How afraid are you of the concept of terrorism?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Clint Torres, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    How afraid are you of the concept of terrorism?

    What is your fear factor?
  2. obediant_consumer

    obediant_consumer Banned

    Jan 10, 2009
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    ive never seen an iranian.iraqi,afghan threaten me..

    ive seen alot of bloods/crips/cholos threaten me.
  3. darckriver

    darckriver New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2010
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    On a scale of 1-10 I'd say 1. I'm not afraid of concepts. I'm more afraid of idiotic people. I live in the sticks. Terrorism here is performed mostly by drunken drivers and jealous lovers. I'd go with a 3 or 4 on the former - I try to steer clear of the later.
  4. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Too bad the USA don't calm your fears of real things. They just spend trillions going after the invisable.
  5. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    True, There are more local nut cases who cause more harm that the idology of terrorism. When it comes to idology there are a lot of hard core nuts who do things because they believe in it.

    Too bad the USA and it's broadcast media spins fear into simple minds. Hence their excuse to spend hindreds of billions on stuff like TSA. And trillions on wars that mean nothing but profit for contractors.
  6. leftlegmoderate

    leftlegmoderate New Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    The idea of being savagely murdered when I least expect it... over something that I have nothing to do with directly, is horrifying. I feel terribly for those who live with this reality on a daily basis.

    Fortunately, we're proactive enough to prevent this from becoming a consistent reality within our own borders.
  7. MisLed

    MisLed New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I don't like it, i think it is coming but i'm less afraid of it because i am prepared.
  8. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Why are we only talking about ourselves here?

    Have you no fear for your fellow Americans who lie in the target zones of NYC, DC, etc?

    Do they not count, or is everyone so self absorbed these days that as long as it isn't them personally under threat then everything is a-ok?
  9. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Fear direction or directing fear is easy to manipulate, and the media and political powers abroad can maipulate people anyway they see fit. For their own personal finacial benifit. Broadcast media and politicans don't take action just to take action. They do it to profit.

    Fact is there is a greater chance of being terrorized by non-muslims in the USA. they have proven it. BUt the media spins it to manipulate people into thinking it is a arab looking terrorist who is the evil. LOL...

    Life is too short to be wasting it on fear and cowardism.
  10. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    I agree, it is a wais of time to indulge in fear. Aparently most people do not know their own abilities and weaknesses. So they abide to what others do and fear. Sort of the band wagon-express if you will.

    Psychologically it can be seen as a sign of insecurity and/or codependancy. Where one joins the fear group to be part of the group, as it is popular. And some will do it because they have never been put in a condition where it was life or death.

    Some who do not fear teorrism are adrenalin junkies or people who like the excitement of danger, to get the flight/fight adrenal pumping. Others have a understanding of good logic skills, while others know their abilities and capabilites, as it was tested and pushed to limits beyond the common person.
  11. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    No, you just automatically project the worst motives upon our politicians and Government because apparently you, like many of the people on this forum in general lately, have a psychological hatred for authority of any kind.

    Are politicians like Gabby Giffords the exception or the rule? I seem to remember people talking about her as a hero, but she's a politician, which means she must absolutely be scum right? Either the majority of our politicians are good people, or they are scum, including pols like Giffords, so which is it?

    No one is "fearful" of anything. You, like most of the people on this forum apparently, are near anarchists who just hate Government and seek to delegitimize its policies wherever you possibly can.

    Just like the recent spate of anti-israel people on this forum, who seek to delegitimize the Jewish State wherever they possibly can, or the isolationists who seek to delegitimize American foreign policy wherever they can.

    This forum has devolved into a hangout for anarchists of all stripes and its rather pathetic.
  12. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Suddenly this has become all about the cultural loyalties and common retoric often used to attempt a domination of the facts and behavior of the jewish people.

    But it's not, it is about how people view the terrorism stuff we are subjedcted to daily. Almost like indirect brainwashing. Covert, Sly, Sneeky. Eh... LOL....
    Nevertheless, if one has the ability to observe and see with open mind the manipulation of the media and politicians. This is what they will see.

    One can just obeserve and judge, because if they were to listen and believe every thing media and politicans preach they would be just another goat or lemming. Intelligence is something I use when making these evaluations, along with the behavior of what I am evaluating.

    Going from logical to way out extreme is not what I observe or do. Those types of behavior and thinking are irrational at best. Much like attemps to use jewish retoric in something not totally dominated by jewish topic.

    Is the snowball effect taking effect?
  13. johnmuir4life

    johnmuir4life New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    About as afraid as of sharks, so not much. I know they are out there and I respect that, but I also know the odds of me running into them is extremely low. And thats living within the New York City area.
  14. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    True, I spent a lot of time in the Ocean for many years, I saw sharks on occasion, and avoided them. But they never stopped me from going back into the ocean. IMO, no need to fear the odds. Odds can work in your favor. As for nuclear attack, Big whoop, if it happens it happens. And the media is not going to make me a coward.
  15. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I'm afraid enough of terrorism that I've gone out and purchased a kennel full of Dobermans, razor-wired my patio wall, taught my five-year old how to use a 9mm and my wife how to use the Winchester, up-armored my LandCruiser and bought myself a streetsweeper for Christmas. And, I have enough canned goods and water for two years. Additionally, I order stuff and have it brought in rather that go to the malls or shipping centers anymore. I guess you could say I'm really afraid. Why do you ask?
  16. Viv

    Viv Banned by Request

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Nil. Absolutely none.

    People who insist on communicating only via terrorism lack courage, intelligence and humanity and are simply put, aggressive criminal bullies. Terrorism is just an advanced form of bullying.

    UK has dealt with ME for centuries and closer to home, has dealt with wars and the Irish troubles. This current extremist terrorist crap is just something in a long line. We are openly told if they could harm us, they would and they are definitely planning to attack again and it's a matter of time etc. So what? There is always someone whose face is tripping him regarding some perceived grievance. We're always getting it from some direction. Carry on regardless and they carry on being total idiots and blowing themselves up like the intellectually challenged immature twits evidence indicates they must be.

    If they approached their grievances like normal people, through any number of reasonable channels, i.e. table a submission via existing political channels, negotiate, mount a media campaign effective enough to sway public opinion and put their grievances in public...I would give them a hearing. People here (I am one youth who did) took to the streets to support the release of Nelson Mandela. It's part of UK people to be very generous in that respect and always helpful to an underdog with a case of injustice.

    But they haven't asked us to help them. They haven't put a reasonable case. They've just gone about murdering innocent people, who might take their side if engaged in conversation. They have tried to terrorise and bully us. People dig their heels in when that happens, matter of principle.

    Who even knows what ME terrorists want, for example? People here may say they want to "destroy the infidel"...but that has to be a lot of rubbish. They know they can't kill everyone in the world who isn't willing to live by their rules. Yet they seem to protect (hide) their motivation...

    So... until they come out and publicize their aims like civilized people and communicate and show a bit of intelligence, i.e. take some time to construct a reasoned strategy and emerge with something which does not include the murder of all political or religious or even economic opponents...who is going to listen?

    To me, they're just a big crowd of weirdos with their own private agenda which isn't clear and their activities make no sense and impact on my consciousness less than the possibility of some East End Jakey randomly stabbing me with a big knife.
  17. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Cool, have you considered that terrorist have nuclear weapons? They have the survival stuff you need at the wally world.

    Just getting a consensus of how is targeted by the media and politicians.
  18. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Very good job on the decsription of terrorist. I totaly agree.

    Would it be possible for the broadcast media to keep people fearfull of terrorist?
  19. Viv

    Viv Banned by Request

    Jul 25, 2008
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    It's complex and I've written briefly (believe it or not). But that is the gist of part of my findings :-D

    People are onto that now, but media can and does sway public opinion hugely. People say it is deliberate...I don't know.

    Media approach varies though, even according to country. The media here play things down by comparison to my husband's country because we don't like a fuss. It's the character of the people. IMHO one major morning tv news leans toward establishment/professional perspective where the other main channel is more populist. Where he lived, some media make a big populist fuss, which is not always good for the people but maybe tends to draw big audiences. (ahem, is that how Fox work)

    It seems to feed into things like the expectations of the people and follow events but also the needs of government and requirements for responsible reporting. I suppose if government is running some public campaign, they are required to report it and it may be difficult to avoid the impression of being instructed by government (or any other large organisation which is in the news a lot). If they have to report many terrorist activities, it may give the impression of over-reporting.

    There are media ethic standards they are required to meet here, which we heard about during the recent inquiry of media ethics triggered by phone hacking allegations. These seem to be different for visual and written media and are less stringent and less effective for written media:

    However, I think most people are aware of the fear factor and media manipulation and people here go along with it if it makes sense. The media learned the hard way when Diana died, that UK public is not to be messed about. Rupert Murdoch is learning the same lesson.

    So at their peril...:)
  20. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    I live about 40 minutes away from New York City. I would say that I am certainly more aware of terrorism because my backyard (New York City) is a constant target. However, I am not fearful.
  21. tomfoo13ry

    tomfoo13ry Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Less afraid than I am of dying in a horrific car accident which has an exponentially higher chance of happening than being killed by a terrorist (those statistics hold for people living in NYC and DC as well, btw ;)). And since I lose no sleep worrying about dying in a car crash...

    I certainly don't go around fear mongering against automobiles trying to get other people to go and destroy them all before they kill me.
    Viv and (deleted member) like this.
  22. Natacha

    Natacha New Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    It has happened before and will happen again some time in the future.
  23. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Thanks for your insight.

    But in the USA, the entire broadcast meida industry is owned and ran by isreal loyalist who have strong ties to their homeland, and they have their own agenda when it comes to the middle east.

    Media is a monopoly in the USA with 3 major corporations that own all the sub-cable broadcast and newspapers and periodicals. They have a huge influence on American Opinion. As demonstrated by the ones who buy into the simple 5 word sentances.

    I observe the media to demonize the minority people, and if there was a terror attack by a couple of people of no color, media and government will say it was an isolated incident, and they never say it is terrorism.

    Another observation is that majority of the bombings, mass shootings and school killings are not muslim people. In fact, in the USA they are white people with Irish names. Why? Who knows, but it is the pattern.

    As far as phone hacking, the media minimizes the true reality of the phone tap. Who realy makes money off the tabloid news? Not a lot to be made.
    But if you use phone hacking abilities on corporate insiders, bank execs, and high ranking police and politicians. Then you have a hunge valuable expensive amount of information that you can invest on, and make hundreds of billions.

    IMO Rupy and the gang, just used the celeberty phone taps as their escape goat. There propbably was a lot more valuable information that is kept secret. Why, because Rupy makes a fortune on investments.

    One thing I know about wealthy investors, they do not invest large money into risky investments, unless they have first hand info on when the stock price goes up, and when to sell.
  24. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    This is true.
  25. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    I agree, I am more cautious about driving in heavy traffic than on the open road. There are a lot of killer accidents that happen Pedestrian and Auto every month there are one or two that get killed. And some months there are 3 or more that die.

    Whenever there is an idiot driver texing, a drunk driver, or a old driver, the chance of injury or death increases exponentaly.

    LOL on the fearing autos. There was a guy in California this past week who was setting cars on fire. Perhaps he took autoterrorism to a nother level and did a USA Jihad on them.

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