why do you pro-lifers gaf, anyway?

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by galant, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. ctarborist

    ctarborist Banned

    Feb 19, 2011
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    But the message isn't true...Calling pro lifers fetus worshipers...isn't true.
    I know that all you pro aborts want it to be true so that you have something to attack because attacking people that are simply trying to save the lives of unborn children wouldn't go over real well so you create this false scenario of pro lifers all being grumpy old men that just want to punish women...and thats laughable.
    I know that you wont believe me because you can't. If you where to actually realize that pro lifers simply want to save the lives of children it would give you nothing to attack, it would suck the wind right out of your sails, so regardless of what I say you will ignore the truth and carry on with your lies about womens rights and fetal Idolatry etc. because its the only way you can justify your hatred.
    Do a google search on "pro life activists" and click on images...you will find it is mostly women.
    How do you explain that? according to you pro aborts the pro life movement is just about taking away womens rights and whipping your women into submission, barefoot and pregnant...go make me a tuna sandwich and cut off the crusts...how can those accusations be true when at least half of the pro lifers are women?
    But you won't acknowledge any of this because the truth is your worst enemy.

    We don't stick our noses in other peoples business, we simply stand on the sidewalk and offer advice, information, and options to women pulling into PP. they don't have to stop and talk to us. All they have to do is drive by and pull into the parking lot. If we step one toe into that parking lot PP will have us arrested immediately. So if a woman decides to stop and talk to us that their choice...you are all about choice aren't you? or are you only "pro choice" when they choose to kill their baby, not "pro choice" when they decide to save it?

    And we definitely have a life of our own, and its pretty darn good...5 beautiful foster children we are in the process of adopting, we just found out that we may be blessed with a sixth come spring time, two beautiful children of our own, an amazing and beautiful wife of almost 18 years now, I own 2 small business' which allows me to take time off whenever I want or need to so that I can spend more time with my family, and I can rest my head easy at night knowing that I'm doing what I can to make a difference in this world...Thanks for asking.
  2. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    In other words, you disagree with his abortion views and you don't like him. That doesn't diminish his credibility.

    You are a "sidewalk counselor." What are your credentials? Rulon has been a life sciences professor for 4 decades. If you could have proved him wrong on any specific point, why didn't you?
  3. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I help run a now large Family Owned Company that is specific to Medicine and the Medical Field.

    Because of this I am aware of when Massachusetts and Connecticut based Pro-Life Protests occur as well as I am given arrest information and other data that can determine very close approximations of who is protesting and where they come from.

    Now on many occasions both in Mass. and in Conn....Ohio based Pro-Life Leadership specifically targetted Planned Parenthood Clinics in Mass. and Conn. as Pro-Life Leadership in Mass. and Conn.asked for help as the Pro-Life Movement is VERY WEAK in Massachusetts and Connecticut.

    I am sure if you live in Connecticut...and I live just up the road in Western Mass....you are aware how small Pro-Lifer Numbers are in Conn. compared to Ohio or other more western states.

  4. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    You don't "save the lives of unborn children." The woman is the only one who can protect the fetus. You have only been able to convince some vulnerable women to save them at the risk of their own health, lives, and damage to their bodies.
  5. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    This is easily resolved. What abortion laws and policies do you support?
  6. ctarborist

    ctarborist Banned

    Feb 19, 2011
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    I'm also a tree climber/hazardous tree removal, for which there are no "credentials", but I'd bet dollars to donuts that in the time that it would take me to climb an 80 foot sycamore and safely and methodically strip and lower all the branches from it and bring it safely to the ground without damaging the house that it was hanging over, Mr. Rulon would still be trying to figure out how to put his climbing belt and gafs on...but how could that possibly be, he's got over 4 decades of studying life sciences and is a college professor?
    Get my point?
    Its called experience...I wonder how many times he's sat across the table at a little diner with a woman that just 20 minutes ago was 10 feet away from PP parking lot, sobbing over having to make the toughest decision in her life, feeling like she has nowhere to go and that the very balance of her life was going to be decided on in that very instance.
    I wonder how many times hes listened to young girls stuttering in fear because they literally thought that their boyfriend would kill them if they went home still with child, and then helped them to figure out how to deal with it accordingly.
    I wonder how many times hes sat with a single mom, living in a homeless shelter and now is pregnant again, and took her to the homeless shelter in his work truck, packed up her things and by pooling his resources and pulling a few strings, got her into a cute little apartment that she could actually afford, and then saw the smile on her face when cars and trucks just start pulling up and unloading donated furniture, clothing, toys, food etc.
    I wonder how many times he's actually tried to have an honest civil discussion with a pro life activist without trying to belittle them because their only "credential" is a sidewalk counselor?
    I wonder how many childrens lives he's saved?

    All of his spewing is nothing more than delusional opinion with absolutely no facts nor experience to back it up.
  7. ctarborist

    ctarborist Banned

    Feb 19, 2011
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    Hmmmm, so I guess then that when one of these moms comes up to us months, or even sometimes years later and says "I saw you guys out here and I just wanted to stop buy and say thank you, if it wasn't for you guys my (son/daughter) wouldn't be here today, and I couldn't imagine my life without (him/her)" that they are just kidding right?

    Oh and buy he way, we have had almost 3000 moms change their mind about aborting their child, and guess what...we haven't lost one mom yet. pretty remarkable huh??
  8. ctarborist

    ctarborist Banned

    Feb 19, 2011
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    I actually really struggle with the exceptions, specifically the "life of the mother", but thats still something I'm trying to come to terms with.
  9. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    No one likes the idea of aborting a fetus...but in many instances it is necessary.

    Health of the Mother.

    Non-Viable Fetal Development.

    Rape or Incest.

    And as far as other Abortions...well we could reduce those in number by well over 90% if EDUCATION was given to children about Plan B...and Morning After drugs which simply will not allow a Fertilized Egg to implant itself into the womb thus no pregnancy....no possibility of abortion.

  10. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    While I find it nice that you consider the "Life" of the mother.....I wonder why you feel you have the right to interfere in her life at all?

    Do you even know who she is?
    Is she your sister....perhaps girlfriend?

    It takes an enormous amount of ego and imagined self importance to believe your opinions should be inflicted on a stranger.
  11. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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  12. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    You'd probably "come to terms" with it and not struggle at all if it was YOU whose life was in danger.....

    You'd rather have the pregnant woman die than your Idol The Fetus.

    What a nice safe perch you're sitting on....where YOU never have to face that situation but you sure are "BRAVE" when it comes to someone else's life....
  13. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    Yes, I get that you have disdain for higher education. That doesn't help your case.

    You "helped them figure out how to deal with it accordingly," meaning you persuaded vulnerable women to your point of view. I would imagine that Mr. Rulon has had countless interactions with students in his field of life sciences. That's what professors do.

    Again, you have not "saved children's lives." You convinced vulnerable women to risk their health, lives and bodily damage to birth them.

    Actually, he does have volumes of facts and decades of life experience. What is your opinion based on? Not fact, but religious dogma.
  14. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    LOL! If it only wasn't just in your mind!

    You have no proof of that.

    And even if you did there are millions of women who are happy they had an abortion and wouldn't have changed a thing.

    YOUR words don't matter, theirs do.
  15. Cady

    Cady Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 28, 2010
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    You would ban abortion in nearly all cases, then. Banning abortion does not save "unborn children." That has been proved in country after country with extreme abortion laws and higher abortion rates. It only makes women desperate and driven to unsafe illegal abortion. It's about punishment for women, not saving lives.

    If the goal is actually to reduce the number of abortions, policies for comprehensive sex education and freely available contraception are the only proven policies to accomplish that.

    So do you want to punish women or reduce the number of abortions?
  16. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Fair play to you and your wife ... however .. if only people like you were the majority and not the minority.
  17. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I just wish I saw some consistency in the pro-life group between protecting the lives of unborn innocents and protecting the lives of already born innocents.
  18. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    What this guy fails to admit is that if MEN could get pregnant....HELL!! We would make it so a guy could get an abortion at the DRIVE THRU!!! LOL!!

    Guy's would be dropping in at Home Depot to pick up a DO IT YOURSELF...Home Abortion Kit!!

    Guy's would be turning on PBS to watch Norn showing us how to do it on...THIS OLD WOMB!!

  19. Zeffy

    Zeffy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 24, 2013
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    No, it is called truth.

    I know in my heart that abortion is not wrong. Is that how you convince yourself that it's okay to force women to gestate and give birth - by rationalizing?

    Killing a child is not the topic. Do stick with the topic, which is abortion, k?

    Nope, she can hand the child over to others to raise. One cannot hand over a zef to others to gestate.

    You do realize that over 50% of women who abort WERE using contraception, right?

    Having an abortion IS responsible.

    What game?

    Nope. I do not advocate anyone abort, I advocate that women have the CHOICE what to do with an unwanted pregnancy. An anti lifer would want all pregnant women to abort.
  20. Zeffy

    Zeffy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Many would call you irresponsible for breeding so much when there are too many people on the planet already ......aren't you glad you have the CHOICE to have as many as you want?
  21. Zeffy

    Zeffy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 24, 2013
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    It's so easy to be against abortion when you know you will never be pregnant. If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
  22. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Yep...and I have been saying it!!

    There is NO WAY IN HELL...any man is going to let ANYONE tell him what he can or cannot do with his own body!!!

    But even though this is a REALITY and face it guy's....even if you are Pro-Life...YOU KNOW THIS IS A FACT!!!

    HELL....I am the kind of a guy who has even done SURGERY UPON MYSELF!!!

    I have done this after being injured in the FIELD....as well I have done it several times when I was injured working in my yard.

    Once a friend and I were attempting to remove my old Large Chest Freezer I had in my cellar as I hunt and I always have a lot of frozen game.

    We were carrying it out and my buddy was going up the stairs first and he slipped and lost ahold of one side of the ice chest.

    This caused it to slide out of my grasp and by reflex I quickly swung my now free hand down and under the falling ice chest and as one of the steel leg pads had fallen off all there was left was the screw and this screw went right through part of my hand.

    I lifted the chest off my hand and by shear LUCK I did not sever any major nerves...but what happened is the screw had been rusted and part of it broke off inside my hand.

    If anyone has ever had a deep cut or bullet wound they know they can see the yellow fat below the skin and see the bone and muscles.

    I went upstairs....sterilized the area as first I washed it out with soap and water and a brush to get out all the rust....then I pulled out the broken part of the screw imbedded in my hand with a hemostat.....then after washing and brushing some more I took a Hooked Needle and Stitching Thread....I had done this before in the field so I always have the right thread specific to stitching up deep wounds in people or animals around.....and when I was done we went back to work and got the Freezer Chest out.

    Anyways....my point is....THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL.....that a Man such as myself would EVER...allow anyone else or any GROUP to attempt to tell ME what I can or cannot do with my OWN BODY!!!

    Thing is there are men out there that are just like me as far as my position specific to our own bodies but some of these men attempt to subvert the RIGHTS OF WOMEN to do what they want with their own bodies and I see this as the HIGHT OF HYPOCRISY!!!

  23. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    And you won't. Conservatives hate those "socialist" programs that help care for poor children.....
    Another thread had a conservative ranting that not one penny of his taxes should go to feeding poor children....seems he wants to punish "innocent lives" for being born to poor mothers.....

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