Android continues to own Apple - Now half a million activations a day

Discussion in 'Computers & Tech' started by Sadistic-Savior, Jun 28, 2011.

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  1. Someone

    Someone New Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Sales comparisons on an equal basis are an indication of which phone customers prefer. It's not a useful point of data that shows that customers who are only presented with android phones buy an android phone. You're assuming that customers are driven more by phones than by carrier.

    But sure, base your projections and crow about your sales based on unequal comparisons. You can be sure that the phone manufacturers are not.
  2. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    I think you are attempting to exclude relevant variables. Availability is a factor in what phone customers prefer.

    If the bestest phone in the world only works on a network in zimbabwe, that will factor in my opinion as what the best phone is for me.

    If a carrier had no Android or iPhones available for their network, they would find a massive exodus of their subscribers, yes. I do think phone selection matters.
  3. MrRelevant

    MrRelevant New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    Folks still dont buy phones for the OS, sorry.

    Cost,looks and limited categories of features (memory,camera,customizability) determine phone choice...not the nuts and bolts of it.

    Apple still sells vastly more smartphones as a manufacturer than HTC, Motorola ,Samsung or whoever else puts androids in their units individually....just not collectively....right now that is.
  4. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    LOL@"right now"

    If trends are any indication, it wont be changing anytime soon. Android did not even have a running start...they came from way behind and passed Apple like they were standing still. And then gobbled up not only Blackberry but Symbian as well.
  5. MrRelevant

    MrRelevant New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    Even in a downtime for apple theyre maintaining their market share among new phone activations....OS wise,which as pointed out isnt really much of indicator of anything.They are in the business of selling phones and they sell far more than any other manufacturer.
  6. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Android has been doing a lot more than that, and for a long time now. Thats why the "right now" implication cracks me up. As if this is a temporary thing and Apple will casually catch up next month or something.
  7. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    And I would like to know how you determined that people are not buying Apple phone's because they like the OS.
  8. dreadpiratejaymo

    dreadpiratejaymo New Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    Apple makes iphones that work on both GSM and CDMA.

    So, whichever signal is used by your carrier, get that iphone. Like I said, you can use an iPhone with any carrier if you know what you are doing.

    Governments of other countries regulate their telecommunications industry more than we do. Corporations regulate it here.
  9. MrRelevant

    MrRelevant New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    Its my opinion. I derived it from talking about phones with people I know who have them and buy them.which is almost everyone I know. Real life experience,try it.

    Also this boldfaced item tells me that OS isnt what folks look for in a phone.

    Ive not criticized androids OS very much,Im sure it has it its pros and cons....and I dont think its so bad that a quarter of the andriod users would jump because of it must be something more.

    You have to face facts...besides being a top notch phone the iPhone 5 will be a status symbol and the reason alone could certainly be enough for people to buy it in droves.Google phones just dont have the same commericial swagger.
  10. dreadpiratejaymo

    dreadpiratejaymo New Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    Rich people that want to be trendy will buy the iPhone because they can afford it. People who have to budget for a new device will buy an android because it is affordable to them and there is no loss of functionality vs the iPhone.

    Guess which one of those groups is larger. Much, much larger.
  11. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Um...I have. My experience has been the opposite from yours. The people I know who have iPhones chose them because they like the OS (mostly the UI part of it).

    Why did you make the assumption that I have no real life experience in this area? What did you base that assumption on? As far as I know, we've never met.

    So can we expect a 25% shift in marketshare from Android to apple in the near future? What exactly are your predictions?

    What is even more telling is that 75% of them (a large majority) would NOT jump to the iPhone. You do not believe that is significant?

    It is a lot less of a status symbol than it was in the past, which is the point. Apple Chic is being eroded each generation. Apple phones no longer have any exclusive functionality. The Apple store is no longer exponentially larger than all the other stores. People will always buy Apple stuff because there will always be people who want a phone for what it looks like (and how it makes them look to other people) rather than what it actually does. But I dont think that is the majority.

    You have to face facts, LOL.
  12. MrRelevant

    MrRelevant New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    Rich people? Top of the line androids are just as expensive as an iphone and unfortunately most of the time with electronics you get what you pay for. To insinuate performance is not effected by price is a little disingenous.The amazing thing is, clearly the rich arent the only buying new iphones and this will be demonstrated shortly once the iphone5 is released...and as this poll,albeit limited seems to indicate.

    For all the talk about the tough times were in, people sure seem to have the extra cash for something so vital to everyday life as a late model smartphone.

    Sure some folks will get a cheap phone but the assertion these folks rule the market share is false.
  13. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    LOL! Many mid-range Android phones are dramatically better than the iPhone4 in speed and functionality. Most comparable priced Android phones will slaughter the iPhone4 in any benchmark.

    ...For a few months until the new-car-smell sheen wears off. Then we will be back to where we are right now.

    That is a major weakness of Apple's model...they release one major upgrade a year (if that...we are actually well over a year at this point), but new Android phones are coming to the market almost continuously. At any given time, you are likely to have access to the best tech available if you buy Android.

    Then why is it Android that is leading the pack right now and not Apple?

    Android phones dont stay expensive. Android's product cycle ensures that the good phones will always come down in price because new ones are coming to market all the time. by contrast, the iPhone 3GS STILL is not free, even now, despite the fact that it is inferior even to the cheapest Android phones.
  14. MrRelevant

    MrRelevant New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    What about people whove bought Androids....or do you not know

    That depends what you mean by "near" and also on apple making the new iphones readily available.

    I agree thats significant because Im not cheerleading for them but if I were you Id think the quarter of them ready to jump ship would be according to you android owns apple.

    I think youre in denial. Everywhere I look I see apple. It cant just be coincidental that roughly 75% of the laptops,tablets and phones I see in public have an apple logo on it. I live and work in metro Boston.
  15. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    What about them? I know dozens of people with Android phones.

    Good to see that the Apple excuse factory is ready for production, LOL!

    Why would I find that troubling? I have actually recommended the iPhone to people before. Its UI is better in a lot of ways...if you can afford it and it does what you need it to do ( do not need the additional functionality of an Android device) then yes, you should go iPhone.

    My only interest is in maintaining the open standard as the dominant model. I do not want to see Apple and Microsoft's walled-garden approaches become the norm for smartphones and tablets. I dont hate them and dont want them to die...I just want them to have a minority marketshare indefinitely so that they do not become the norm. Or, even better, I'd like to see them forced to open up their walled gardens more.

    It isnt according to me. It is according to Nielsen. I posted my sources.

    That is not what it looks like here in Denver. I see Android phones everywhere and occasionally an iPhone.
  16. Nosferax

    Nosferax Banned

    Sep 24, 2009
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    The android wave is just about done. Samsung, HTC and LG are already looking for alternative to Android. Samsung going with their own BaDa (ocean) platform while HTC is looking at a WebOS derivative.

    Samsung signed last week a patent exchange with Microsoft that meant that every android phone sold will bring money into Microsoft pocket in royalties. Samsung , with that same contract, will push the next windows phone.

    The korean gov is already putting presure on Samsung and Lg to drop android.

    And the latest entry into the android market, the Kindle Fire from amazon uses a fork from android that is closed up and incompatible with the other android devices.
  17. MrRelevant

    MrRelevant New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    Why did they buy them....let me guess, the OS.

    Demand is always exceptionally high,(*)(*)(*)(*) happens....what a problem to have.

    You have your alternative, why do you care? You could hardly blame other companies for following apples lead could you? For now android is happy to let who ever wants to have their product,have chooses to keep things in house and protect their technology savagely. If they have nothing superior to offer this shouldnt bother you a bit I wouldnt think.

    I post my sources as well. As weve covered an OS is not a smartphone,kind of a disingenuous comparison. It is the bottom line which is where the true measure of any product lies.Its is the top selling phone manufacturer who has the rights to claim 'own'ership...which is apple. Until android can propel even one of the many companies who utilize their product by apple again you have little room to talk about being owned.

    If you say so.
  18. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Lots of reasons...some of it was the OS. Some of it was because they are less proprietary.

    For Apple excuses? I agree. LOL

    Because I would like to have my alternative indefinitely. And the "war" is not over.

    Companies, plural? Which ones are you referring to other than Microsoft?

    Mine trump yours, because they are showing actual sales stats. Yours are showing "intentions" from an isolated group of people via a poll.

    As we have also covered before, yes it is, in Apple's case. There are no Apple phones that are not Apple OS phones as well.

    Oh the irony, LOL

    Um...can you give me an example of an actual Android phone? Last I heard Android was an OS, not a phone.

    The title of my thread is talking about Android (the OS) owning phones with Apple's OS. Not of any specific Phone running Android. I would have thought that someone as focused on semantics as you seem to be would have seen that immediately.
  19. MrRelevant

    MrRelevant New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    You tell me what an android phone/device is,youre the one touting activations of them.

    I know no other phone manufacturer is selling more phones than apple right now.W/ Iphone 5 on the horizon,that sales differential will obviously only expand.

    You think comparing 5+ phone companies multiple offerings collectively to apple iphone is apples to apples?


    Enjoying the debate. Dont take anything I type personally. Let me know if Im sounding too serious, this is all in the interest of killing time afterall.
  20. dreadpiratejaymo

    dreadpiratejaymo New Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    Yeah, they also have way better hardware than the iPhone. Then again, so does the middle of the road phones.

    I just renewed my contract and got a new phone about a month ago. With my upgrade, I could have gotten:

    an iPhone 4 for $199-299 (16GB vs 32GB)

    a Samsung Galaxy S II for $199

    an HTC Inspire 4G (middle of the road, not top of the line) for $99.99. I got this one.

    an iPhone 3GS for $49

    other phones with Android, Blackberry, WP7 and other OSs ranging from $0.01 to $39.

    The Galaxy S II destroys the iPhone 4. It's not even close.

    8mp camera vs 5mp Camera
    dual core processor @ 1.2 GHZ per CPU vs. the A4 single core 1 GHZ processor
    1 GB of ram vs. 512 MB or ram

    The only reason anyone can give for getting an iPhone 4 over the Galaxy S II is "look and feel of the OS"

    What I hear when people give that reason is "I'm a fanboy and I don't care how much I have to pay for an inferior product so long as it has an apple on it that all my friends can see"

    Is it? Maybe if you are only buying apple technology. Anything HTC makes is solid as a rock, regardless of cost. They have a quality to their products like no other manufacturer.

    Yeah, by the iPhone 4 dropping in price and the 3GS being given away for free.

    Your poll is laughable. Verizon and AT&T make up about 55% of the market in America.

    So only 55% of users could actually even have an iPhone.

    Where was this poll conducted? On the Apple market? Do you really think this poll is valid in any way? Your source is "The Unofficial Apple Weblog".

    I'm sure they aren't biased at all. No, Really.

    I don't know about other people, but I genuinely need a smartphone. It is important for me to have email access everywhere I go for work. I also have tools that I use for work, such as pin out schematics and voltage calculators. I also have 3rd party apps created by some of our vendors that I use to do business.

    Now that we have something besides iOS, smart phones are becoming useful in the business world, instead of just a status symbol or a toy that lets you play angry birds.

    I'd say the market is ruled by chiefly Corporations. That is why blackberry is still relevant. Many of those blackberry users that want an iPhone will be terribly disappointed because their IT department gets to pick their next phone. I know Coca-Cola is making the move from Blackberry to Android.

    Still, the price and availability to the masses is a big reason for the numbers android has.

    Go to a restaurant, a construction site, or maybe a warehouse. See how many of the people with a smartphone have an iPhone 4.

    That isn't their market and they know it.

    “Thirty-six percent of Apple computer owners reported household incomes greater than $100,000, compared to 21 percent of all consumers."
  21. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Yes. Because Apple does not have multiple phones. If people had a choice of iOS phones, maybe Apple's numbers would not be so high with the iPhone?

    I know you dont like to hear that, but thats the truth. If you want an iOS phone, you have no choice but to buy an iPhone.

    All those people buying Android phones could have bought Apple instead, but chose not to.


    Have you ever been on an Apple forum? Apple forums are a riot. It is like walking into a cult.
  22. MrRelevant

    MrRelevant New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    The poll was conducted by a rather large mobile advertising company,INMOBI that as far as I can tell have no special ties to apple and simply posted in an apple forum.In fact theyve had their fun at apples expense in the past. I doubt youd see it posted in an android forum would you?


    Truth is more folks have bought iphones than any other manufacturers phones. They couldve bought any phone they wanted...they bought an iphone tho.

    When HTC, Samsung or Motorola control the smartphone marketshare on their own,then we'll give android its props.

    Galaxy IIs just came out didnt it? Shouldnt be waiting to compare it to iphone5 if were being honest?
  23. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    So why are there not more iPhones than Android phones?

    Um...then they would not be Android anymore.

    If we are really being honest, I think the preferences of the masses are clear from the marketshare numbers. They have the option of buying an iPhone, yet are choosing Android phones instead.
  24. MrRelevant

    MrRelevant New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    But android doesnt make phones....Of the companies that do apple is now the leader...obviously poised to pull far ahead.
  25. dreadpiratejaymo

    dreadpiratejaymo New Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    So when they haven't pulled far ahead in 3 months (or 6 months, or 9 months, or a year...) from now, what will you say then?

    I visited the site of the organization that made that claim. They have many statistics posted in pdf form backing up things they are saying....

    Except for this thing. I can't seem to find anything about the methodology used to get these numbers or even how many people took part in the survey.

    In the article, there is a link to this page:
    Where they state you can find a summary of the data. I didn't see anything that related to people buying an iPhone 5 in any way.
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