Organic Food Poisoning

Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by RPA1, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Superpower

    Superpower New Member

    Jun 28, 2012
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  2. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    I agree, but what has that to do with GMOs? They are still are safe and nutricious. [quote}I would never trust a word they or any scientist say about their GMOs.[/quote]You continue to show ignorance by LISTENING TO AGENDA PEDDLERS FOR ORGANIC and you endanger your life every time you eat organic.
    Neither do I, but I do trust my agronomist scientist father AND the science done by the USDA. But that still does not address your failure that GMO crops are safe. I have been eating hybrid/gmo food all my life, now 80 and going strong. Even that means nothing as anecdotal evidence is isn't worth the paper on which it is written.
  3. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    GMOs are not what is causing ANYONE to get diabetes or any other disease. Your precious organic food is the one which has the most food borne disease. You are lying again.

    BTW, your video is fake and false advertising and you have fallen even further down the rabbit hole
    Made by proponents of the most dangerous food in the world.

    Now it is time for you to shout orange about an apple. GMOs are not the culprit, some pesticides, and fungicides are. and they are used profusely on organic foods.
  4. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Wrong, you would let people die of starvation when GMOs are not the issue, 2-5-D is the problem.
  5. Superpower

    Superpower New Member

    Jun 28, 2012
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    Organic farms use soap.

    Conventional farms use DDT-like chemical pesticides that have the nasty habit
    of storing themselves in the human brain. That's why farm workers get brain tumors so often.
    that's why farmers in India are killing themselves. And that's why in backwards countries like
    India and Thailand, and everywhere else in the world, farmers and farm workers get cancer ten times more often than anyone else.

    The biggest lie ever told, is the lie that everyone will starve without GMOs. IN America GMO corn is fed
    to cows. Cows are chopped up into hamburgers. 40% of Americans are obese because
    they eat fast food, from cows, fed GMOs, and Americans also eat a lot of corn syrup
    as sweeteners.

    So yes, GMOs are causing diabetes, obesity, alzheimers, and other diseases.

    But worst of all, GMOs and corrupt American farm policies are helping bankrupt small farmers. that will be a disaster in the long term.

    Wait and see.

  6. Superpower

    Superpower New Member

    Jun 28, 2012
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    We don't need to eat so much fast food.

    We don't need GMOs.

    We do need farmers markets, with local and organic produce picked
    yesterday. The money paid to these smaller farms is then spent locally
    which is good for everyone.

    With gigantic GMO corn farms, and multinational fast food companies - everyone loses.
    Especially the ones who get diabetes and obesity.

    - - - Updated - - -

  7. Superpower

    Superpower New Member

    Jun 28, 2012
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    Here is the answer to that ^


    We do know one thing though - at the rate we're going, with our corrupt government
    making laws in favor of big corporations profits at the expense of our health, if we
    keep going like we are now - WE WILL BE IN BIG TROUBLE.

    That's what we know. and that's why people around the world are protesting against GMOs.
    It's not ONLY GMOs they are afraid of - it's the whole dirty disgusting trend, of
    our food becoming more and more 'ridiculous.'
  8. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    No one is listening to you copy/paste lazy crap.
  9. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Are you so ignorant to believe that crap? "When the Soil Association, a major organic accreditation body in the UK, asked consumers why they buy organic food, 95% of them said their top reason was to avoid pesticides. They, like many people, believe that organic farming involves little to no pesticide use. I hate to burst the bubble, but that's simply not true. Organic farming, just like other forms of agriculture, still uses pesticides and fungicides to prevent critters from destroying their crops."

    "over 20 chemicals commonly used in the growing and processing of organic crops that are approved by the US Organic Standards. And, shockingly, the actual volume usage of pesticides on organic farms is not recorded by the government. Why the government isn't keeping watch on organic pesticide and fungicide use is a damn good question, especially considering that many organic pesticides that are also used by conventional farmers are used more intensively than synthetic ones due to their lower levels of effectiveness. According to the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, the top two organic fungicides, copper and sulfur, were used at a rate of 4 and 34 pounds per acre in 1971 1. In contrast, the synthetic fungicides only required a rate of 1.6 lbs per acre, less than half the amount of the organic alternatives.

    The sad truth is, factory farming is factory farming, whether its organic or conventional. Many large organic farms use pesticides liberally. They're organic by certification, but you'd never know it if you saw their farming practices. As Michael Pollan, best-selling book author and organic supporter, said in an interview with Organic Gardening,

    "They're organic by the letter, not organic in spirit... if most organic consumers went to those places, they would feel they were getting ripped off."

    What makes organic farming different, then? It's not the use of pesticides, it's the origin of the pesticides used. Organic pesticides are those that are derived from natural sources and processed lightly if at all before use. This is different than the current pesticides used by conventional agriculture, which are generally synthetic. It has been assumed for years that pesticides that occur naturally (in certain plants, for example) are somehow better for us and the environment than those that have been created by man. As more research is done into their toxicity, however, this simply isn't true, either. Many natural pesticides have been found to be potential - or serious - health risks.2

    Take the example of Rotenone. Rotenone was widely used in the US as an organic pesticide for decades 3. Because it is natural in origin, occurring in the roots and stems of a small number of subtropical plants, it was considered "safe" as well as "organic". However, research has shown that rotenone is highly dangerous because it kills by attacking mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of all living cells. Research found that exposure to rotenone caused Parkinson's Disease-like symptoms in rats 4, and had the potential to kill many species, including humans. Rotenone's use as a pesticide has already been discontinued in the US as of 2005 due to health concerns***, but shockingly, it's still poured into our waters every year by fisheries management officials as a piscicide to remove unwanted fish species."

    over 20 chemicals commonly used in the growing and processing of organic crops that are approved by the US Organic Standards. And, shockingly, the actual volume usage of pesticides on organic farms is not recorded by the government. Why the government isn't keeping watch on organic pesticide and fungicide use is a damn good question, especially considering that many organic pesticides that are also used by conventional farmers are used more intensively than synthetic ones due to their lower levels of effectiveness. According to the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, the top two organic fungicides, copper and sulfur, were used at a rate of 4 and 34 pounds per acre in 1971 1. In contrast, the synthetic fungicides only required a rate of 1.6 lbs per acre, less than half the amount of the organic alternatives.

    The sad truth is, factory farming is factory farming, whether its organic or conventional. Many large organic farms use pesticides liberally. They're organic by certification, but you'd never know it if you saw their farming practices. As Michael Pollan, best-selling book author and organic supporter, said in an interview with Organic Gardening,

    "They're organic by the letter, not organic in spirit... if most organic consumers went to those places, they would feel they were getting ripped off."

    What makes organic farming different, then? It's not the use of pesticides, it's the origin of the pesticides used. Organic pesticides are those that are derived from natural sources and processed lightly if at all before use. This is different than the current pesticides used by conventional agriculture, which are generally synthetic. It has been assumed for years that pesticides that occur naturally (in certain plants, for example) are somehow better for us and the environment than those that have been created by man. As more research is done into their toxicity, however, this simply isn't true, either. Many natural pesticides have been found to be potential - or serious - health risks.2

    Take the example of Rotenone. Rotenone was widely used in the US as an organic pesticide for decades 3. Because it is natural in origin, occurring in the roots and stems of a small number of subtropical plants, it was considered "safe" as well as "organic". However, research has shown that rotenone is highly dangerous because it kills by attacking mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of all living cells. Research found that exposure to rotenone caused Parkinson's Disease-like symptoms in rats 4, and had the potential to kill many species, including humans. Rotenone's use as a pesticide has already been discontinued in the US as of 2005 due to health concerns***, but shockingly, it's still poured into our waters every year by fisheries management officials as a piscicide to remove unwanted fish species."

    "Not only are organic pesticides not safe, they might actually be worse than the ones used by the conventional agriculture industry. Canadian scientists pitted 'reduced-risk' organic and synthetic pesticides against each other in controlling a problematic pest, the soybean aphid. They found that not only were the synthetic pesticides more effective means of control, the organic pesticides were more ecologically damaging, including causing higher mortality in other, non-target species like the aphid's predators9. Of course, some organic pesticides may fare better than these ones did in similar head-to-head tests, but studies like this one reveal that the assumption that natural is better for the environment could be very dangerous.

    Even if the organic food you're eating is from a farm which uses little to no pesticides at all, there is another problem: getting rid of pesticides doesn't mean your food is free from harmful things. Between 1990 and 2001, over 10,000 people fell ill due to foods contaminated with pathogens like E. coli, and many have organic foods to blame. That's because organic foods tend to have higher levels of potential pathogens. One study, for example, found E. coli in produce from almost 10% of organic farms samples, but only 2% of conventional ones10. The same study also found Salmonella only in samples from organic farms, though at a low prevalence rate. The reason for the higher pathogen prevalence is likely due to the use of manure instead of artificial fertilizers, as many pathogens are spread through fecal contamination. Conventional farms often use manure, too, but they use irradiation and a full array of non-organic anti-microbial agents as well, and without those, organic foods run a higher risk of containing something that will make a person sick."
  10. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Absolute hog wash! DDT has been banned for years. Try to get the people in any large city to go to a farmer's market, which mostly sells conventionally grown produce anyway. More hogwash! GMOs do not make one any fatter than any other food. Weight gain, and diabetes is caused by too much intake and insufficient exercise. You are really searching the loony bin to say that. Most foods, to include conventional and GMOs are grown on large EFFICIENCY OF SCALE farms to keep prices down. GMOs are not degraded in nutrition or quality over the most dangerous foods of all, ORGANIC.
  11. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    It is commonly believed that organic farmers do not use pesticides and that organic food is therefore safer to consume than conventionally farmed fruit and vegetables. In a UK poll, 95% of the consumers bought organic food because they wanted to avoid consuming pesticides. This belief could not be further from the truth. The US organic industry has approved over 3000 toxic pesticides for use in organic farming, many of which are neurotoxins or with a toxic profile requiring “Danger” labels.

    If a farmer has a pest, fungus or weed problem, he or she has to address it with a toxic agent or suffer the consequences. Pesticides certified for use by organic farmers, like conventional ones, are designed to kill (with all of the environmental health consequences that entails) – if they did not, they obviously would not be used.

    The condition for organic pesticides is that they must originally come from a natural source, but this does not imply that natural chemicals are any less deadly (Ebola is natural). The only difference between organic pesticides and those used in conventional farming is that organic toxins are rarely tested for health and environmental safety and there is no testing for toxic residue levels on organic produce. So we know a great deal about the levels of risk in eating conventionally grown food (and the risk is minimal) but almost nothing about the risks from organically grown food.

    Three big lies

    The fact that organic farmers use pesticides should not be a big deal. A year’s consumption of well-tested synthetic pesticide residues have been known to be far safer than drinking a single cup of coffee, and if we ever decide to start testing organic approved pesticides, we will probably have similar results. The problem is that the organic industry lobby lies about the safety of conventionally-farmed produce day-in, day-out. It seems like everyone working in the organic industry just got used to lying to others all the time (remember that cute Swedish family that were taken off of conventionally farmed food for a week? They were still eating pesticides, just organic-approved pesticides but they were not tested for those. The Co-Op supermarket chain in Sweden lied! … as did every organic industry lobbyist and social media food guru that spread that fiction video).

    There are three big lies that the organic food lobbyists commit every moment of every day that indicate either a total brain-washed stupidity or a complete lack of integrity (… probably both).

    That organic food costs more because they don’t use pesticides. It is one thing to lie about the widespread use of pesticides on organic food, but to do so in order to charge more money to consumers you have just frightened is a charlatanism worthy of imprisonment.
    That organic food is safer than conventional food because they don’t use pesticides. This is in fact not only a blatant lie, it is reckless endangerment. We have volumes of data on synthetic pesticides, and regular testing of these residues on food – we have nothing at all about the safety of pesticides used on organic produce. What is worse, consumers have been led to believe they only have to rinse conventionally farmed produce – that there are no toxic residues on organic produce. All produce needs to be properly rinsed, not to wash away trace elements of pesticide residues, but to prevent the spread of pathogens like E coli (which is much more prevalent on organically grown produce).
    That organic farming is safer for the environment because they don’t use pesticides. Many of the pesticides approved for use in organic farming on the Risk-Monger Dirty Dozen list below have proven to be highly toxic to bees and other wildlife – far more than the well-tested neonicotinoids that the organic industry has put so much effort into raising doubt on. Just because something is natural in its origin does not mean it has no effect on the environment (just think of an oil spill!)

    When an industry is built entirely on a lie, it is time for regulators to stop looking away. The organic industry lobby has indicated its lack of legitimacy and integrity and should face the policy purgatory it has invoked on others. I would suggest that until the organic industry can guarantee that their pesticides are safe, they should be taken off of the market.
  12. Superpower

    Superpower New Member

    Jun 28, 2012
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    Thiabendazole - organic has much less of it

    guthion.jpg [​IMG]
    azinphos methyl - that's the organophosphate that causes brain damage in children.
    Notice some conventionally grown apples are absolutely loaded.

    Now let's look at strawberries
    Captan - a fungicide. Some strawberries absolutely loaded - probably
    cause cancer guaranteed.

    Heres the link
    see for yourself.

    Why are some products "loaded" with pesticdes ( none of the organic are)
    and others not so loaded? One reason is: Post Harvest Treatment of Fungicides

    when your food is drenched in fungicides "AFTER" it is picked
    that means the pesticides never had a chance to break down, - so you eat much more
    of the carcinogenic fungicides.

    that's the biggest reason organic is better. But there's lots of reasons.
  13. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Bull crap! People protesting GMO FOOD ARE IGNORANT.

    In so far as corrupt government, and big corporations, I agree! Especially this crop of GOP or Hillary Clinton.

    There is still no reason to protest GMOs and the organic crops have sickened more people in the last few years than ALL OF THE GMO CROPS SINCE THE INCEPTION.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Direct QUOTATIONS are far more credible than the crap superdude is posting.
  14. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Proper application of fungicides, is done WHILE THE PLANT IS GROWING. Some agenda ridden propagandist is pulling your strings. They should never be applied to the ripening fruit, or after harvest. In addition, I have proved conclusively that organic pest control IS WORSE THAN CONVENTIONAL FARMING. And still you rail against GMOs and try to prove it by your condemning the pesticides used, which are no more dangerous that those used in Organic farming. Or you real? Or just another person being beaten by the dumb ass stick.
  15. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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  16. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Objectives: The popularity of organic diets continues to increase even without sound evidence that these diets are healthier than conventional diets. As its popularity increases, organic foods become more readily available and accessible to the public, and genuinity comes into question as farmers and retailers find ways to profit from this trend. Although organic produce will never be completely free of pesticides, they are expected to have considerably lower amounts. In recent years, pesticide residues in organic apples have been found to be at levels higher than normal background levels, indicating intentional application by farmers. Thiabendazole, diphenylamine, and myclobutanil are some of the more common synthetic pesticides that have been found in organic apples; therefore, the following study tested whether or not the levels of thiabendazole, diphenylamine, and myclobutanil in organic apples were below the acceptable organic standards of 5% of their respective Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). Methods: A modified QuEChERS method involving juicing and extraction was used to recover pesticides from the organic apples. Two additional samples were spiked with 1 ppm of each pesticide as controls to determine if the method was able to detect the pesticides. One sample was spiked before the juicing step, and the other sample was spiked after the juicing step. Samples were then analyzed using gas chromatography. Results: Thiabendazole, diphenylamine, and myclobutanil were not detected in all 30 organic apple samples. Furthermore, these pesticides were only detected in the one of the spiked samples – the sample which was spiked after it was juiced. Conclusion: Organic apples grown in BC meet the organic standard of containing pesticide residue levels below 5% of the MRL, at least for thiabendazole, diphenylamine, and myclobutanil. However, since pesticides were not detected in the sample which was spiked before juicing, the methodology of this study may require modification. One possible reason for this finding is that pesticides may be concentrated in the pulp that is separated during juicing, therefore suggesting that juicing apples may be a good practice for reducing the consumption of pesticides.
  17. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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  18. Superpower

    Superpower New Member

    Jun 28, 2012
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    There are better ways to feed the world.

    People are waking up. But not fast enough.

  19. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    No, you aren't worth the effort to do apple and orange anymore, though it is totally true. I have started to enjoy watching your ignorance make a fool out of yourself.

    I now know why you are touting Organic Food. YOU ARE INVOLVED IN MARKETING IT, and you know when enough people learn the facts you likely will go out of business. You are nothing but a corporate whore for Organic.Good night slug.
  20. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Corporate whore! No one would fight so hard for stupid causes but a corporate. I have forgotten more than you have in the past or ever will know. And I still pounded you ignorant head into mush by knowing more than you ever will on the subject, learning it from the real experts and putting down corporate whores.
  21. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    No one would fight so hard for stupid causes but a corporate. I have forgotten more than you have in the past or ever will know. And I still pounded you ignorant head into mush by knowing more than you ever will on the subject, learning it from the real experts and putting down corporate whores. I was informed this AM that I got hit by destructive organic food on a cruise last month. E COLI on the food. Never again!
  22. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Other companies which do not use "organic" foods have also sickened people. Therefore, this alone does not refute the idea that organic foods are desirable.

    The only problem with organic foods that I see is the fact that all too often such foods are not pasteurized nor are preservatives added to them. This means elements of putrefaction may spread thereby leaving a consumer vulnerable to food caused illness. It is a risk people take when they use such food and, in all honesty, one of the principle reasons why I won't use it.
  23. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Organic food causes far more food borne disease that the rest combined. I was informed by my doctor THIS MORNING that I had an Ecoli infection from eating fresh salad from organic foods while on a cruise in January. It made me a firm believer.
  24. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    The ecoli knocked me in a loop, for almost 3 weeks. In the last 60 years I was intimently involved with the green revolution which includes GMO and standard seed farming. Organ farming CAN grow some good food, IN SMALL QUANTITY without proximity of other crops. I have done so in my garden. I did not use manure, I used rotting leaves and leaf mold and planted insect repelling flowers in the garden with the crop. The tomatoes were prolific and delicious, but my green beans were even better (gmo grown organically). Cucumbers were great and the water melon never sweeter. The real crown prince were the cantaloupes, dropped when the stem separated.
  25. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Are you so naive you refuse to believe properly done studies using empirical evidence (not the anecdotal "info" you seem to like?) One such study shows that 70 of the organic grape crop is contaminated by pesticides and herbicides?

    BTW, that wax designed to produce over a longer time can easily be washed off along with any other contaminants. My Halo oranges were delicious after I washed and peeled them.

    Are you too stupid not to wash your fruit? Or cook your organic food fed to Ground Beef until it is well done? I am taking Leviquin for the next 2 weeks because organic salad on a cruise gave me an ecoli infection.

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