An open letter, to CIA, US Navy, and DOD, which need funds, for climate change intel:

Discussion in 'Environment & Conservation' started by bobgnote, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    The following information may not have gotten through, to the CIA, at their website, since I kept getting an error message:

    Hello, I am a US citizen, who has read: CIA Opens Center on Climate Change and National Security
    September 25, 2009

    I have also read, how the company has to keep this quiet:

    CIA Keeps Its Climate Work Under Wraps | Mother Jones

    The CIA's Weather Underground | Mother Jones

    So I wasn't able to find any reference, to this center, when I ran a search, at the CIA website, for any information, about climate change. Of course, I would normally visit NASA or AGU or NOAA or some magazine, like Nature or Physics Magazine, since I like to read serious studies and reports.

    But for practical purposes, I feel compelled to use this form, to contact the agency, since climate change is obviously underway, past all tipping points, in the way, of runaway global warming. We may find ourselves in the difficult position, of whistleblower.

    If we are to be whistleblowers, I recommend a loud burst, of this activity, to immediately direct strategic media. Losing is not an option.

    Our recent solar cycles have been mild, including the current cycle 24, a lot of perennial cap and glacial ice has melted, and so global temperatures should be subject, to some sort of stabilizing counter-forcing. But temperatures have risen.

    We are seeing more high temperature records, than low temperature records, and this trend will tend, toward 20-1, by 2050, and this may reach 50-1, by 2100. El Nino events will tend to overbalance La Nina events, progressively.

    Natural disasters are up. This must continue. One big El Nino event, and the Sacramento area will flood. One earthquake, and it won't even take a really big event, to get the middle of California all wet.

    The East Coast and Gulf areas are probably a write-off. It will take about a 1.6 C rise, to finish Greenland's ice, and we will likely see that surpassed, without solar intensity getting worse, but the intensity will certainly increase, while CH4 and more CO2 out-gas, from warming lands and waters, particularly in the Arctic. Then SLR will surely take the Atlantic coast and more.

    Ordinarily, the Pleistocene-Holocene maximum for CO2 is 280 ppm, whereupon CO2 would slowly decrease, and temperatures would jump around, but decline, over 80-100K years, until CO2 reaches 180 ppm, and then CO2 and temperatures would shoot up, to the usual maximum area, which is where we are, today.

    But somebody started burning a lot of wood, coal, and oil, while riding around in cars, to work in factories, or to cut forests, with chainsaws. Some of these people won't own up, to what happened, when people simultaneously increased emissions, with several different pollutants, while injuring CO2 respiration.

    These people are severally seditious, and I think the CIA needs to notice their active tendency, to issue propaganda, which is similar, to flat-earth theory, but which is called "skepticism," and maybe some call their appetite for false media, 'conservatism.'

    As a result, none of the 450,000 elected officials, in the USA is effectively planning, to engage CO2-neutral biomass OR to radically re-green, despite the urgency of need, for our security, against accelerating climate degeneration. We haven't even caught up to Henry Ford's hemp ethanol and plastic, evident since the Model T, or to his indestructible plastic, 1941, see YouTube.

    We don't get to have calcified hemp hurds, to make termite-resistant houses and other structures. We also need switchgrass and algae, with ultrasound processing, to make ethanol. But we don't have a lot of this, or genetically engineered plants, to re-green deserts and polluted areas, which must be reclaimed, lest existing human habitats fail.

    When the northern ice albedo (reflectivity) fails, northern summers will add a lot of warmth, while East Antarctic ice will eventually start sliding, into the warming oceans. SLR is already accelerating, so any increase in storm severity can wreck a lot of the US. Tornado alley now goes, from California, to Poland, no joke.

    But when the heavier seas engage in such tidal lunacy, as precedes seismic and volcanic events, the volcano on the island of La Palma will erupt, one more time, which may be the eruption, which calves up to 1/3 of the island, into the Atlantic, which will swamp D.C. and most of the East Coast. How much will we get back, after that happens?

    The oceans are acidifying, from absorbing too much CO2, which will upset the food chain, but when the oceans enlarge and warm, jellyfish will take over, as top predator, but any fish we eat will likely come from farms. When the oceans warm up, a lot, SLR will move, toward the 70 m level, which will be catastrophic, to any people, left alive.

    Storms will be more numerous and powerful. But when that SLR squeezes off big volcanoes, we will enter into a phase, of severe disruption, of all human media. When Long Valley blows, the SW will be a mess.

    But when Yellowstone blows, the US breadbasket will get taken out. I believe the reason the Russians once had a 50-megaton Tsar-bomba is they intended to cut into the Yellowstone magma chamber, with tactical nukes, and then they could detonate the big bomb, in the plume, right over the magma chamber, so any lahars or ash-fall would be deadly and pernicious.

    Of course, some fallout would reach Europe and Asia, but the US would be destroyed, without even resorting to a lot of accurate targeting, by other ICBMs, if somebody targeted Yogi Bear, first. Good thing the Russians dismantled that Tsar-bomba.
  2. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    (error message post, continued, probably since it was too long, for the company, too)

    To the point: I believe the anti-AGW skeptics are seditious, by degree. I don't see why they have gathered so much media, including opposition, to CIA funding, which has apparently forced the company to necessary silence, about the vital Center on Climate Change and N.S. That somebody got through the evil rip-offs and zombies, in the US, to make such a vital center is impressive, but this will continue to suffer funding difficulty, with the NOAA and any other vital agency, since funding is mis-allocated, by seditious profiteers.

    If we stop all human emissions and start re-greening, now, SLR would still go up several feet. We need to be secure, here.

    So I have some recommendations, and if you would like to reply, please engage my e-mail.

    1. We have to remove people, from public media, who won't admit to climate change threats, especially if they pretend no global warming or human activity is related. These people are obtuse, in their denial, of circumstances and science, and they are now actively obnoxious and seditious, in a way, which is a lot more threatening, to national security, than any nut-job Marxists ever were:
    a. don't underestimate nut-job Marxists, since the former Soviet Union was and Russia is an oil exporter, so advocates of Russian media do not actively oppose the US drug war, which prevents hemp, from its rightful place, in the US energy market;

    2. We need to lose the war on drugs, ASAP. The inclusion of marijuana as a Schedule I drug was designed, to protect the petroleum and coal industries, from competition, while an enormously corrupt prison industry developed, so the US funds directly 25% of the world's detainees, while funding the drug war AND its carbon footprint, around the world, using the primary resources, of only 5%, of the world's population (US residents), in the course of corrupting all media agendas, so carbon emissions are severally multiplied, while funding for vital services is impaired (got funding troubles, hey now, we don't need anymore Op.FF fiascos, during a drug war);

    3. We have to disassociate from seditious religions and their support for Israel, ASAP. Christians started easing into support, for the invasion of Palestine, as of the industrial revolution, and the 1882 invasion of Palestine, by Zionist settlers was the likely cause, of the Mahdi Rebellion, in Egypt, 1886. This trend will not desist. Israel is a nuisance, related to organized criminal media, generally, and to support Zionism and to guarantee Israel's defense and oil supply is a world-class nuisance, which continues to lead US failures, in the Middle East:
    a. The US supports Sunnis, including as minority tyrants, such as Saddam in Iraq and the King of Bahrain, over Shiite majorities
    b. I believe the CIA has in the past supported UBL, Saddam, and the Shah, which has failed, given US support for Israel and for corporate development, of national oil supplies
    c. Some sort of failure will result, from US refusal, to recognize incompatible policies, which are all contributing, to consumption of sequestered carbon, while manipulating fossil fuel and other markets, which the US cannot control, since US oil production peaked, in 1970;

    We must minimize our carbon footprint, re-green deserts and polluted areas, or we will lose human habitat, at a rate, which will force our ocean organisms into general extinction, but our human population and our culture will fail, in such a way, which will challenge US security, to its very limits, sooner, rather than later.

    Extinctions are already 100x normal, but some estimates predict we will officially enter Mass Extinction Event 6, by 2022. If we fail to re-green, in an aggressive way, we can challenge the Permian-Triassic Extinction, 251-253 m.y.a., for the leading extinction event, of all time, but that event was enhanced, by some sort of strike, by a carbonaceous meteorite. Of course, never underestimate the ability of humans, to devise nuclear weapons and bad nuclear power plants, with bad cores and cooling systems!

    We are out-gassing CO2, at about 10x the rate, preceding the PETM extinction, 56 m.y.a., and since we are out-gassing CH4, from Arctic areas, we have all the GHG preconditions met, to engage a high death toll, in the course, of a mass extinction event.

    Of course, if humans keep on arguing, over practically everything, and corruption continues to rule, so cartels and gangs and their courts and lawyers are everywhere and anywhere, we are not likely, to minimize our carbon footprint, are we. So corruption and its carbon footprint has to go, while we need to get CO2-neutral biomass, going, already, and we need to re-green deserts and polluted areas. Any other course will lead to catastrophic failure, of human and animal habitat.

    We need to grow hemp, in fertilizer-salted fields, and we need to grow switchgrass, on semi-arable lands. We can grow algae, by some kind of high-tech method. We need to put mangroves, in some places, and we need plants, unknown, to replace forests, damaged by alternating droughts and deluges, which made them susceptible, to beetle infestations and wild-fires.

    Your thoughts, please! I hope you developed a sense of urgency, similar to mine, or national security is jeopardized.

    Apparently, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter and a host of other media 'conservatives' aren't being helpful. But I know one guy, who is a registered Republican, who leads, at finding scientific media, in my little group of AGW students. Another guy is probably a Democrat, while I tend to be a Green. Too bad all the Democrats in office come up with is cap-and-trade, since that leads to gridlock and boondoggle, with Republicans, who revel in devising media agendas, for the corrupt Democrats to imitate.

    Gridlock and boondoggle is what the Democrats and Republicans thrive on. Help discourage this seditious, wasteful, big carbon-footprint behavior, since the warming and climate change tipping points are eluding our current media, of control. Human survival and US security will take a more aggressive approach, than having many geeks gather, to argue, over cap-and-trade or whether the heat waves, during mild solar cycles and record ice melts are indicative, of climate change. Hey! Climate is changing.

    The US can fail, by large degrees, so let's go.
  3. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    From 2008:

  4. Friendly

    Friendly Banned

    Jul 22, 2012
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    Tinfoil hats.
  5. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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  6. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Sailor hats! Go Navy:

  7. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    I regularly read, how the CIA, DOD, and Navy need climate change strategy. I came across Admiral Titley's June 2010 article, in the DOD news: News Article: Navy Official Discusses Climate Change Investment Strategy

    The following information requires an immediate update:

    He added that the Navy wants to ensure a “safe, stable, and secure Arctic."

    Titley said the main goal of Task Force Climate Change is to ensure the Navy is not taken by strategic surprise, and he expressed satisfaction that climate change is being considered in strategic war games and limited objective experiments. He described these as “thinking exercises” that examine various strategic scenarios to determine how to handle them, to evaluate whether the assets are available to handle them, and to identify shortfalls.

    “Nobody knows what the future will entail,” Titley said, “but if you run a range of scenarios, and you see that there are common capabilities and capacities that you would need to answer those scenarios, then you can really inform a future budget debate.”

    Navy Rear Adm. David W. Titley
    Related Sites:
    "DoD Live" Bloggers Roundtable

    WHAT NONSENSE! Every time CO2 concentrations shoot up, not as fast as they are rising, today, the Earth suffers a MASS EXTINCTION EVENT, which can be found, in existing coral records, if you seach the internet.

    Our GHGs include a lot of out-gassing methane and industrial GHGs, so we will find, the Arctic ice will fail, as the oceans acidify, which will cause the demise of most desirable ocean species, AS ALWAYS HAPPENS, IN THE EVENT OF A SUDDEN RISE, IN CO2, except the Earth never suffered industrial GHGs, before.

    When that northern ice albedo fails, every summer, northern summers will feature a lot more absorbed energy, and then Greenland and East Antarctic ice will begin to fail, dramatically.

    Got a gay bath-house, which needs closing, already? Proposing carbon credits is like raising the price of admission, to go on in and spread HIV.

    Proposing fracking is like letting crank dealers in, with free needles, which get dirtied right up, and the AIDS gets deadlier.

    IF you want to be a global force, for GOOD, you have to legalize pot, catch up with Henry Ford's hemp ethanol and plastic, and also grow algae and switchgrass, to process ethanol with ultrasound, while making the hemp, into darned near anything.

    If we are going to LIVE, we need to re-green all deserts and polluted areas AND minimize corruption AND its carbon footprint.

    Any questions? Live or die, your choice, Admiral. But leaving off at nonsense, about how nobody knows what is happening means your budget will get attacked, by seditious conspirators. Eh?
  8. _Inquisitor_

    _Inquisitor_ Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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    Poor people, as the proverb says - when God wants to punish somebody he takes his mind away. Still it is not pleasant to watch the chicken running with their heads cut off.
  9. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    The government needs contributors, who try to solve problems. The government and I don't need irrational baiting, from people who are trying to appear or bahave, in some demented way.

    If you are going to post, at this thread, kindly try to reply, to the OP or to one of the off-shoot replies.

    What the several interested government agencies need to notice is how every time CO2 concentration rises some fraction of today's fast rise, one of five mass extinction events or the PETM extinction resulted.

    Then the government needs to purge the narcissistic charlatans, who are clogging up their media channels.
    We have no need for flat-earther-types, in today's media traffic.
  10. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Uncle Ferd says its a good thing for climate change or dat meteor dat hit Russia mighta come down in Milwaukee...
    Climate contradiction: Less snow, more blizzards
    Feb 18,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) -- With scant snowfall and barren ski slopes in parts of the Midwest and Northeast the past couple of years, some scientists have pointed to global warming as the culprit.
  11. pimptight

    pimptight Banned

    Aug 20, 2012
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    i don't understand why people like yourself who see this as an imminent threat to mankind, don't try and change people's minds with the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature study. It is written in terms most people can track, and is 100% public.

    I was a skeptic until I read that study.
  12. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    a true objective skeptic, well you are a rare bird...congratulations...
  13. Windigo

    Windigo Banned

    Jul 8, 2008
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    You do know that study twice failed to convince its reviewers and finally ended up being published in vol 1 issue 1 of some unheard of journal.
  14. pimptight

    pimptight Banned

    Aug 20, 2012
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  15. Windigo

    Windigo Banned

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Some skeptic.
  16. pimptight

    pimptight Banned

    Aug 20, 2012
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    So is that a big time fail by you then, or am I missing some sarcasm here?
  17. Windigo

    Windigo Banned

    Jul 8, 2008
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    A skeptic would have done some background research in the BEST study and know that it had twice failed peer review. You didn't. You took it at face value. Therefore you are no skeptic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    A skeptic would have done some background research in the BEST study and know that it had twice failed peer review. You didn't. You took it at face value. Therefore you are no skeptic.
  18. pimptight

    pimptight Banned

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Source, that you still haven't provided, or tuck your tail between your legs and exit the thread!
  19. Windigo

    Windigo Banned

    Jul 8, 2008
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    I'm leading you on. Seeing if the skeptic will actually take the time to type 'Muller failed peer review' into Google and see for himself. If you are just praying that I'm lying then you are no skeptic.
  20. pimptight

    pimptight Banned

    Aug 20, 2012
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    You made a claim, back it up with a source, or tuck your tail between your legs, and exit the thread!
  21. Windigo

    Windigo Banned

    Jul 8, 2008
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    You made a claim

    Prove it. A skeptic would already know that it was rejected by JGR because they would have done their due diligence.

    I'm sick and tired of you fake moderates and fake skeptics on this board. You are not a skeptic!!!! A skeptic would know that JGR rejected the BEST study ... TWICE!!!!
  22. pimptight

    pimptight Banned

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Oh my god.

    Hey guy. Take your medicine.

    You made a claim you can't source and are making it worse trying to pretend this didn't just happen.

    Silly Rabbit, tricks are for kids!

    Edit: And no matter how many times you try and change the subject from this, I will just keep bringing it back to the crux of the issue, which is your unsourced claim!
  23. Windigo

    Windigo Banned

    Jul 8, 2008
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    And I'll keep going back to your origional claim that you were a skeptic. Do you Due diligence. Prove you are a skeptic.

    Ill give you a head start without showing my hand.

    The BEST website says that they submitted their paper to JGR one of the most prestigious journals out there.
    The paper is instead being published in the unheard of and previously non-existent Scitechnol Journal. Now do your due diligence as a skeptic and find out what the hell happened with JGR.

    Getting that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach yet???
  24. pimptight

    pimptight Banned

    Aug 20, 2012
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    First, I made no claim to being a skeptic, that is you trying to put words in my mouth. The other poster gave me credit as such.

    Bet you can't source this claim either huh?

  25. Windigo

    Windigo Banned

    Jul 8, 2008
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    If you were a skeptic you are claiming that you are the kind of person who does their due diligence.

    Noe I've put you on the path. You know that the paper was submitted to JGR. You know that it wasn't published by JGR but instead the unheard of Scitech.

    So if you have such a skeptical mind prove it and take the 3 seconds it takes to find out what happened at JGR.

    Otherwise you are simply misrepresenting yourself. But then again Muller also lied about being a skeptic. That seems to be a very common misrepresentation these days

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