This Total Disaster Called The DNC Convention

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by PatriotNews, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    You got that right!

    Only Trump can #MAGA!

    Hillary is CROOKED!
    The media - CROOKED!
    The DNC - CROOKED!
    The polls - CROOKED!

    Trump comes to town, tens of thousands show up to see him. He has energy. He campaigns everyday. Low energy Crooked Hillary shows up at a high school auditorium with 500, maybe 600 people. Maybe once a week. Then she takes a nap. She gives a 30 minute boring low energy speech. Trump gives press conferences for over an hour. Clinton hasn't had a press conference for close to 250 days. Crooked Hillary can't speak to her own praetorian guard media. They might ask her questions that aren't pre-screened. She might make another "like with a cloth or something" stupidity gaffe.

    If Crooked Hillary were to somehow beat Mr. Trump, it will be because of a rigged election. The Democratic Party is corrupt and will use every fraudulent means to steal the election. They'll use the media and voter fraud to rig the election for Crooked Hillary. But if this happens, she will be immediately impeached. She has committed many crimes and can be impeached for each and every count of her violations of the Espionage Act, and for all her corruption as Sec. of State, selling US uranium to Russia for bribe/speech money/Clinton Foundation hush money. She's be charged with lying to the FBI, lying to congress. She'll be charged for election fraud, fixing and rigging the Democratic Primaries against Bernie Sanders, all these things are crime, criminal acts of sabatage and fraud and corruption.
  2. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Notice how the OP's original premise....

    has completely collapsed, so he's off on the New Limbaugh Talking Point of the Day?

    Hillary's post-Convention bump was yuuuuuge (to quote Cheeto-lini)....almost all the polls show that.

    EVEN FOX NEWS...has her up 10 points ahead of Trump.
  3. akphidelt2007

    akphidelt2007 New Member Past Donor

    Dec 7, 2011
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    Some people are conspiracy theorists that believe in crazy things. Like bloggers that say there is no greenhouse effect. Lol.
  4. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    The most hilarious people are the people that were predicting a Trump win (during his primary run).

    Now, even though they know Trump is toast, they keep regurgitating the delusional talking points of the blinded pro-Trump echo chamber.
  5. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I show videos of a chaotic disastrous DNC Convention and my original premise has completely collapsed? Pay no attention to your lying eyes folks. We at the Democratic Convention would like you to know that we are unified as proven by the shouts of "UNITY!" under the shouts of "BERNIE!".

    Notice they didn't post hardly any polls for Trump after the convention, and when they did, they dragged down results by adding in numbers collected before the convention. First they had to put out the narrative that the RNC convention was a disaster, the republicans were divided, and Trump was self destructing or whatever the liberal media attack narrative was of the day, then take more polls.

    But Hillary and the democrats get disastrous news before the election, they have protests inside, outside the convention. Their speakers are booed 4 days straight including Hillary Clinton herself, then democrats get pummeled with criticism for not having American flags, and putting up military hating, police hating, white hating speaker after speaker, but this in not mentioned or covered by the Crooked Hillary supporting corrupt media. Instead we get days of censorship and media fluff pieces about how great it is going for the democrats and how unified they are.

    There are so many protesters outside the convention that the democrats who are against Trump building a wall because that would be impossible and ineffective, built a HUGE WALL around their convention! Did we see massive protests in Cleveland? Did we see hundreds of arrests? Did we see arson and violence in Cleveland? Did we see violence against the police in Cleveland? Did we see the republicans build a wall around their convention? No. What we saw is complaints from the police that there were 2 reporters for every 1 protester and that the media were looking for something bad to happen. But there were people jumping those fences, people negatively interacting with the delegates as they went in and out of the convention, threats of violence against delegates, and there was nearly no news reporters to be found or any news coverage of all the melee. How can you not see the media and democrats are colluding to select Crooked Hillary as our next president, they are trying to fix the election and rig the election against Donald Trump just like they did with Bernie Sanders.

  6. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    You are sounding more and more like Trump every day. Calling a convention that has turned out to be at least a net 5 point bump for the Dems a "total disaster" for the Dems is just about how he would phrase it. What kind of rabbit hole hell have you boys fallen into?
  7. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    The abject delusions of the pro-Trump echo chamber (in the face of a certain loss) haven't even gotten started.

    Desperation will breed even more hallucinogenic delusions.

    You ain't seen nothin' yet.
  8. akphidelt2007

    akphidelt2007 New Member Past Donor

    Dec 7, 2011
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    It's like a poll coming out where 93% of latinos have an unfavorable opinion of Trump and Trump comes out and says... "Oh, latinos love me"
  9. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I'm pretty certain none of us have. Do you have any theories about Trump and his supporters totally abandoning the rational approach? I'm developing a couple.
  10. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I think Trump has sat in on just a few too many Tony Robbins seminars.
  11. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Yes. The "Trump Landslide" fueled by the Latino vote. :roflol:
  12. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Off the top of my head?

    A pathological delusion akin to the final occupants of Hitler's Berlin bunker still expecting to win the war.
  13. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I'm thinking there's a lot of frustration out there by people who really do not have ALL that much cause to be frustrated that is being stoked by (for lack of a better word) opportunists who see an opportunity for fame. I liken them to the rabble rousers of the Civil War era, although 'rabble' is kinda mean. These are people who thought if they just showed up for their blue collar or secretarial jobs every day, life would be grand. Now they can't afford their motor home payments.
  14. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    It was such a disaster it led to a four to five point bounce in the polls across the board.

    You can cherry pick anything you want out of the DNC but by any measure it was an astounding success. A few, and I do mean a few, maybe 100 out 1900 Sanders supporters that couldn't get over themselves. As political theater goes it could not have been staged better with everything falling into place. You are guilty of some mighty wishful thinking that NO ONE else truly believes without taking something that is.
  15. akphidelt2007

    akphidelt2007 New Member Past Donor

    Dec 7, 2011
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    I find it very interesting you disappeared after making this bet. I'm willing to negotiate a lower payment. Just let me know.
  16. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    First a reality check. It was NOT hundreds of supporters it was dozens...maybe a 100.

    Second, the violence you purport amounted to a few people trying to crash a barricade. What a farce.

    You have no defense for what you are saying. By any measure the DNC was an astounding success whether or not you liked the people that spoke there or not. They are not there for you to listen to. You are obviously not a member of the Democratic Party.

    As far as the illegal alien thing goes given the choice of being on the side of forced deportations at gunpoint and splitting up families at gunpoint or being on the side that doesn't punish the children for the sins of their parents and wants to do everything I can to keep families together I proudly choose the latter rather than the former. To choose the former is nothing short of evil.

    As far as the thug comment goes so now we are to empower our police with the power of judge, jury and executioner???? By any standard or story you want to believe Michael Brown was already shot and fleeing the scene. He did not have to be killed. He could have been peaceably detained in the ER an hour later by the Police. His murder and that is what it was, murder was act of choice by a police officer that by his own accounts did not have the proper temperament or training to properly deal with the situation that occurred.
  17. PeppermintTwist

    PeppermintTwist Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 4, 2014
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    "A fool and his money are soon parted"

    This poster takes a hiatus whenever it's clear that Trump is circling the drain...:roflol:
  18. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Number arrested at the DNC convention compared to the RNC convention. Nuff said. The dems even had to build a wall.

    - - - Updated - - -

    DNC motto?
  19. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    That is funny because the OP (me) is Hispanic.
  20. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Good call.

    Clinton was trailing Trump when the Dem convention started and now leads him by upwards of 10 points.

    I'm sure looking forward to more "total disasters" by the Democrats.

    Please keep callin' 'em. :)
  21. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    How do you know it was only 100? Were you there?

    Again, how do you know? Were you there? I know there was one report I saw of over 50 arrests. Another one I saw of people who were assaulting police officers and throwing stuff at the police.

    Every speaker was booed. They kept the Bernie delegates off the floor sometimes for hours. Many walked out of the convention in protest. There were so many empty seats they had to fill them with actors paid $50 a day. White noise makers were installed to drown out the sound of the booing.

    One major aspect of any presidential election convention is the formality of counting the delegates votes for their candidate of choice. Each of the 50 states gets an opportunity for at least one delegate to speak, to tell people of the wonderful things that is great about their states, to brag about the heroes and patriots that call their state their homes, and to give the tally of the delegates votes for the candidates. This is the first convention that I am aware of, that they completely dispensed with that formality. That's how bad this convention was. They knew there would be fighting and booing as the tallied up the votes. They knew there would be pro-Sanders states that would raise questions about the fairness, the DNC and the DNC leaks scandal, and the total rigging of the election with the collusion and coordination of the media, the DNC and the Clinton Campaign. The Democratic Party should rename itself the Undemocratic Party. They don't believe in fair elections, they don't believe in counting the votes.

    I agree. But I've only seen that happen once.
    The families do not have to be split up. Parents can keep their children, and there is no need for gun play unless the illegal aliens are suspected violent criminals. No families will have to be split up, in fact, deportation will reunite families that have been separated by a border they fear to cross for fear of deportation. They will be reunited with their families in their own country where they belong. What is really evil, is the Chamber of Commerce with the aid of RINO Republicans, the Democratic Party, big greedy corporations, and the media victimizing millions of illegal immigrants for cheap slave labor and calling it compassion. Because in the process, they take jobs from black, Hispanic and poor white Americans, suppress their wages and take away opportunities for a better life, home ownership and upward mobility and advancement. That is pure evil. That is what you are advocating on behalf of the rich 1%. And the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

    Well, just the one example you chose, and several of them were criminals committing criminal acts at the time, like Michael Brown, were justifiable shootings. Police don't want to kill people. They don't want to take their weapons out of their holsters. The eye witness testimony doesn't comport with your version of events. The officer acted in self defense. The Grand Jury agreed. End of story. The type of hate that the BLM terrorist group has been spewing is what has caused several deaths of police officers, not just Dallas and not just New Orleans. There have been several others. This is a hate Caucasian hate police terror organization. It's shameful that the DNC endorses and gives time to this group on the convention floor.
  22. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Those are phony push polls. The media did a total hit job on Donald Trump or should I say Khan job on the public for days then took the phony "weighted" polls of RV instead of LV like they did when Trump would have been way up. It's rigged polls, rigged media, rigged election time.

    Only stupid liberals are buying into their cult of personality Crooked Hillary candidate that is bought and paid for by the crony capitalist Chamber of Commerce and millions of dollars of Wall Street fat cat hedge fund managers, corporations, trial attorneys and 1%ers that will get more and more rich off cheap little brown skinned slave laborers they love to euphemistically call "undocumented workers".
  23. RichT2705

    RichT2705 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2008
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    The bolded makes everything else you posted not even worth addressing or taking seriously.

    There is only 1 candidate running who has been PROVEN to be a threat to national Security, and it is Hillary...not Trump.

    I'm amazed that someone thinks everyone must live in a box, and didnt see what just happened with Clinton and the FBI......
  24. btthegreat

    btthegreat Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2010
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    Folks you read it right here. Wait... I will highlight and underline and embolden the words, so you all can savor them. Hillary Clinton now has a cult of personality. Yep the media has made Hillary into an irresistibly charismatic figure who simultaneously has the highest negatives recorded by a Democratic candidate for President.

    Hillary and Bill and her campaign are laughing their asses off.
  25. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    [QUOTE="PatriotNews]How do you know it was only 100? Were you there?

    Again, how do you know? Were you there? I know there was one report I saw of over 50 arrests. Another one I saw of people who were assaulting police officers and throwing stuff at the police. [/QUOTE]

    No I wasn't there were you? If you are making a the suggestion that everyone has to be present at events to know if they actually happened it no use even debating with you.

    I don't know where you supposedly saw 50 people getting arrested and the violence you purport. It did not happen.

    0 arrests

    video montage of supposed chaos in the streets of Philadelphia.

    [QUOTE="PatriotNews]Every speaker was booed. They kept the Bernie delegates off the floor sometimes for hours. Many walked out of the convention in protest. There were so many empty seats they had to fill them with actors paid $50 a day. White noise makers were installed to drown out the sound of the booing.

    One major aspect of any presidential election convention is the formality of counting the delegates votes for their candidate of choice. Each of the 50 states gets an opportunity for at least one delegate to speak, to tell people of the wonderful things that is great about their states, to brag about the heroes and patriots that call their state their homes, and to give the tally of the delegates votes for the candidates. This is the first convention that I am aware of, that they completely dispensed with that formality. That's how bad this convention was. They knew there would be fighting and booing as the tallied up the votes. They knew there would be pro-Sanders states that would raise questions about the fairness, the DNC and the DNC leaks scandal, and the total rigging of the election with the collusion and coordination of the media, the DNC and the Clinton Campaign. The Democratic Party should rename itself the Undemocratic Party. They don't believe in fair elections, they don't believe in counting the votes.[/QUOTE]

    Again this is pure fantasy. It did not happen. The whole issue with Sanders delegates not being seated comes from one delegate.

    Of course she undercuts her own claim by stating several contradictions in her own statement. She says Sanders supporters are denied floor seating while on the floor of the DNC. She says that Sanders supporters are denied seating on the floor but Hillary supporters are always let in first? If they were let in first that means the Sanders supporters were let in. There has been 0, none, nada independent confirmation of this ludicrous claim.

    As to your point of the roll call vote I don't know what the eff you are talking about. The roll call vote was held.

    Again your claim is demonstrably FALSE.

    [QUOTE="PatriotNews]I agree. But I've only seen that happen once.

    The families do not have to be split up. Parents can keep their children, and there is no need for gun play unless the illegal aliens are suspected violent criminals. No families will have to be split up, in fact, deportation will reunite families that have been separated by a border they fear to cross for fear of deportation. They will be reunited with their families in their own country where they belong. What is really evil, is the Chamber of Commerce with the aid of RINO Republicans, the Democratic Party, big greedy corporations, and the media victimizing millions of illegal immigrants for cheap slave labor and calling it compassion. Because in the process, they take jobs from black, Hispanic and poor white Americans, suppress their wages and take away opportunities for a better life, home ownership and upward mobility and advancement. That is pure evil. That is what you are advocating on behalf of the rich 1%. And the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. [/QUOTE]

    Complete an utter nonsense. Elian Gonzales...really. You do know that this proves my point not yours. Conservatives were using Elian as political prop and wanted him to stay separated from his father in Cuba because they didn't like his political beliefs. Conservatives in this case were on the side of forcibly separating a father from his son for the only reason of his political beliefs. The government acted correctly when they reunited Elian with his father which is where he belonged.

    [QUOTE="PatriotNews]Well, just the one example you chose, and several of them were criminals committing criminal acts at the time, like Michael Brown, were justifiable shootings. Police don't want to kill people. They don't want to take their weapons out of their holsters. The eye witness testimony doesn't comport with your version of events. The officer acted in self defense. The Grand Jury agreed. End of story. The type of hate that the BLM terrorist group has been spewing is what has caused several deaths of police officers, not just Dallas and not just New Orleans. There have been several others. This is a hate Caucasian hate police terror organization. It's shameful that the DNC endorses and gives time to this group on the convention floor.[/QUOTE]

    How is shooting someone who has already been shot and trying to flee the area self defense? That is just crazy talk.
    PeppermintTwist likes this.

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