Dealing with Treason and Traitors

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by congo, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. bugalugs

    bugalugs Banned

    Feb 27, 2008
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    You have a real problem understanding what an actual quote is - don't you.

    John Howard said:
    "The Australian Government knows that Iraq still has chemical and biological weapons and that Iraq wants to develop nuclear weapons." "Iraq continues to work on developing nuclear weapons-uranium has been sought from Africa that has no civil nuclear application in Iraq"
    4 February 2003

    John Howard said:
    "The Government's position remains that we were advised by Defence that children were thrown overboard, we made those allegations on the basis of that advice, and until I get Defence advice to the contrary I will maintain that position". 9 November 2001

    John Howard said:
    "Nothing can alter the fact that I have in my possession an ONA report that states baldly . . . that children were thrown in the water." 8 November

    John Howard said:
    "No, there's no way that a GSTwill ever be part of our policy."

    Are you claiming that the Union website that has collated these lies is lying about what Howard actually said?!?!? That would be a particularly stupid thing to do. There are records of Howard telling these lies in many places.

    This is as pathetic as you trying to defend your hero Jonesy when he was caught telling lies on the radio. Simply because it was Get UP that caught him!

    A lie is a lie son.

    Jonesy was caught telling them
    John Howard was caught telling them
  2. bugalugs

    bugalugs Banned

    Feb 27, 2008
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    0 - what he said was - EXACT WORDS:

    John Howard: "No, there's no way that a GST will ever be part of our policy."

    Journalist: "Never ever?"

    John Howard: "Never ever. It's dead.

    "Never ever" does not usually mean - "if re elected he WOULD bring in the gst."

    Never ever usually means NEVER EVER.
  3. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    I love that, perhaps you should have read the link you posted. She did not say what you have just stated at all. what was the comment
    From your link, and what is she implementing A CARBON TAX. When are you going to stop trying to mislead everybody with the party line?
  4. TheCrimsonChin

    TheCrimsonChin New Member

    May 4, 2011
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    Yes bugs, you really messed that one up. Also, it's absolutely pathetic that you bring up Howard's lies, as if to justify Gillard's lie. Like it's a huge political hypocrisy (which it is) but frankly it's not relevant to this carbon tax lie.
  5. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    You're a policy peddler.

    Tell it to those that are interested to hear it chump.

    All i know is Ju-li_ar is a deceitful little so and so, is not worthy to be PM.
  6. Oxyboy

    Oxyboy New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    And you'd call the Greens what?

    Oh extremists are having a say all right, don't worry about that.
  7. congo

    congo New Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    If you want irrational clap-trap, turn on the news and watch the various
    leaders of the parties and the spew they put forth for us to digest.

    For example, Gillard's spiel on Carbon Tax release day while addressing
    the Australian press.... ( I heard this on the radio while driving, so it may not
    be exactly verbatim, but it is very close to her actual words )......

    ..... on reducing carbon in the atmosphere by the equivalent of 45 million cars,

    " and for those of you who can't get your head around what reducing carbon by
    45 million cars is, it's 45 times one million."

    She then went further than patronization, she went on to tell the members
    of the press who asked the hard questions, that they were "brave" for asking
    such things of her. Some of her statements sounded more like subtle threats
    than the appreciation of an active free press hunting answers for the truth,
    though she did claim appreciation of the attendant audience.
    And why not, they are going to help sell the Carbon Tax right?

    What ever you consider my rationale Gwendoline, or my clap-trap, my
    performance is a pale shade next to the colourful comment eminating from
    the freak show we call politics in this country. Your leaders consider you as
    an ignorant cow to be milked at will, with only regard to your health as far as
    being able to produce, and no more.

    We are either sub-human now, or our glorious and untouchable leaders are
    now super-human, or both.

    I for one and sick of being spoken to, and legislated against as if I'm a
    naughty child. There is a rotting stench in the air, as old as civilization, I
    smell a bunch of rats.
    efjay and (deleted member) like this.
  8. congo

    congo New Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    I will become, to some, even more irrational now.

    I WANT you to think about me as the fruitcake you saw in a forum once.

    When the future unveils itself, and you find yourself a slave, only then
    will I be remembered as that lunatic who posted here, forewarning you.

    Our culture, both domestic and political, is conducive to a takeover by
    those wishing to gain absolute control. It is happening now. Wake up.

    I am in no position to do much more than I am doing here now, trying
    to raise awareness about an ongoing takeover of this country. It's only
    tangible to me, I cannot define it, I am somewhat ignorant, but IT is
    out there, and it's winning the game and accelerating faster than I have
    thought possible. IT is not domiciled here, it comes as an invader to our
    shores, and it must be repelled now, or we lose.

    We need REAL leaders, not a circus act. Politics in Australia is showmanship
    to the average person on the street, it's a popularity contest aired for our
    entertainment. Serious challenges confront us in Australia, yet we are infused
    with all manor of non-sense while the country is sold out from under us, along
    with our culture, and freedoms. All this, while our politicians debate trivia and
    have their agenda regardless of the needs and wishes of the Australian people.
  9. congo

    congo New Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    You know something is wrong when Bob Katter is starting to look good.

    Choices ?

    We have a PM hellbent in deceiving the public into accepting a diabolical plot.

    We have an opposition leader who I can't imagine even having a casual
    conversation with, let alone thinking he might ever represent me .....

    We have the Greens, who would be my first choice as a lover of nature, if
    indeed that were what they actually represent, but that is just a ridiculous
    notion born of a half hope.

    I am over fifty years old now, so I have seen a little bit of life. What I see
    in politics now is treachery and malice. It's not just politics, it's government
    control going high tech and exploding into our lives with blind acceptance by
    so many.... does no one see the danger, does anyone care, will no one stand
    up for us and point at it and say STOP ?

    I don't even feel like I'm in Australia any more, it's feels like we've been
    annexed by the USA as a testing ground or something. It feels sinister and

    Why are the BlackHawk Choppers flying around out here around my place,
    and at night with no lights on other than that infra red sensor thingy?
    Shouldn't they be shooting some cave dwellers from over the horizon in
    some other country, what are they looking for here?

    that's creeping me out a bit
  10. congo

    congo New Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    I'll end my rant with a nice photo of a former Aussie PM, this particular
    photo taken the day before the World Trade Center was blown to pieces
    by "terrorists".

    This was the day that Bush and Howard met for the first time, according to
    what George Bush said in his opening address for Sydney's APEC in 2007.
    ( I was taken aback watching this live on TV )

    Yes, a moment frozen in time for us all to wonder at. Sept 10th 2001 - a time
    to re-affirm our allegiance for sure. (White House Link)
  11. diligent

    diligent New Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    I repeat ad naseum, John Howard informed the electorate before the election that he would introduce the GST.By contrast, our luvy duvvy PM promised that she would not introduce a carbon tax prior to the last election.

    The contrast between the two is so stark, that even a Left Wing ideologue can see it. Unless, of course, they refuse to see what is politically unpalatable to their rigid side of politics. The Greens have squeezed her in a pincer so tight, she can't even wiggle out of it.
  12. Oxyboy

    Oxyboy New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    When you find yourself in a deep hole STOP DIGGING!

    What is the useless above analogy meant to mean?

    They didn't bring in the GST when they were re-elected, they campaigned on it at the NEXT ELECTION.

    Your stance on this is as amusing as it is pathetic.

  13. TheCrimsonChin

    TheCrimsonChin New Member

    May 4, 2011
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    Uh, so seems no-one is paying attention to the OP and the topic here.

    I wholeheartedly believe such accusations of treason are unfounded, simply because, at least legally, there has to be an INTENT to commit such acts. No such intent exists within the moral high ground (if you could really call it that) of the major political parties and their leaders so therefore cannot agree. I do concede, however that Western politics is moving towards a one-world government. Not necessarily in the sense where one party and their laws apply everywhere, but in the sense that certain principles are applicable everywhere. Look at the UN, WTO, etc. It is happening already, yes. But that is how it is. That is the natural progression of something that is perceived "right". You fight for it - the same way others in Asia or the Middle East or wherever will fight for their perception of "right". That is how history forms itself. And what an interesting few hundred years it will be.
  14. congo

    congo New Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Thank you for keeping on topic.

    I argue that the natural progression of things is driven by a one sided omni-present
    propaganda machine. This surely takes natural progression out of the equation.
    When our leaders implement policy towards this agenda, gaining approval through
    "mandate", it empowers this future, with our blessing, even if it's NOT what we want
    and even if we protest.

    This new future, whatever it will be, will not represent us as citizens of this
    country, unless we stop our leaders from selling us out to these foreign interests
    and ideologies. We have a super-class of wealthy individuals who not only posess
    the majority of wealth, but they control technologies from which it will be impossible
    to escape.

    As long as we keep voting for the representatives offered to us, we are selling our
    perceived democracy up the river. For all of our sakes, I implore you all to not give
    a mandate to persons who have no intention of representing you.

    Ask yourself, what would happen tomorrow if there was a general election and the
    people did not vote on grounds that every candidate was their enemy?

    Well, so much at stake, the "powers that be" would claim a mandate anyway, carry
    on as per usual, nothing would change and their agenda would simply continue.
    However it would then be exposed for exactly what it truly is, and the facade of
    democracy is stripped away, leaving us with a clear spectre of our reality, rather
    than the delusion of the matrix-like world we see now.

    My OP was born of concern for the future, both immediate and long term for my
    descendants. Man has thrived under a reasonably free political climate, most of us in
    developed nations are so much better off for it, and freedom has unleashed science
    and technology to unimaginable proportions. We are at a crossroads now.

    We need to take a clear look at the present in order to shape our future, and
    this is impossible while we are all brainwashed to the point where we vote our
    enemies into power. We need good leaders to represent us as citizens, not yes men
    and puppets of some faceless NWO or whatever you want to call our "natural" enemy.

    It has been said that democratic people's get what they deserve in a government,
    but I tend to disagree considering the power that multimedia now wields, and who's
    hands that power lay in. In a nutshell, I understand how we are being duped.
  15. bugalugs

    bugalugs Banned

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Ohhhh I see.

    So...when he said NEVER EVER - he didn't mean NEVER EVER

    he meant :

    "There's no way a GST will ever be part of our policy.".."Never ever. It's dead..." unless I change my mind.

    But what did he actually mean when he said these things:

    John Howard said:
    "The Australian Government knows that Iraq still has chemical and biological weapons and that Iraq wants to develop nuclear weapons." "Iraq continues to work on developing nuclear weapons-uranium has been sought from Africa that has no civil nuclear application in Iraq"
    4 February 2003

    John Howard said:
    "The Government's position remains that we were advised by Defence that children were thrown overboard, we made those allegations on the basis of that advice, and until I get Defence advice to the contrary I will maintain that position". 9 November 2001
  16. efjay

    efjay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    He took the policy to the people and was voted in...
    juLIAR told us that "there will be NO CARBON TAX UNDER THE GOVERMENT I LEAD" just a few days out from the election...she lied to the people and is now trying to put the tax in WITHOUT having the guts to put it to the people first.
  17. Ziggy Stardust

    Ziggy Stardust Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2008
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    So he didn't 'destroy the economy', got it. How about Costello selling our gold? Guess he's a traitor too.

    That is overall job increases.

    And what's happened to the USA who doesn't have an ETS? Non-argument.

    Actually it's anti-dribble dribble.

    You cannot do this lawfully, to do this you would have to violate the constitution and completely undermine our entire legal system. So a PM who has done nothing illegal is going to be illegally convicted of a non-existant 'treason' charge. Who's the traitor again?
  18. congo

    congo New Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    I have recently written to Bob Katter's "contact us" applet on his new Australia Party website ......

    ... asking them if they are part of the existing power structure, or if they are genuinely offering an alternative to the status quo and will they be trying to represent the Australian people.
    So far, I have not received a reply.

    I also wrote to Senator Stephen Conroy, the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Deputy Leader of the Government
    in the Senate and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Digital Productivity.

    Now, Conroy's title is too large to digest. I call him the Minister for Propaganda.

    I wrote to this minister some time back, and explained that it's not so much that I would mind living in a dictatorship, I could probably resolve myself to that, but what I don't like is being deceived ..... or rather that I walk among a deceived public, who believe we are free.

    I didn't get a reply on that one either :p

    Back to treason, and traitors....... Review my last post above if your memory is as short as it appears, and consider my next statement.

    (I also make a request here that off topic banter be quieted, start your own thread please. Some things are important.)

    YOU are the traitor. Your votes enable my enemies, the enemies of all that I held esteemed, my perception of a free and wonderful country to live in and have children in, to prosper and thrive in.

    While you vote for OUR enemy, you are the ones guilty of treason.

    Nuff said.
  19. bugalugs

    bugalugs Banned

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Yes he did. Good on him.

    But it does show that when he said:
    "There's no way a GST will ever be part of our policy.".."Never ever. It's dead..."

    He was lying.

    Just like he lied about children overboard.
    Just like he lied about WMDs in Iraq
    Just like Julia lied about a carbon tax.

    But - Julia always promise to introduce a price on carbon. Call it a tax or what ever you like - it is a price on carbon and that was Labor policy. That is what she was elected to deliver. That is what she is delivering.

    Now, why DID Johnnie lie about those children overboard and the WMDs?
  20. diligent

    diligent New Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Howard changed his mind on the GST and he informed the electorate before the next election. There is nothing inherently wrong with a polly changing his position on matters political. Don't we all do it from time to time? If we didn't, we would still be living in caves.

    The vital difference is that Howard advised the electorate of his change of mind in relation to the introduction of the GST before the coming election. Julie did not advise the electorate about her change of mind until after her party had been re-elected. In other words she was very sneaky and 'hid' the truth about her real intentions
  21. diligent

    diligent New Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Howard had guts.That's why, in the immediate aftermath of the Port Arthur massacre, he was able to stand in front of his own consituency after he imposed the Gun buy back scheme,

    Our Julia can't even say no to the wobbly grubby Greens. And heaven behold, she cops a bit of flack and she sheds a flood of tears. How pathetic! Maybe she has been spending too much time consorting with Bob Hawke, after all he is an expert on shedding crocodile tears.
  22. Oxyboy

    Oxyboy New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    No need to play any more.

    Do you have dreams that JWH is hiding under your bed?
  23. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    John Winston Howard was a dictator, that said elect me and then i'll tell you how the GST will work. John Huston was at least honest, he told a gathering in Adelaide how the GST will work and he got pelted with tomatoes and eggs.

    Howard also lied to the Australian people on numerous occassions and led us into a war that was illegal with lies and deception a war that has cost over a million Iraqi lives so far.

    John Winston Howard - dictator and fascist pig
  24. Grrrrrrr

    Grrrrrrr New Member

    May 25, 2011
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    It is important to understand the difference between honest hardworking jobs that produce something and are credit to the economy, and paper pushing beurocratic taxpayer funded jobs that are a burden on the economy.
  25. diligent

    diligent New Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Stop trying to reinvent history to suit your politcal agenda. Howard told the Australian public before the election that he would introduce the GST. Anyone who didn't know that must have either been:

    - asleep, probably waiting for his/her dole cheque;

    - out of the country;

    - or a rigid Left Wing ideologue.

    Take your pick!

    Howard was not responsible for million lives in Iraq. That figure has been conjured up out thin air so typical of the Wet Left and has never been proven. And most of those who were killed were murdered by their own counrtymen, ewho were ither ex-supporters of SH or maniacal Muslim religious fanatics.

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