing the rest if you can't be honest enough to admit the undeniable)!

    Argentina: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Australia: Bulk of first dose no correlation and ACM actually tails off!
    Bolivia: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!


    YET AGAIN another large post completely ignored with a meaningless reply:
    @The Verb Explain why that chart of vaccination status doesn't prove the effectiveness of the vaccine! Or ignore it for the 3rd time.

    Try answering posts properly huh?
    MuchAdo likes this.
  22. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    How do you in good conscience try to discredit someone else's credentials when you have none yourself?

    You responded to a post of mine that was deleted, as I predicted.

    Vax Doses is in orange
    Correlating spike in blue

    In plain sight.

    Anyway, you're making it up as you go along.

    Scary language noted "anti vaxxers" :roflol: "consiracy theorists" :roflol: and the classical argument from the 'afraid' "no it's not!"

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2023
  23. The Verb

    The Verb Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    Screen Shot 2023-12-25 at 2.34.43 PM.png

    The Hill was started by a Democrat, so you aren't likely to hear that it's a far right-conspiracy theorist rag, are you?
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2023
  24. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Observing where somebody carries zero qualifications relevant to their observation is not "dIscrediting" them. It is showing they are not qualified. No qualifications are needed to carry out this simple process. How can you not understand this extremely obvious thing?
    Well duh! The legend on the graph informs of this.
    Hogwash. There is no "correlation" spike! Most of the cited countries show the ACM spike preceding the vaccine rollout! I've made the words red and bold so you can understand this.
    Showing exactly what I pointed out!
    Argentina: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Australia: Bulk of first dose no correlation and ACM actually tails off!
    Bolivia: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Brazil: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Chile: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Colombia: Numerous significant ACM spikes occurred before vaccine rollout, largest spike began BEFORE rollout!
    Ecuador: Ludicrous that you even post this! ACM spike occurred a year before vaccine rollout!
    Malaysia: Looks close, but once again the ACM spike began before vaccine rollout!
    New Zealand: Not even close to a correlation!
    Paraguay: ACM spike before rollout!
    Peru: Ridiculous, not even close!
    Philippines: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Singapore: ACM spikes occurred well after vaccine rollout and showed no correlation whatsoever!
    South Africa: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout!
    Suriname: No correlation and the main ACM spike began and reached near its peak before vaccine rollout!
    Thailand: ACM spike occurred before vaccine rollout! Continuation has zero statistical correlation!
    Uruguay: Spike appears to occur at the same time, but the correlation between dose and ACM is not even close to significant. Continued spikes show zero correlation.

    So, your big wall of "data" actually proves that the damn vaccines CANNOT have been the cause!
    Noise. You don't seem to be able to read your own silly graphs!
    And more noise. Yet again you seem afraid to answer simple things.

    You ignore inconvenient posts with graphs that actually mean something:

    @The Verb Explain why that chart of vaccination status doesn't prove the effectiveness of the vaccine! Or ignore it for the 4th time.

    Try answering posts properly huh?
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
  25. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Nothing in the above blather shows folks taking the Jab are not getting more colds and flu but what is more is that none of this supports your claim the Vax is safe and effective in prevention of severe Covid 19 disease and Death in healthy people.

    What "The Science" states is that 1 in 800 people taking the Jab end up having a life threatening experience and/or Serious long term adverse effects or both .. sometimes resulting in death.

    Why you are claiming an average SAR of 1 in 800 is safe - I really do not know. Especially since this has been shown to you numerous times. Is there something you are not understanding here ?

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