The Carbon Tax will spell the end for Bob Brown and the Greens

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by dumbanddumber, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. m2catter

    m2catter Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Why do we have so many Green haters in downunder, what is your real problem?
    Can't you imagine a future without coal, without burning fossil fuel?
    Doesn't mean Chernobyl and Fukushima anything to you?
    Are all the Greens on the planet dreamers, or just not as easily bought by the hardcore right wingers?
    All those worn and long overhauled pretension...
  2. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Greens, LNP and Labour all oppose 24/7 green power. They pour money into the most inefficient green energy there is, and oppose highly efficient green power, including imposing Sovereign Risk on any threat to Coal heating water to produce 300 times less power than can be produced with turbines the same size as that used by Steam.
  3. m2catter

    m2catter Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    can you name me any other party, which is in favor of more renewable energies then the Greens?
    I have seen Greens fighting/arguing for different methods and different ways, to achieve more sustainable solutions, but never really questioning the greater good.

    And what are the Libs standing for? Labor are better than the Libs, but not as progressive as I would like to see.....

  4. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    "can you name me any other party, which is in favor of more renewable energies then the Greens?"

    No, but I can name two that are equally as opposed. The Greens preach one thing, practice another! What happened to the $30 Million of Australian taxes the Greens were to spend on Green Energy funding? The Greens refuse to disclose perhaps, there's an insider who may help out?

    Libs Greg Hunt refuses to allow the Clerk of Parliament to put on display the Green Energy technology given to the people, because such technology not need Coal back up and indeed reduces Coal burning whilst increasing power supplies.

    Kevin Rudd after taking receipt of the DaS Valve handed it to his Ministers and set out to limit Carbon trading to only those he selected. His backbenchers did not want to face contempt of the High Court charges so that was the end of his Carbon Trading, Gillard tried twisting the High Court problem and went for a tax instead, leaving the High Court contempt charges for her backbenchers in 2015, but she never got there.

    Asside. John Howard backed green power including in 2006 mapping the entire of Australia for Urban Geothermal below +100*C. His Office fostered DaS Energy from beginning to end.

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  5. m2catter

    m2catter Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    The Greens preach one thing, practice another! What happened to the $30 Million of Australian taxes the Greens were to spend on Green Energy funding?

    Sorry mate, I don't buy it.
    While there are preferences with all human beings and parties of course, the Greens efforts are unparalleled. See, I am not a Green lover, but would love to see this planet sustained for a long time to come.

    John Howard backed green power including in 2006 mapping the entire of Australia for Urban Geothermal below +100*C. His Office fostered DaS Energy from beginning to end.

    Australia never had a better financial period than that under John Howard. So, to get it right, we had this surplus only because the world demanded our iron ore excessively, that had absolutely nothing to do with John Howard.
    To me, he and his alike were the biggest failure in recent Australian history, in not setting the goals for the time AFTER THE GOLD RUSH.

    A country with so may possibilities is still trying to hang on to coal and increasingly to nuclear, but does so little with renewables. Travel around, you will be pleasantly surprised of the the efforts of other countries, at least I was.

    Gillard was one of the better PMs, and without the permanent pressure from the Greens my beloved Australia would sink to the bottom of the ocean, drowning in medieval times. That was outlined by Howard, and is followed up under Abbott, undoubtedly the worst PM in our history.

  6. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    The Greens received the same technology blueprints as Labour and the LNP, wonder why they are so joined hands to ensure it never gets to the Australian citizens, it they it was gifted to. Maybe the LNP has threatened an inquiry as to where the $30 Million went, after it was paid cash into the Greens Bank account!
  7. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Let's get ready for another round of bull crap from the coalition.

    The bit I liked in this link was the "spin " line.

    Something like this ... "we will meet the goals because we are going to take 2billion from tax payers and agiving it to polluters where the carbon tax was taking money off the taxpayers and giving it to polluters.

    That's spin for a start. With the carbon tax, the money isn't coming from tax payers, its coming from users. Tax payers who cut down their usage to save paying the carbon tax, which is really what it is supposed to do, will now pay as much as someone who wastes resources, now that's fair isn't it?
  8. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Carbon Tax was never a Carbon Tax but a Consumption Tax. Consume less electricity pay less tax. Consume less electricity be less productive and lose out right across the board. A most successful devaluing of Australia by the Greens Politicians who profited by selling their vote to Labour for $30 Million cash paid into the Greens bank account.

    The way to reduce Carbon emissions is to convert to technology doing the job cheaper and still not emitting Carbon, but that would cut back on the tonnage of Coal burnt, while Australia prospered at greater production, which in turn brings about a repeat of Coal advertising as seen in 2007.

    Australia has got technology developed after the 18th Centaury Steam revolution, but successive Governments remain committed to it never being allowed use in Australia, as such would provoke a Coal advertising campaign during a federal election and all Politicians saw what Coal did in 2007, and they not want the same to happen to them!
  9. m2catter

    m2catter Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    You are a Green hater, aren't you?

    Carbon Tax was never a Carbon Tax but a Consumption Tax. Consume less electricity pay less tax. Consume less electricity be less productive and lose out right across the board. A most successful devaluing of Australia by the Greens Politicians who profited by selling their vote to Labour for $30 Million cash paid into the Greens bank account.

    That says it all. How is it other western nations can reduce their emissions? Consume less electricity means being less productive, what a crap. You need to look to the future, there are many ways to reduce green house emissions, of course when you are saluting the Liberals then nothing needs to be done, wait until others do something. This mindstate gives me the (*)(*)(*)(*)ssss...

    Sorry, no hard feelings, just try to explain your thoughts and ethical values to your grandchildren.

    The sooner Abbott goes, the better. And I hope for a reintroduction of the carbon tax, but altered to meet future goals....

  10. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Aside Great Britain, Australia is only the Country lead by a British Prime Minister.

    This came about after Coal ridding of Australian Howard for his giving China Carbon capture technology, now in differnt forms right across the world. (most recent being RET America)

    The LNP then merged with a Business interest and became the Coalition.

    It demanded that Australians pick up the 60% loss in Coal exports, then seeing Australians couldnt afford to pay the price, set out selling all that is Australian instead.

    The LNP pride in being lead by a Britisher screwing over Australia is worn as a badge of honour being born to next election.

    The way to reduce Carbon emission is to rid of its need. Power generation post 18th Centaury British Steam revolution heats Captured Carbon not Water to generate power.

    For use in turbine generator power production Water must be above +100* Celsius, whilst captured Carbon needs be above -10* Celsius .

    Captured Carbon generates 17,500 megawatts at +100* Celsius, whilst Steam at +600* Celsius generates 350 megawatts.

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