Do you approve sex before marriage?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Ostap Bender, May 31, 2012.


Do you approve sex before ( outside of ) marriage?

  1. Yes

    91 vote(s)
  2. No

    18 vote(s)
  3. I dunno

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Agrona

    Agrona New Member

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I just gotta ask where would you be if women kept their legs closed? We'd be better off but thats not the point
  2. Agrona

    Agrona New Member

    Jun 17, 2012
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  3. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    The Biblical standard is that sex makes you married (i.e. one flesh.) If you have had more than one sexual partner in your life Biblically you are an adulter or an adulteress.
  4. Agrona

    Agrona New Member

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Um how about the spanish inquistion, or the crusades, or intolerence in the name of morality.
    So people in a relationship don't catch diseases? And diseases are caused by a lack of morality?
    And 2 parents in a home. What if one or both of the parents are abusive?
    I am beyond your morality but I will still kick your butt if you call me a slut to my face.
    So slut to you is just a 'morality' word. If it's just a word maybe I can call you that.
    And I applaud her for keeping her beliefs, but not you using her beliefs as an attack on me
    Reverence for the act?? Really? If you revere the sweat and groans and bodily fluids then that's YOUR hangup
  5. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    But since you believe in personal choice you would be likewise fine with someone saying they made it for religious reasons, as well, yes?
  6. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    LOL. How does the Spanish Inquisition that happened hundreds of years ago for the explicit purpose of gaining political, capitalist, and authoritarian control over people have anything to do with "morality"? Hurting people is immoral. That was immoral.

    You can be moral and atheist. You can be moral and Buddhist. You can be moral and Catholic. You can be moral and Christian. You can be moral and agnostic.

    There's a big world out there filled with multiple, fascinating cultures. Embrace it.

    Where would two people in a monogamous, moral relationship catch a disease? They would have to cheat (aka "engage in immoral behavior") to catch and transfer it to their partner.

    Some, yes. Others, no. Life is filled with ambiguity.

    What if space aliens butt raped them? Seriously, you're going off-track. Abuse is violence and we're talking about sex and the ideal situation.

    What you've just done is akin to homophobes saying in response to gay marriage that Harvey Milk was a sexual predator. It's off topic and a logical fallacy.

    First, I don't call women "sluts". Second, I am a libertarian and don't care if you are immoral or not. Just don't bother me with your (*)(*)(*)(*) or ask me to pay for it. Lastly, I'm from the 313. Detroit. Murder City. Kick my butt? Hardly. Our cars aren't the only things with torque, okay?

    Don't make up an argument for me. That's rude and doesn't get you anywhere.

    Where do you get that I'm using her beliefs as an attack on you? You can sleep with five hundred people if you like. It is absolutely nothing to me. Shoot up. Have sex with five people at the same time. Dance naked in your own backyard. I'm not about telling other people what to do with their lives. Be free.

    Where are you getting this stuff from? Do you do this to everyone? Make up crap and go crazy on someone. That is YOUR hangup not mine.

    However, yes, I do revere the sweat, groans, and exchange of bodily fluids. I think if you don't you just haven't met the right guy.
  7. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    WRONG, everybody judges young girls on the boys and men they will have sex with.

    If a young, beautiful girl retains her virginity, and innocence, then everybody secretly judges her in the affirmative, and love her.

    This is why beauty and virginity are universal values. And no amount of sluts speaking against Beauty, and Virginity, is going to change these judgments. Everybody values this, it's universal.

    Sex for mean sex for pleasure, which is SIN......

    I don't care for "sex for pleasure". Only sex for procreation is important and worth talking about. Sluts are usually ugly, butch women, who want to brag about their liberalism and feminism. But nobody actually respects these types, secretly, we all judge them negatively in our heads. We just don't admit this publicly, because we face condemnation by the Zio-liberalists, who spill their feminism into the brains of our youth today.

    People who value traditional marriage, FAMILY, and don't plan on divorcing, don't plan on being degenerates, don't plan on raising children as single mothers or single fathers.....people who THINK ABOUT THEIR FUTURE carefully....people who are RESPONSIBLE.

    You just sound angry that no virgin would ever want to have sex with YOU. And you're jealous of men who will have sex with a virgin, and have a TRADITIONAL, inspiring wedding, in a house of GOD, under His Laws.

    Everybody envies this, FAMILY, and wants it. That's what ALL young girls aspire to, and want. They want the "wedding of their dreams" with "prince charming". But you can't have this, if you have sex before marriage. Girls lessen their value when they do this. What kind of man wants to marry a slut? I'll tell you, since you don't seem to know.........a man who does not respect himself, and has little pride in himself, is who.

    Why settle for second best??? Some will never settle for second best.

    And for women.....what better GIFT to give a man, than your virginity on your WEDDING NIGHT? This is how marriage is consumated in a HOUSE OF GOD.

    People who hate tradition, are just sexual deviants, who can never achieve what they envy most of all. They're hypocrites, short and simple and sweet.
  8. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    My family is better off. Because I protect my family from sluts and whores. I protect my sisters and daughters, from lecherous men, perverts, and sexual ingrates. I protect my family from degenerates. This is what all GOOD MEN ought to do.

    We are family men. Something a woman LIKE YOU would never understand. Don't blame me for your sexual INDISCRETIONS.

    You should have made better (sexual) choices in your life. Now you're just angry and resentful and full of hatred, that you had no FATHER looking over you, protecting your virginity from vermin. You're just jealous that you didn't have a father who was there for you, to protect you from the lies of devious men.
  9. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    But nobody ever blames women, for anything. That's one of the main reasons western society and culture has fallen so far and low. We ALLOW our daughters to debase themselves, to dishonor their families, to run around as sluts and whores. We allow this....and we make a mockery of ourselves, our family, our future, our pride, as a whole society.

    What kind of parent wants to raise his and her daughter into a whore????? NONE!!!!!!! NONE NOT ONE PARENT IN HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You can't deny this. You want to raise your daughter as a whore, and teach her this is the highest she can aspire to in life?!??!??!

  10. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I don't know what you are talking about, i am living in the city and nobody gives a flying one about who has sex with who , i don't exactly understand the thing about the "innocence" but it sounds like paedophilia to me .

    SIN is to have it and not use it because someone with very small peepee wrote a book a quadrillion years ago.

    Why you need to judge people? wasn't your guy wrote to his book "do not judge?" looks like you are christian lite LOL.
    So you need to know about someone's sex life before you respect him/her , very very strange attitude !

    Talking about "traditional marriage" do you know that for 180.000 years people didn't got married ? yep they didn't and this was because they lived in very small groups and had to keep women always in transit so avoid inbreeding , i think women was the #1 reason behind trade. Marriage is a concept of the last 5.000 years so it is a modernism not a tradition.
    I imagine it is of great responsibility to tie young girls in trees and marry them.

    Angry? no but i am in my 40's when i am going to bed with someone i am expecting her to be equally experienced to achieve maximum fun , i am not willing to waste my time with "sit there" and "do that" instructions .

    Mmm let's see from my 6 close friends only one is still married and we are actually petty him .
    The sexual value of the woman declines with the number of the kids she has (as you may know) not with the loss of a small tissue.

    I disagree, you better know how to give him a BJ , BJs are always preferred to tainted sheets.

    So you forget 180000 years of tradition to stick with a very resent modernism , so deviant of you.
  11. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    That wasn't my point - I think casual sex is fine - I think her (or his actually - according to his profile he's a transgendered 'woman') attitude toward responsible sex is wrong - basically he is militantly anti-religious - the idea of mandating any type of sexual responsibility is more of a threat to him than some Hispanic baby momma fathering 9 kids by 7 different men.
  12. daddyofall

    daddyofall Active Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Obviously yes. I hate how these religious/god fascists (some of them for "small government" go figure) want to force and mandate people how to or not live their sexual lives. **** out of people's bedroom and mind your own pitful sexual repressed existence.
  13. Agrona

    Agrona New Member

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Sorry but you didn't answer the question. Where would YOU be if women kept their legs together. Oh, you wouldn't be here huh
  14. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    It's only "using" if there are lies involved. Ex. If I tell a girl I'm in love with her and want to marry her, just to get an easy score - that'd be using her. If me and her have consentual sex with no strings attached, no one's getting used. If she was expecting more then that but was never promised anything more, then that's her problem.

    Think if the shoe was on the other foot - if a guy and a girl had sex 1 time, then the guy started obsessing over her and demanding that she marry him - he'd be called a creepy stalker. But if the gender's are switched, then somehow the guy is just a "player/user". Why the double standard?

    The answer is liberal Andrea-Dworkin style feminism.

    Right, I only represent 95% of them.

    You don't even know what "respect for sex" is. You live in la la land. No wonder you're virgin - with that attitude I can't see any guy other than the truly desperate wanting to be in a sexual relationship with you - and a truly desperate guy is not someone you want.

    Sex is a recreational activity - it isn't deserving of any "respect". That'd be like saying it's wrong to play a casual game of tennis with someone one time, unless you've promised to play tennis with them (and only them) for the rest of your life when ever that want it. I think you're foolishly equating love with sex.

    Again you're showing you're naivete - since you've admitted you're a virgin, you should be willing to learn instead of talk about something you have no experience with by your own admission. That'd be like a person who's never served in the military, giving combat advice to Green Berets.

    You'll grow out of this when you finally use your viginity. People (women especially) who haven't experienced sex yet tend to have this idealized Disney movie view of it, but when they finally do lose their virginity they end up realizing that sex isn't a big deal and that it's totally unrelated to love.
  15. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    You're full of absolute BS. Humans always want what they can't have or what is hard to get. That is why black caviar costs hundreds of dollars an ounce, why people want Teslas, and why Journey into Mystery #58 sold for over $200k.

    I'm a total (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) to like 97% of the men who talk to me and they all try to get into my pants. The more I say: Not even with someone else's body, they more they court my attention.

    She probably has more dudes trying to chat her up then she can shakes a stick at.
  16. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    That's not "respect for the act" so much as it is a complete lack of experience about the act.

    I have much more repsect for the act because i've continued to hone my skill at it, while she's simply avoided it do to a lack of education about it - I consider that a lack of respect for the act on her part. hehe
  17. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Not to be a complete *ss to her - but my honest bet is that she's somewhat unattractive to men she meets (which has much more to do with her virginal status than anything else) and slightly frustrated about it - so they take on this persona where they say "I just don't have sex because I'm more respectful than the other guys/girls" - but it's pretty much nonsense, and anyone with any actual sexual experience can attest to that - "sex" is just a form of entertainment - it has nothing to do with love or a committed relationship any more than playing tennis does - some people play tennis with their SO, some people will play a casual game of tennis with a buddy on occasion, etc

    I see this all the time - with guys and girls both - the nerdy guys who have a hard time meeting girls will take on this "nice guy" persona and claim the real reason they aren't meeting enough girls is because "they have more respect for sex" than the other guys - but it's really just sour grapes and false piety - they should just learn to be more attractive, either physicially (exercising and diet) or personality-wise.
  18. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Wanting to wait for someone special is not respecting the act? Okay, maybe we define "respect" differently.

    I respect what sharks can do. Don't need to go in a shark cage to find it out.
  19. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    That is correct - wanting to find someone special is completely unrelated to whether or not a person chooses to have casual sex.

    Anymore than wanting to find the perfect tennis partner has anything to do with whether or not I occasionally play casual games of tennis with other people.

    In fact casual dating if anything would help you to find that "special someone" better, because it'd help you to get a feel of the types of people who are and aren't compatible with you - instead of just rushing to a marriage with ther first person you lose your virginity to and greatly increasing the risk of it ending in divorce or discontentment - that'd be like purchasing a car over the internet that you can't see - a person who learns how cars work with some hands-on mechanical experience is way more likely to make a good purchase than the person who just out and buys the first car they test drive.
  20. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Whatever her reasons...they're her reasons. Calling her unattractive is just (*)(*)(*)(*)ty, IMO.

    Sex can be entertainment, but it's also entertaining to see you guys whine and say "I love you" and buy us things just to get a chance at dipping into our pants. And I think we both know that this is true. :)

    But I love you--can't you see I would do anything for you?

    No one else is like you. You're so different than other girls.

    I'd leave her for you if you asked me to...

    All the others girls I know are so stupid...

    Men are frickin' hilariously entertaining that you can't help but play coy sometimes. Maybe Makkede's just playing the field looking for the one that can say that stuff and it feels sincere?
  21. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Actually no I've never told a girl I love or or bought her anything in order to just have sex - and I still have casual sex, but I don't resort to that - I don't make false promises so it's totally clear that there are no strings attached - so no one is used. I never have to resort to that just to get sex, in fact I find that dishonorable.
  22. Zosiasmom

    Zosiasmom New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2012
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    You have no idea the lies, lies, lies I hear all the time. Pretty funny actually.
  23. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    You think this is a modern occurrence? For the majority of human history, people have spent more time having sex for recreation than for procreation. This is true for both married and unmarried people.

    I guess you have more in common with Islamist societies than you might be comfortable with admitting.
  24. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Recreational sex is just fine - but a responsible attitude about it is important.

    No I think the person I was responding to is just an anti-religious nut who thinks that having anything resembling viture or responsibility is a bad thing - myself I have no problem having sex with as many women as I want to - I just make sure to use protection.
  25. The Real American Thinker

    The Real American Thinker New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    That's not at all the point of the text.
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