Why do Americans value the ability to own a gun so much?

Discussion in 'Gun Control' started by Nike Borzov, May 26, 2015.

  1. Charles Midney

    Charles Midney Banned

    Jun 4, 2015
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    A lot of Americans are indoctrinated into political and or spiritual parties that dictate their beliefs. Few actually think about arguments from both sides objectively. even though we Americans are generally very nice people, we aren't the most open-minded. This 2nd amendment is a fixed idea for many. It's more like repute and culture but not a right.
  2. Xenamnes

    Xenamnes Banned

    Mar 3, 2015
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    The supreme court has ruled otherwise. Whether or not you agree with it, nothing changes that fact.
  3. Bastiats libertarians

    Bastiats libertarians Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2014
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    Anyone who thinks rights are derived from an all knowing father government is a lazy person. Anyone who thinks government is the answer to societies problems is a lazy person. It's up to us, the citizens to forge our own destinies. Gun ownership is merely an extension of forging your own destiny. You protect yourself because you must. Only the lazy and weak look to others for protection.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You didn't seem to mind it too much when you started two world wars.
  4. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    There is no doubt the Government has used False Flag Events like the Fema/ Homeland Security Capstone Drill perpetrated at Sandy Hook Conn. as an excuse to instill public outrage and play on our emotions in order to get Gun Legislation Passed. The whole Sandy Hook Drill was modeled after the Dunblane ,Scotland School Shooting in 1996. Shorty after this incident all hand Gun ownership by citizens was banned. In fact it is illegal to own even an air gun that produces more than 12ft/lbs of energy barely enough to dispatch a small rodent with a well placed head shot. In China you can be put to death for being caught with a Gun. Do we want that here ? !. One Question ,do you think there is a possibility of the Government treating it's citizenry any differently if they knew they were totally defenseless. You already have Jade Helm about to take place in 4 or 5 states an unprecedented Military exercise to practice the implementation of Martial law against it's own citizens.

    J.A.D.E.H.E.L.M. Joint Assistance for Deployment & Execution Homeland Eradication of Local Militants (AKA armed law abiding citizens).It is absolutely a concern if the US military is acting against US citizens if it violates Posse Comitatus Act .You can bet your Obama liberals would be screaming about it if this was happening under Bush's watch.

    The following is the outcome of the "Freedom of Information Act " Court proceeding brought against the Town Of Sandy Hook Conn.

    On June 3rd the 2nd FOIA HEARING TOOK PLACE IN Sandy Hook , CONNECTICUTT where Wolfgang Halbig is the plantiff He is a Nationally known School Safety Expert who has been investigating the many inconsistencies and unanswered Questions concerning the supposed Sandy Hook School Shooting has had all his FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Requests denied for two years. He finally had to file a lawsuit and subpoena witnesses. The first hearing took place on April 24 th. and it was the very definition of stonewalling and cover up. In the 2nd hearing some witnesses again ignored the subpoenas. All work orders after being completed have to be signed off on by the person performing the work and the Principle They had these signed documents through 2009 but still couldn't produce any signed completed work orders for the school after that . They were also unable to produce any documentation or knowledge of who supplied the porta-potties at the site , who did the BIO-HAZARD CLEANUP AT THE SITE OF THE SO-CALLED MASSACRE. and no one knew anything about the permission slips required for The Sandy Hook Choir to sing at the Super Bowl, in fact no one knew anyone who went on the trip and there was no mention of it at the last School Board Meeting before the trip. Also , Throughout the whole Sandy Hook Farce One thing has been consistent the MSM AND OR THE GOVERNMENT has denied any involvement by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY even though there are several videos showing DHS Vehicles on site. Every indication points to the fact that Sandy Hook was indeed a DHS/FEMA CAPSTONE DRILL !
    A BOMBSHELL was dropped when Mr. Halbig’s Attorney was questioning Newtown Official Selectman E. Patricia Llorda about the Electronic Flashing” Everyone Must Check In” Sign in front of the Sandy Hook Fire Station. When asked who put the sign there Ms.Llorda responded . “I believe HOMELAND SECURITY PUT IT THERE .”
    Ms. Llorda was also asked about who had that SIGN IN SHEET associated with the sign and she had no knowledge of that. SO I GUESS DHS HAS THE SIGN IN SHEET.It looks like the coverup is going to continue, but that in itself speaks volumes. They now will be on record refusing to clarify the many glaring inconsistencies concerning this event or as most people refer to it A FEMA / HOMELAND SECURITY CAPSTONE DRILL! Both Hearings are online on youtube I would like your opinions and comments !

    Video of the Bombshell 1 min. 24 sec. That’s going to expose everything !


    DIANE FEINSTEIN SAID , “ If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright BAN, Picking Up Every One Of Them, MR. and MRS. America, TURN THEM ALL IN, I WOULD HAVE DONE IT !”

    ERIC HOLDER SAID, “ We need some kind of anti-gun message every day, at every school , at every level. One thing I think is clear with young people and adults as well ,is we have to be repetitive about this. It’s not enough simply to have a catchy add on Monday and then only do it every Monday. We need to do this every day of the week and really BRAINWASH PEOPLE INTO THINKING ABOUT GUNS IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WAY .”
  5. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    America is one of the few countries in the world where the citizenry is still VERY WELL ARMED and not only for self -protection ,but as a check on the potential abusive power of the Government.Governments can and have turned on their Citizens . Right now there is an unprecedented military exercise about to take place across about 9 states called Jade Helm. It is a practice run for the possible implementation of Martial Law against the citizens of the United States should the need arise for any reason.

    J.A.D.E.H.E.L.M. Joint Assistance for Deployment & Execution Homeland Eradication of Local Militants (AKA armed law abiding citizens).It is absolutely a concern if the US military is acting against US citizens if it violates Posse Comitatus Act .You can bet your Obama liberals would be screaming about it if this was happening under Bush's watch.

    Remember the Hunt for the Boston Bomber, Hundreds of riot clad police in armored personnel carriers going up and down the streets entering and searching people's houses without warrants threatening them with weapons if they refused. Just a little preview of what they can do anytime they feel the need ! How does it feel to be so gullible and naive to believe every word the MSM and Government tells you ! Take a look at some of Obama's Executive Orders he's instituted dealing with Martial Law and Civil unrest.

    Boston was a beta test .Why not test THE 2nd most liberal city in America (San Francisco is 1st.) the home of Kennedy Politics. We all saw that unbelievable exercise to inflict martial law on a near 100 mile city wide radius in order to nab a Teenager and his brother. Talk about ridiculous. Old folks forced at gunpoint to leave their homes immediately even if having no shoes on ,then what happened ? As soon as the city wide order was lifted they managed to locate the one brother because a citizen called it in ,meaning , that ridiculous show of force and city-wide manhunt Failed. It was a member of the Boston community who called in someone he thought was hiding in a boat in a backyard. Jade Helm is another Beta test to see if and how the public will take to a Martial law invasion of their communities. Who ever heard of practicing for a possible war by using neighborhoods and real Citizens .

    I think if people were given a believable explanation for the documented purchase of 1.6billion rounds of ammunition by Homeland Security of which 450 million rounds were 40 Calib. HOLLOW POINTS (out lawed for military use and too expensive for target practice) , the documented 800 concentration style FEMA Camps Strategically Placed Across the Entire U.S. , and the documented Hundreds of Thousands of Multiple Body Plastic Coffins stored near the camps, it would go a long way in calming people's fears .But calling people lunatics, crazies, and conspiracy nuts for raising legitimate concerns and questions about UNPRECEDENTED MILITARY MANEUVERS is going way to far ! It is illegal to use U.S. Military Forces for any action involving American Citizens.

    This exercise is unique because all other exercises in the past have been about protecting the nation from foreign adversaries. This particular exercise targets American citizens, deemed terrorists because of their desire to protect the constitution and its original intent. The idea of the military targeting law abiding citizens, and practicing how to do it properly should scare the hell out anybody. When you have elected/appointed officials making the case that law abiding, God fearing, gun owners are terrorists, what do you think is going to be the reaction of law abiding, God fearing, gun owners, when they become the targets of a military exercise, fictitious or other-wise.

    Why shouldn't Texas feel singled out, three years ago they spoke openly of succession? Why shouldn't Utah wonder if this show of military strength has anything to do with the Sheriffs' Rebellion in western states wherein she wrote the strongest letter to the executive branch informing them that Utah would be enforcing the Second Amendment as understood by the Founding Fathers, "even if it costs us our Lives ."
    The establishment press is very dismissive of all of this, labeling those who fear the government as anti-government or conspiracy nuts. The problem is, Operation Jade Helm is big, real, and not a conspiracy. Its size and scope frightens people. The military can practice what it wishes on its gigantic military bases and in much smaller groups and in a single state with half their participants in civilian clothing, the other not. It has provided no good reason why it needs nine states to do so.

    If this massive show of military strength happened in the fifties when the vast majority of the population trusted what the government said to be true, it may have been acceptable. But we live in a time when most presidents have lied to the people and the trust factor by the people of their government is at an all- time low. We live in a time when the government spies on its own citizens. When the NSA records every email generated by the people for permanent storage in Bluffdale , Utah, after telling us that this was preposterous—a conspiracy theory that turned out not to be theory, and when Barack Obama uses the IRS to punish his political enemies just like Richard Nixon did. Frankly, we live in a time when the Government cannot be trusted. You would have to be naïve not to have had this cross your mind at least once.
  6. OrlandoChuck

    OrlandoChuck Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    Are you saying the 2A is not a right? It's in the bill of RIGHTS.
  7. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    P.S. I like your shirt ,own 3 of them myself !
  8. OrlandoChuck

    OrlandoChuck Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2013
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    That's my competition shooting jersey.
  9. Turtledude

    Turtledude Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 9, 2015
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    another fail of constitutional proportions.
  10. jdog

    jdog Banned

    Jul 20, 2014
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    You can only understand this philosophy if you understand what it means to be a free and sovereign person. To someone who comes from a long lineage of peasants and slaves, the idea of being a free and sovereign person is an inconceivable concept.
    That is why we have this debate in our country today. The peasants have immigrated to America in such great numbers that they outnumber the decedents of the sovereign people who established this country to be a refuge for people seeking freedom and liberty and the dignity to be a sovereign person.
  11. AmericanSpartan

    AmericanSpartan New Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    And when people come and take what you have what good was it to have anything given the fact others can come and take it all away.
  12. AmericanSpartan

    AmericanSpartan New Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    Which is why we have to limit immigration..
  13. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.
  14. QLB

    QLB Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Meanwhile Chicago has recorded its 300th homicide of the year. It's now not a matter of if they'll break 400, it's if they will break 500.
  15. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    Not everyone is willing to be hapless victims and not everyone is totally apathetic towards having some ability to protect their family and loved ones.

    The anti-gunners have made it clear that they want to make it a criminal offense to not be willing to allow all your family, yourself and anyone else to be murdered sacrificially for their morality. This way their cowardice and total apathy towards others doesn't show as much.
  16. SiNNiK

    SiNNiK Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Because it is so very important.
  17. Turtledude

    Turtledude Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 9, 2015
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    what??? I think the real response is America is divided between too major views on life

    a) those who think their own safety is primarily their individual duty

    b) those who think the government should provide for their safety

    the people in the first group tend to be those of us who are going to buy guns and learn how to use them

    The people in the second group tend to be those who want to have the government restrict what people can own
  18. jrr777

    jrr777 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Take yourself back to the days of just swords and shields. Since there was no guns I guess there was no murder, killings or war. Hmmmmmm?
  19. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    I think what it boils down to is that we tend to be more independant. We can hunt/grow our own food, build things, repair things, etc. We believe that we shouldn't be dependant on others, or at least less dependant.

    Then you have the people who couldn't change a tire if their life depended on it. Those are the ones who tend to be afraid of things like guns.
  20. QLB

    QLB Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Democrats breed dependent personalities.
  21. Regular Joe

    Regular Joe Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2013
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    Yeehaw. We get the Cowboys in Vegas twice a year. Once for the Bull Riders, and again for the National Finals Rodeo.
    Some time ago, I had a load of honeys in the cab who lived in Idaho. These are sweet little girlies who all have their own deer rifles. Up ahead, there was a limo pulled over with a flat tire. The driver was standing behind his car on his phone, visibly crying. One of the girls piped up: "pull over! We'll kick his butt, and then we'll change his tire!".
    Traditional America still exists. Traditional America is "adequately armed".
  22. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Ah! If only the world WAS simple enough that we could paint it black and white

    Instead there are a myriad of colours
  23. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Would you like to explain to me what part of that abhorrent and disgraceful story is either relevant, socially acceptable or morally correct?
  24. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Indeed, you are totally right!

    But all in all ... question to those who think their own safety is primarily their individual duty / have no trust that police will be there in time etc.:

    What do you think where all the guns used by the criminals are coming from? I don't think they grow on trees ...
  25. QLB

    QLB Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Sounds like my kind of gal. If she can shoot and change a tire, money says she can cook like a chef and fornicate like a rock star.

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