Russia issues furious warning after Ukraine aid bill.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by zoom_copter66, Apr 21, 2024.

  1. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    What does Russia Sarcasm have to do with your inability to understand what a Ukie is in context of a sentence .. and how is the idiocy of pretending not to understand a word justified by sarcasm in previous post.

    "Bradley's" ?? LOL -- that's funny .. we sent lots before friend .. they now in the graveyard .. were practically useless in the counter offensive .. so much so they stopped sending them close to the front line .. an offensive which never managed to dent the first line of Russian defense .. but keep telling yourself Crimea will be in the hands of Ukraine in 3 days OK champ ? :) Har har har.
    vis and Bill Carson like this.
  2. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    yeah I heard you the first time there's no need to repeat it. I'm not arguing with you about it.

    Trying to bait me into arguing with you about it is really kind of sad.

    The answer is still no.
    then you have no reason to argue with me about it.
    Okay fine I'm not interested in how you try and justify your position. You're not changing your position and it's based on words on paper and not reality and that's your business.

    I'm not changing my position.

    So there is no reason to argue I don't think you're going to figure out how wrong you are you doubled down. You didn't bother to ask. You just declared what you think to be the case and that that is true to you and I'm not interested in arguing with you about it. You seem incurious.
  3. NMNeil

    NMNeil Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    I hope not. People don't want to start seeing their sons and fathers returning home in bodybags from yet another foreign war.
  4. zoom_copter66

    zoom_copter66 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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  5. The Scotsman

    The Scotsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Male gotta ask yourself though....why's the US got all the shiny kit with the big guns? It isnt' just for show is it? Your country has a crap ton of overseas commitments it has to maintain in order to keep you guys at home warm and cozy and with ample supplies of cheap white goods, cars, clothes and food. That doesn't come without a price and it doesn't come cheap. If you want to secure your supply chains, secure your sea lanes and assert your freedom of navigation around the world then you've got to make a splash....freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of movement isnt a god given's what people have had to fight for. So, that's why you have a military that is ready and willing to go and help you all live the comfortable lifes you're all used to...they go out and assert and defend your ability and say what you like when you like and how you like. This is supplied with as little or no inconvenience to the general public. All the suppliers ask for is a nod of thanks every now and then and good report on trustpilot. One thing though...the US doesn't exist in a vacuum...the US has to fight for it's rights like every other country in the world....the world is a nasty and dangerous place and we all need friends......the US can't go it alone in the world......that's what friends are for to help and assist and encourage.....and the US can't just be a fair weather friend.
    anyway....that's a bit heavy....
    Cheers mate
    have a nice evening
    Nemesis likes this.
  6. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    You indeed are.

    I'm not baiting you into anything. You replied, I responded, you replied again. Physician HEAL THYSELF.

    Justify? Position? Its not anything of opinion dude, they are LITERALLY BY DEFINITION a Constitutional Republic. They have a constitution, they are abiding by same, and they have a republican form of government IE representative democracy with an executive and judiciary.
    You don't have to continue to die on this silly hill. You can simply walk back your initial claim that its not a constitutional republic, and explain what you actually meant.

    My position on the definition of Constitutional Republic is indeed based on words on paper. That's what dictionaries are printed upon.

    What are you even talking about in your last paragraph? Incurious? About WHAT? It either is or isn't a fact that their constitution provides instructions for what to do or not do in this situation. It IS a fact that it says that, and it IS a fact they are operating based on the laws of THEIR land which differs from ours. That doesn't make what they have NOT a constitutional republic ffs.
    Didn't bother to ask? Ask WHAT? You blithely made a statement and I pointed out that words have definitions and your statement was in need of modification.
  7. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    My statement was a sarcastic joke comparing the meaning of "orc" in the complained of sentence to the meaning of "ukie" in the post I responded to. IE I was saying you're basically too stupid to pour piss out of a boot if I first told you the instructions were on the heel if you don't understand what "orc" referred to in the complained of sentence the same way "ukie" is perfectly clear in the post I responded to.
    This was me making a jape of both the poster I responded to, and yourself, and others.

    My dude: Your pravda called them "advanced" which is what I'm mocking. They're not advanced, they're old trash from before the ****ing moon landing.
    And they gang raped your t90m. On camera. In public.
  8. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    I'm not interested in discussing this with you.
  9. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    So .. sarcastic mocking -- followed by name calling and crying "Stupid Stupid Stupid" .. all these posters around you .. then for reasons known only to yourself .. anyone who questions your perspective is a Russian Asset ! .. Yeah .. following the Progressive True Blue cancel crew formula .. when in doubt cry "Russia Russia Russia" Tulsi - that dirty anti neocon .. "Russia Russia" .. Trump -- A Russian Asset .. how did you put it "Too Stupid to pour piss out of a boot" OH .. and lest we not forget some nonsense about gang rape on the moon .. as if this is coherent argument for something.

    What has curlers such in a tizzy friend -- I am sorry the Ukraine fairy tale didn't work out and Crimea will not be a Nato Port -- but why demonize the messenger because some necessary illusion has been popped. Should be thanking me for pulling head out of the propaganda punch bowl .. get you back into Reality .. That is the name of the game right ?
    vis and Bill Carson like this.
  10. USVet

    USVet Banned

    Jan 1, 2018
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    What a load of horse crap. I mean you dump loads of crap every where but this one takes the horse crap cake.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
  11. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    They are pretty easy to identify.
  12. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    No dude, I've spoken with you over the years here and I KNOW YOU to be a Russian asset.
    I'm also not a progressive, I'm a libertarian. I don't care about Trump or Tulsi Gabbard.

    Gang rape on the moon? If your understanding of the English language is that poor, you're going to get sent to gulag for being **** at your job as a propagandist.

    Back to reality? Your guy thought it would take 3 days ffs and its going on the 2nd year now. Russia went from being considered the number 2 military power on the planet to being the number 3 military power operating in its own domestic areas, behind its own mercs and the ****ing Ukrainians using our cast offs.
    Your fancy tank that no one could destroy got chewed to pieces by a pair of infantry fighting vehicles made prior to the US moon landing.
  13. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    Sure you are. You're doing it right now.

    You can be stung because you wrote a post in haste and didn't consider what you were actually saying vs what you wanted to say and I called you on it with a basic dictionary definition, or you can simply say something to the effect of "yeah that wasn't really clear, my bad. Let me rephrase:" and then rephrase to whatever you actually meant.
  14. zoom_copter66

    zoom_copter66 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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    "Gang rape on the moon"??

    Like Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is that....gifter....sounds like you really outdid yourself ....LOL....:grin::-D

    Looks like lotsa hardware coming shortly to provide major pain for the RuMafia.....Kerch Bridge is entirely in range for a takedown....:)
  15. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    "Gang rape on the moon" - "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" --- Sorry friend .. this is some kind of mumbo jumbo incommunicado .. so leave that there.

    "Look like lotsa hardware coming" -"take down Kerch Bridge" -- Some is coming .. they really don't have much to give beyond what is given already - USA can only send as much as it can produce .. and only producing ~ 35,000 155 mm shells a month --- been giving them all to Ukraine .. sans a few that may have gone to Israel.. the money isn't going to change this dynamic imbalance.

    35K shells will last 4 days if used at levels needed to keep Russia back - a week if they are in conservation mode... providing cover for continued retreat.
    What about the other 24 days of the month ? The vast majority of the cash is resulting in weapons now for Ukraine .. a bunch is going to pay salaries .. keep Ukraine running .. which we are paying for -- a bunch more is going to defense contractors .. various contracts .. missiles for example .. but the actual weapons won't be going over to Ukraine now .. but a year from now ..

    Sure the Azov SS are going to get a few more wonder weapons .. but again in limited supply .. no real help on the battlefield .. will just be used for terrorist attacks .. such as the Kerch Bridge ... which will simply result in 10 X retribution suffered by the People of Ukraine . These Azov Nazi's are like the Hamas of Palestine in this way .. the Palestinians being Punished for the crimes of Hamas .. the Ukrainians being punished for the crimes of the Azov Nazi.

    Now a good situation either way .. perhaps why you are focused on "Gang rape on the moon .. Whisky Tango Foxtrot" -- some kind of deflection away from reality you can not bare to look at perhaps ?
  16. zoom_copter66

    zoom_copter66 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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    There were long range ATACMS delivered a while ago....gifter....and have already been used....a few thousand dead orcs....smelly stuff...gifty.

    Yep...that T90 tank the Botox lipstick chimp was bragging about was "a$$raped" by a couple outdated Bradley's....the T90 maybe got one round of the crew jumped out...looked like his a$$ was on fire gifty....shouldn't mess with Uncle Sam's toys....:)

    Next big target is Kerch....gifty. When the bridge is popped....Putinkas days are numbered in hours after that.....:)
  17. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    so you think I'm addressing your points on that Ukraine and countering them with my own points I think that stopped after the second time.
    Well that's funny that I'm stung by your pathetic words because I absolutely still stand by my post.

    And Ukraine is still absolutely a dictatorship. The only thing that changed was I went from thinking you were a possible person to discuss this with to thinking that you'll believe anything if it's written on paper.

    So yeah I'm totally stung by your simping for official titles. And of course absolutely zero other argument offer than that.
    Bill Carson likes this.
  18. Reality

    Reality Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    You keep responding to the posts, so you're certainly still talking about it dude. You can stop that at any time by simply not doing so. Which is what someone does when they are done responding, they stop responding. Simple as.

    You're very much stung by the fact that you made a hard declaration about something that is easily verified or not, and you were wrong. It happens. You spoke in haste, perhaps tired or intoxicated.
    Simply redress your statement to say what you meant.

    Ukraine is a constitutional republic until and unless they finish this conflict and decline to hold elections further. Until and unless that happens, the not holding of elections during wartime is literally laid out in their constitution as what they're supposed to be doing. You don't have to like that, but it doesn't make them somehow a dictatorship or not a Constitutional Republic.

    You're arguing dictionary definitions of a thing, and complaining about being held to the definition. Words mean things. Don't be much afeared, I do the same thing when someone like yardmeat is loose with the term "fascist".
    USVet and Monash like this.
  19. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Yeah but I'm not engaging with your Ukraine argument.

    Is your ego so huge that you didn't notice?
    I will stop when I feel like stopping if you didn't realize because you're distracted by stroking your own ego that I stopped discussing Ukraine with you.
    I'm responding to your posts I'm just not responding to you about Ukraine. That's what I meant about I don't want to argue about this anymore I stopped. Notice how the only thing you have to say to me is that I'm responding to your posts and that triggers you in some way? It's kind of funny.
    I think this is wishful thinking to you you want me to have emotions because you do.

    I'm not wrong you haven't shown me that I'm wrong all you've shown is that you believe words on paper and not reality. I'm sorry I live in reality
    but I stand by it I was right you didn't correct me you said words on paper are more important than reality.
    I meant to say Ukraine is a dictatorship even if they call themselves a constitutional Republican paper they're lying.

    You believe the lie because you are available.
    that's what they do every single time. No leader takes more power and then willingly gives it up they have to be killed.

    You're not very familiar with history are you?
    dictatorships with constitutions are still dictatorships.

    It likely will be until zielinsky dies.
    not really a dictionary just says how a word is used in language they're using the word and language to trick people like you into believing they're not a dictatorship so they're using the proper definition. It's just that it's a lie.
    and people use those words to mean those things but also lie to you.

    When a scam artist sells their magical miracle water as a panacea they're using the word panacea correctly they're just lying about it.
    Oh good job definition please everybody loves and respects that sort of thing all the time. And it's so useful to focus on demeaning of words instead of whether or not someone's using them to lie.

    Suit I have to ask you a question did you buy the magical miracle water and did it cure your ailments because it's a panacea I mean that's what that word means and they can only mean what they mean and nobody can lie apparently.

    Lol what a joke.
  20. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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    The damn Russians SHOULD be scared. They've been fought to a standstill by a much less powerful country for two years now
  21. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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    I wish you and others would stop whining about U.S borders
    Jakob likes this.
  22. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Yes Zoomie -- and now we have more ATACMS = more terrorist attacks = more Putin retaliates 10X and Ukraine suffers more .. war continues longer .. more Ukrainian Sausage into the meat grinder.

    One ATM strike does not kill 2,000-plus Russian's Zoomer .. that's just silly -- not even attempting to be serious then going on about "Botox lipstick chip a@@rape" ?? cum on now.. Prophet told you what go down .. Got the last of the Azov Battalion refusing to fight -- no desire to be cannon fodder - the front line .. not the place you wan't to be .. 10 to 1 casualty rate at times .. they shoot at us .. we got nothing to shoot back at them say the Soldiers... remember that one artillery guy .. didn't have a single shell to fire for 4 weeks. .. Russia continuously pummeling with 10-20,000 artillery rounds a day ... Drones .. Missiles .. and the Fabulous FAB 500-3000 dropping every day ... could be as many 400-600K dead since beginning of the war.

    Russia on the other hand estimated at 50-80K dead -- its a lopsided affair that has no hope of a happy ending - and Ukraine is running out of Meat read the Politico article .. can find many other pro western sources saying the same. .. its a stark reality .. with no apparent French Knight on white horse coming to the rescue.

    Tell you what though Zoomie .. listen here and see this tip I got for you .. a little light at the end of the tunnel .. make your day bright .. all this military stuff .. needs alot of Tungsten .. and it is not easy stuff to come by from non - China-Russia sources .. that making up 90% of the supply. Of the companies left .. there is one that is just about to open a new mine .. should be producing by end of year .. located in Korea .. a good jurisdiction .. non conflict supply .. Almonty .. Might as well make money on this war if nothing else .. as .. thats what it is for after all .. make money for the Donor class .. not freedom or democracy .. not even them in Flapperville buy that one .. ha ha...
  23. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I did actually, and I don’t regret it. The Russians have proclaimed openly of a new Afghanistan for the US and that is entirely feasible with each new aid package.

    Biden’s legacy will be one of getting us out of Afghanistan and into a new Afghanistan
    Josh77 likes this.
  24. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I’m sorry when did the defense of the European borders influence our constitutional government? That is news to me in 2024. Last I checked, that’s your job Europa(maybe if I use some European nationalist slang it’ll motivate the continent)

    Where is that pride? Does it truly sit right with the people of Europe that you’re essentially helpless without the US?

    Were I a European citizen I’d be beyond pissed. Instead Europe has grown too comfortable with the defense provided by the USA and thus lack both the will and the desire to defend the continent.

    As for our trade routes? They’ll be fine, given the establishment of the US dollar not even Russia and China would prefer a total collapse. Especially not China.

    And the superiority of the US Navy is unchallenged. This is the European Union’s problem. You guys figure it out
  25. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    If Ronald Reagan were President .. our borders would be secure .. Eugenics to the Core .. along with Maggie Thatcher who is no bore .. and why is this what you do not wish for ?

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