When deportations create more jobs for black workers

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by AFM, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. AFM

    AFM Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Get out of your ivory tower and pay attention to what is happening in the real world.
  2. a better world

    a better world Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2016
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    Education vouchers won't eradicate the black inner-city ghettoes, (nor white poverty for that matter).


    Arguments For and Against

    What the Proponents Say:
    Private school choice proponents contend that when parents can choose where to send their child to school, they will choose the highest performing options. Those schools performing poorly will be forced to either improve or risk losing students and the funding tied to those students. While public school choice policies like charter schools serve a similar purpose, private schools have more flexibility in staffing, budgeting, curriculum, academic standards and accountability systems than even charter schools. This flexibility, supporters argue, fosters the best environment for market competition and cost efficiency.

    What the Opponents Say: Opponents of private school choice raise a number of concerns. They argue shifting a handful of students from a public school into private schools will not decrease what the public school must pay for teachers and facilities, but funding for those costs will decrease as students leave. Some also see government incentives to attend private religious schools as violating the separation of church and state. Others believe the positive effects of school competition on student achievement are overstated by proponents.

    What the Research Says

    When compared to similar public school students, voucher recipients have generally performed at the same level on reading and math assessments according to the Center on Education Policy’s review of school voucher research, though some gains have been found among low income and minority students who receive vouchers.

    Other research has found voucher recipients are more likely to graduate from higher school than their public school counterparts. School competition was also found to slightly improve student achievement in some Milwaukee schools that lost students to school vouchers and under Florida’s tax credit scholarship program, although other researchers have questioned the ability to tie these improvements to school vouchers rather than other school reforms.


    It was economist Milton Friedman’s 1955 paper, “The Role of Government in Education”, that launched modern efforts to use public dollars to pay private school tuition in hopes that competition among schools will lead to increased student achievement and decreased education costs. (My emphasis).


    But the amazing thing about education is that it is mostly the transfer of existing knowledge from teacher to student - education could be massively increased in quantity (more teachers) and quality (cleaning existing infrastructure and improving teacher education) without appreciably increasing demand on available physical resources.

    Therefore Friedman's concerns about the costs of education are misplaced, because economic activity - such as education, or caring for the elderly/disabled in their own homes - that does not increase demand for physical resources, could be funded by a global institution not subject to normal public sector spending restraints.​

    [A note on competition, it results in winners and losers. The losers in a sporting competition can look forward to next week's game; but the losers in business competition don't get another chance, eg, global competition destroyed Detroit - it's evident (in economics) an enabling, co-operative mechansim is also required to achieve satisfactory outcomes in both the national and international spheres.

    Historically, there arose a competition between Capitalism and Communism - with an ensuing battle for world domination; Capitalism won, but this leaves us all exposed to the unmitigated and sometimes disastrous results of free market competition, with all its contradictions, including wanting to boot out "illegals", while at the same time skimming the most talented from other countries].

    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
  3. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    I've been involved in politics--running campaigns, and chairing organizations that were involved in political fights. I also ran a business.

    You have lots of opinions based on personal prejudices.
  4. AFM

    AFM Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Sure I do. Alinsky again ?? Come’on man.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
  5. a better world

    a better world Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2016
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    Trump imposes tariffs - thereby attracting the ire of the world - and thus proves my contention that competitive free-trade, by itself, doesn't work.

    Which shows that the topic of this thread, ie, the benefits for US blacks when illegals are expelled, is not much more than navel-gazing, because trade barriers themselves raise costs for local industry.

    Free market competition promotes efficient product development, but global oversight of this process is also required to ensure sufficient and just access to the world's resources by all nations; this latter aspect is missing in world commerce at present.

    Meanwhile the arms race continues; and Vladimir doesn't intend to be left behind.....time for the UNSC to become the sole authority over the use of military force, by majority vote , no SC veto - it's called rule of law, to which most people pretend to ascribe - but only if it promotes their own ideological interests, of course........

    All the arguments over minimum wages, entry-level below-poverty jobs, race, immigration, etc etc are misplaced, in the face of the global realities outlined above..
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018

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