The 2011 Right Wing Debate Handbook

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by Think for myself, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. LittleLiberty

    LittleLiberty New Member

    Feb 12, 2011
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    101. Blame Obama. For everything. Even when there's stacks of evidence that- OMG- BUSH or another REPUBLICAN did it and just left Obama with the mess, it's Obama's fault. Spending, unemployment, low stock markets- everything. Like if a child breaks a lamp, and his sister is standing in the middle of it picking up the pieces, apparently the girl should be punished.

    102. If something good happens, Bush did it. Always. Even when it happened within the month, and Obama was clearly responsible, Bush always did it. When a picture surfaces of Bush laying on his couch, drinking Coke and watching reruns of Oprah, at the exact same time the good thing happened, claim it's photoshopped. Then when you see a video of Obama giving a speech on the good thing, say he just stepped in to take credit. Say he kicked Bush off the stage if you have to. Then, for good measure, photoshop a picture of Obama in Hawaii, drinking tropical drinks in a beach chair- at the exact same time the good thing happened.

    103. If someone wants to reelect Obama- she's an idiot. Always. First, call her a baby- then, make up statistics. Throw in a couple strawmen and random words and pictures. Finally, insist you are right over and over until she yells WTF at the screen and leaves the forum. When she comes back 6 months later, PM her with a flaming message about the old argument. When she won't argue with you, say she's a coward and keep bothering her every 5 seconds until she tells on you. Then make up fake statements until she's finally banned.
    mertex and (deleted member) like this.
  2. mertex

    mertex New Member Past Donor

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Ha,ha, all the time I thought you were a rightie. Thanks for adding new items to the 2011 Right-wing Debate Handbook - I had forgotten that they did that!

    Yeah, you are right, righties do come up with some strange rhymes.

    Is that what they are doing? All the time I thought I was just having trouble understanding them, those righties.

    Yeah, I've seen the righties do that, even on this thread - ha,ha too funny.

    I didn't know rigties believed in evolution - that one must be really rare, but thanks for including it.
  3. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    104 Defend oil profits, Wars, and Israel but deny they all have a connection

    105 Contribute to american anti-semeticism since most Jewish people are democrats but declare love of the Israeli Jews for safegaurding oil interests in the middle east.

    106 Defend the Oil industry in Texas and Alaska even though it does nothing for the people in those states with its profits, similar to Nigerian and middle eastern oil profiteers in those respective countries.

    107 Run the country from the old testament version of the bible

    108 Defend Tax cuts for the rich against their own interests since most are poor or middle class.

    109 Attack health care reform because it was from a Muslim President even though they desperately need health care.
  4. SkullKrusher

    SkullKrusher Banned

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Pretend that you have eaten pizza before:


    Just like George H.W. pretended he had been in a grocery store before:

  5. Prohobo

    Prohobo New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    110 - Make SURE to point out that OBAMA received 10 times as much money from Goldman Sachs and the rest of the banks and Wall Street than the Republican candidates.

    111 - Make SURE to point out OBAMA - not the Republicans - gave 100s of billions to Banks and Wall Street. Bailing out the very companies that caused the problem.
  6. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    112. Threaten people with reporting their post to the mods. When you do, make an announcement. Remember, only report posts that show you to be incorrect.
  7. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I think you guys misread the title of the thread. It says right wing debate handbook. President Obama was the one who not only refused to enforce existing federal immigration laws but sued one of his own states for trying to do the job he wouldn't do in ordeer to keep its citizens safe.
  8. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    113. Continue to insist that President Obama refuses to enforce the immigration laws in spite of the fact that the Obama adminstration has deported more illegal aliens than any prior admistration including the former adminstration of President Bush.
    rsay32 and (deleted member) like this.
  9. mertex

    mertex New Member Past Donor

    Apr 15, 2009
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    115. Confuse the Democrats by insisting that they are the ones that did something that the Republicans did.
  10. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    116. Rally for illegal immigrants when they are working for slave wages to build American business men wallets.

    117. Rally against illegal immigrants when democrats request they have proper health care and rights during their labors for business owners.
  11. Funktopia

    Funktopia New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    118.) Unions must lose all their rights to stop the spread of Obama's Communist agenda.
  12. mertex

    mertex New Member Past Donor

    Apr 15, 2009
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    119. The country must be totally destroyed in order to save it - never, ever raise the debt ceiling. It may look bad but it is actually better for the country to cease to exist than to allow Obama to continue to be President.
    Derideo_Te and (deleted member) like this.
  13. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    120. Start threads based on a complete straw man positions about what liberals supposedly believe or claim.
  14. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    121. Get in the way of a "Rubbishing Obama on his Birthday" thread and you will be removed from the thread to enable the smooth transition of one nasty birthday greeting for Obama to the next.
  15. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    122. Heavily police a Happy Birthday Thread. Because God knows, birthday greetings need to be heavily policed.
    mertex and (deleted member) like this.
  16. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    122. Claim that the recently passed "deficit reduction" legislation will actually reduce deficit spending when in fact the so-called "cuts" are subject to future Congressional budgets where Congress is under no obligation to follow them, historically won't follow them and they are nothing but pure legislative fantasy.
  17. krunkskimo

    krunkskimo New Member

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Whenever a short comming is discovered about your canidate, or your canidate royaly (*)(*)(*)(*)s up, blame it on the democrats and excuse your canidate for democrats only wish to smear your canidate to plant McCain2.0.
  18. Pardy

    Pardy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Some talking points and strategies:

    123. Insist that Bush's doubling of the debt was a shrewd investment, but Obama's was wasteful entitlement spending.
    124. Insist that Obama bought the election... then offer no evidence.
    125. Insist that Obama's short vacations are frivolous and he needs to get his ass back into the White House to work. Ignore the fact that Bush would take month-long vacations.
    126. Insist that the polls are wrong because we're the moral majority and we know what Americans really want.
    127. Create a list of every faux pas Hillary Clinton did since she was 1 month old so that she can be pre-smeared in 2015.
    128. Insist that there is no coincidence between the rise in partisanship, anti-government interest groups or the Tea Party and the fact that the President is black. It's all just a coincidence.
    129. Insist that conservatives are all kind, decent Christians who never swear or name-call, and go to church every Sunday.
    130. Insist that the GOP brought civil rights.
    131. Attack science, dismiss scientists as quacks and research as "liberal propaganda."
    132. Propose new laws that criminalize common human behaviors while claiming that you want smaller government.
    133. Insist that the Benghazi incident (4 deaths) was as horrible as 9/11 (3,000 deaths) because a Democrat was in charge.
    134. Insist that the States should have more power while proposing more federal legislation.
    135. Always keep your trump cards handy when losing a debate, including accusations of communism, Godlessness and anti-Americanism.
    136. Claim that Democrats are stupid while not being able to mention one truly great (current) Republican thinker.
    137. Claim that liberals are tree-hugging, pot-smoking pansies, but then state how aggressive they are if they fight back.
    138. Talk about how liberals are indoctrinated after buying $100 in Ann Coulter books.
    139. Defend all things Reagan despite the fact that he would be a raging liberal today.
    140. Use anger and frustration when dealing with your party's continued failing, rather than looking for real ways to improve it.
    142. When two Republican politicians disagree, they're both right!
    143. Fallacies are your friend. Use them... *ahem* liberally.
    144. Remember... coal is "clean".
    145. Remind people that wind turbines are evil because they kill poor little birdies.
    146. Privatization works because anything else is socialism.
    148. Ignore international comparative data because America is unique and special. All other countries are communist anyway.
    149. Don't put forth a good argument. Instead, look for weaknesses in your opponent's argument. It's so much easier.
    150. Judge all by one; if you find a Democrat who says something stupid, use this to suggest that all Democrats are stupid.
    152. Support big business tax cuts... even if you're dirt poor.
    153. Espouse the awesomeness of trickle down economics even though it ruined the economy in 1989.
    154. Insist that poor people are poor because they aren't working hard enough... even if they have 3 jobs.
    155. Ignore the fact that your gardener is an undocumented immigrant while publicly denouncing "illegals".
    156. Insist that the government needs to get "out of our bedrooms" while supporting anti-sodomy laws.
    157. All rich people earned their money fairly, so no damned commie is going to take it away.
    158. Don't support your claims. God is on your side, so you're automatically right in every debate.
    159. Tell everyone that you have black and gay friends... you know... whatshisface.
    160. Suggest that Europeans founded America and ignore the fact that it had already been founded and settled 20,000 years prior.
    161. Ignore the fact that the Republican Party is the least libertarian party there is.
    162. Mention how Lincoln was Republican whenever discussing racist policies.
    163. Statistics, schmatistics.
    164. Mention the good old days when everyone had a job and there was no bigotry or inequality.
    165. You can claim to be Christian to win a moral argument... and then lie about attending Church every Sunday.
    166. Always ignore the fact that the US is a liberal society founded on liberal principles of liberty, equality and rights.
    167. Reagan is a God. We don't know why, but he just is.
    168. Mention how "King" Obama is forcing his policies down our throats with executive orders, despite the fact that Bush imposed twice as many executive orders.
    169. Smirk while arguing with a liberal intellectual as if you're barely tolerating their nonsense, while panicking inside because you don't understand the issue.
    170. Remind everyone that your party is the party of tolerance, knowing full well you'd never vote for a non-white, non-heterosexual.
    171. If your a closet gay, make anti-gay remarks and support anti-gay laws to throw people off.
    172. Threaten secession and ignore the fact that your State relies on federal entitlements far more than most States and could never survive independently.
    173. Liberals aren't true Americans, so when they argue about how laws should be changed, tell them to leave the country -- suggest a 'fascist' country like England.
    174. Generalize. Communism is bad. You don't need to know why. It's just bad.
    175. Defend the rights of the wealthy... even though you're in massive consumer debt and giving them half of your paycheck.
    176. Defend George Bush's and Sarah Palin's intellect even though you know they're really idiots.
    177. Defend your position by saying that "it's in the Bible," even though it really isn't and you haven't even read the Bible.
    178. Suggest that gay marriage is a slippery slope to marrying ducks or your sibling, while ignoring the fact that homosexuality is not a personal choice, but marrying a duck is.
    179. Suggest that more guns equals less problems. Ignore statistics unless they support your claim.
    180. Suggest that the lefties are the ones with the most psycho radicals and ignore the fact that the KKK, militia groups and anti-government radicals are all Republican.
    181. Threaten secession if things don't change.... while claiming to be a true patriot.
    182. Argue that entitlements are bad and socialist... while picking up your social security check.
    183. Pretend to know more about science than scientists.
  19. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    Damn, well done. Bravo.
  20. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    The Updated 2015 Right Wing Debate Handbook

    1. Never admit you might be mistaken. Even when proven incorrect, insist that the facts that proved you wrong are inaccurate, lies or left wing conspiracies. Always claim your opinions, especially if you cannot prove them, trump facts.

    2. Speaking of Trump, anyone voicing criticism of “The Donald” is a commie loving, freedom hating lib. Anyone who supports Trump is a God fearing, true patriot

    3. Use of words like Obummer, Loony left, Dimocrats, libs, Libruls, Lib-***** etc. It immediately shows your intelligence, command of the English language and your persuasive argumentative style.

    4. When faced with a topic you know nothing about or cannot intelligently comment on; immediately use the “Tu quoque” defense. Remember the 3 D’s – derail, deflect and deter.

    5. Always give your fellow right wing posters as many Reps as you can, even if they don’t post anything.

    6. Only accept evidence that supports your position. Always attack the source, not the content.

    7. When asked for a source for your claim, do not provide one. Instead; a) state you already provided it in another thread, b) state someone else provided it, c) quibble as much as possible.

    8. Never admit that many GOP/conservative policies are heavily influenced by the religious right. Always state such issues include the thoughts of the many atheists, non-religious, non-christian and non-white members of the Republican party.

    9. Never read hyperlinks. Never read posted articles. Always attack the poster, ignore the topic.

    10. Always use as few of your own words as possible. Short snarky or insulting comments are a sign of a superior intellect.

    11. Always generalize and assume. Never ask for clarification. Avoid facts unless they are anecdotal as there is no way to confirm them.

    12. Whenever a Republican goes against the party line on an issue, insist he or she is a RINO.

    13. Avoid the use of logic. If forced to do so, employ analogies that have nothing to do with the topic, use obscure talking points and remember; if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull (*)(*)(*)(*).

    14. Always post to impress your right wing friends. Never post to rationally discuss an issue.

    15. Most importantly; All issues are absolute, everything is black and white. There is no middle ground, no gray area…humans are not like that. Life is always a dichotomy.
  21. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Brilliant Post! And so true!
  22. tidbit

    tidbit New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Another encrypted post.
  23. mertex

    mertex New Member Past Donor

    Apr 15, 2009
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    And today.........2015....the Republican candidates are demanding that they be allowed to submit the questions they want asked (pretty close to that) - so that they can have time to memorize their answers after they check Wikipedia for the answers.

    You know that if Palin is sympathizing with Trump, Trump could not possibly be any more informed than Palin. Anything that is not one of their talking points is a "gotcha" question for the dummies.
  24. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Wikipedia is like Holy Water to the right.

    You must have meant Conservapedia AKA Truthiness for Dummies with all of the essential factoids supplied by Hate AM.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  25. Think for myself

    Think for myself Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 18, 2008
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    16. After every mass shooting, post a news article about a stabbing. Then ask "why don't liberals ban knives". Make sure the stabbing involved a petty crime and is completely irrelevant to the mass shooting. Also acceptable are car accidents where an unfortunate person was injured, and then ask the same question regarding automobiles.
    Sallyally likes this.

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