The immigration vote.

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Jack Napier, Oct 19, 2013.



  1. I would like to see a ban on all immigration from anywhere for at least 5yrs

    5 vote(s)
  2. I would like to see a ban on immigration +deportation of all those currently illegal.

    9 vote(s)
  3. I would like to see a ban on any more immigration +I would allow those already here to stay

    0 vote(s)
  4. I would like to see a partial ban on immigration from second and third world countries.

    5 vote(s)
  5. I don't mind the immigration at all if educated and financially sound

    14 vote(s)
  6. I think my Gov have things about right as they are

    1 vote(s)
  7. Other(what then?)

    14 vote(s)
  1. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    What did I say that was off-topic? What you quoted was all about immigration, its not off-topic at all to say you want to close down the border is xenophobic and racist this is a well known concept you are just looking for a reason to report someone instead actually debating. Literally everything you said was just semantics, you think using the exact same defense every single conservative uses wins you the argument and it doesnt. That defense is always "Calling me a racist makes you a racist, even if I just said some very racist things like a ban on all immigration and taking away voting rights from foreigners". Im not exaggerating either, half the poll options were a ban on all immigration even legal and Limbaugh talks about taking away voting rights from foreigners and all kinds of (*)(*)(*)(*) that KevinVA and many others here agree with him on. Every single piece of this has to do with immigration, just because I call you out on your racism dealing with immigration does not mean its all of the sudden off-topic and against the rules of the forum. Try again.
  2. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I’m also pretty good at seeing patterns, and as much as you keep claiming that I see race in everything all I see from you is that your hyper sensitive to the issue of race and that it bothers you immensely when people write about it.

    Respectfully, the United States of America has its first black president ever, and as much as you don’t want to talk about race or as much as your tired of seeing it come in up in thread after thread after thread………of course you’re going to see it in most political conversations from the very nature that for the first time in our nation’s history we’re forced to deal with the issue of race.

    How could you have a political conversation in our world today and ignore the elephant in the room.

    This particular thread isn’t about the president no, it’s about immigration, but once again let’s be honest. People don’t think about illegal Russian Jews or illegal Pols, Lithuanians, Serbians, or even illegal Canadians.

    Every ounce of energy has been spent on talking about one group for years now – Mexicans – so let's not try to side step the fact that - that’s what they're talking about in this thread……..Mexicans.

    Mexicans more than any other group “is” the group that has the country all riled up and ticked off. Whenever anybody has a conversation or talks about immigration laws in this country, subconsciously there referring to and talking about Mexicans.

    You might not be, but brother you “are” the exception, not the rule.

    I said all the things I said because as much as you disagree I believe all of it was germane to the conversation. I’ve always personally thought that Indians, Blacks, and Mexicans literally got the shaft and the short end of the stick in this country.

    The God’s honest truth is that I’m not necessarily interested in the immigration debate or anybody’s vote because I’m too busy being angry about the whole affair. I believe they should all be left alone and granted a similar status that Puerto Ricans already have in that they can go back & forth without any papers at all to make up for the ills that were cast upon them a few hundred years ago.

    I’m not necessarily proud of how this country started out and how it treated it’s original inhabitants and if you can’t see how important all of that history is then there’s no need in discussing it any further because we’re on two different galaxies regarding the issue.

    As always I respect your opinions but you don’t seem to respect mine. I’m only cool with you as long as I’m not bringing race into certain equations or sticking to certain talking points.

    People drift a million miles away from questions I ask all the time, that’s just to be expected in these political forums.

    Look, I’m just very sensitive over this issue because of my background, what I’ve witnessed in my life, who I’ve personally seen destroyed over it, and the hypocrisy of it all.

    Thousands of Europeans entered this country illegally during the great European immigrant waves my friend, and nobody ever talks about that.

    There are currently thousands of other illegal European immigrants in this country right now that nobody ever talks about.

    I brought up what I brought up in an effort to remind people that Mexicans had a stake in this country long before their European ancestors got here, but now there all a bunch of loafers & gang bangers that are stealing our jobs so they need to go.

    I’ve personally worked alongside many Mexicans in California in the Aerospace community and they’d run rings around the same people screaming for all of them to be deported.

    Yes, I got a little emotional and shot of at the mouth, there, you got me, but it’s only because this issue has always bothered me and I find it all to be incredibly hypocritical.

    And seriously, for the last time, I don’t see race in "everything", and I’m not a racist. Maybe you should examine why you get so upset every time you see someone inferring race into a situation rather than judging.

    We all have different backgrounds with different life experiences with different triggers that set us off or touch certain nerves, this particular issue down right stomps on my nerves.
  3. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Are you trying to suggest America should be able to do these things without being called racist just because other countries do?

    Just a little tip, just because other countries are being racist does not mean so should America.
    I dont know much about India, but the U.N. has been looking at Japans xenophobia/racism problem expressing their concerns.
    "In 2005, a United Nations special rapporteur on racism and xenophobia expressed concerns about deep and profound racism in Japan and insufficient government recognition of the problem."
    "In 2010, according to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Japan's record on racism has improved, but there is still room for progress.[45] The committee was critical of the lack of anti-discrimination legislation in the country and the treatment of Japanese minorities and its large Korean and Chinese communities "There seems to have been little progress since 2001,""
  4. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    As should the Africans, the Indians, the Arabs, et all.
  5. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Who cares what a "United Nations special rapporteur " says? What use are the UN? They and he are just a scam.
  6. Blasphemer

    Blasphemer Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2011
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    It is totaly not racist. Ban on all immigration is strict but there is no race involved in it, it is absolutely every countrys (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) basic right to regulate who can stay inside. And voting for foreigners, what? I am not sure if you are serious or a troll..
  7. Troianii

    Troianii Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 7, 2012
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    kid, I'm not interested. You're a narrow-minded hyper-partisan, and you've shown absolutely no interest in polite discussion or intellectual growth. You're really not off to a good start. You'll grow up eventually, but until you do I'm not interested in puerile discussion.
  8. Troianii

    Troianii Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 7, 2012
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    note he says that limiting immigration to skilled workers because, in his mind, only whites can be skilled workers. :roll: So who is the racist?
  9. Middleroad

    Middleroad New Member Past Donor

    Jan 25, 2013
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    I choose other, I would like to see the border and most illegal crossings stopped. I would like our entire immigration laws redone, simplified, written in stone and enforced.
    I would like who is allowed to immigrate here to have to meet certain criteria.
    I find the current system of allowing them to just run over the border then let them stay and eventually give them amnesty, totally unacceptable. Our prisons out west are LOADED with illegal immigrants that cost us a 100,000 a year min each and thats if they dont get sick, if they get sick that can be in the millions and thats without mentioning the thousands of american citizens that were their victims. Its absurd what illegal immigration has cost us for cheap labor to dilute the workforce to keep american pay suppressed by republicans and the hope of eventual votes for democrats by the democrats.
    We cant get the millions here out of the country but we should throw out of the country all known felons by attrition as they come to our attention. Then finally close the border down and stop as many as we can from just walking over. Enough, time for this to stop. After all this is OUR COUNTRY.
  10. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I know, eventually they choke on their own irrational "logic".

    Reminds me of the thread which was discussing black crime and offering fair solutions. No one had made any racist remarks, no one had done anything than point out some facts, including I may add, statements from blacks themselves that their community is a mess, because of how they often are. Sure enough, despite no one saying anything other than statements of fact, despite examples of blacks who themselves admit their own people must change, we STILL had some hand wringing leftist whites come by and they said this "I'd love you to go into a black neighbourhood and state those views". You see? In their own stupidity, what they are really saying there is that if you or I went into a "black neighbourhood"(did not realise blacks owned neighbourhoods), that for expressing fair views supported by stats and statements from other blacks, we would be attacked. Thus, those that rushed to defend blacks were themselves saying that blacks first reaction to dialogue would be violence. Like you say, whose the racist?

  11. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Here is a perfect example, when republicans restrict voting rights conservatives like to say "Well we just want a better system blah blah blah" but in reality everyone knows they are restricting voting rights to decrease the amount of black voters by decreasing the amount of time you have to vote, requiring photo ID's etc, im 100% positive you are going to claim this is not racist at all but in doing so you are literally denying history. For example,
    "Section 5 of the Act (Voting Rights Act) prohibited states and local governments with a history of discriminatory voting practices from implementing any change affecting voting without first obtaining the approval of the United States Attorney General or a three-judge panel of the U.S. District Court for D.C., a process known as "preclearance" Guess who has a big history of discriminatory voting practices? The South, Republican states. Not at all surprisingly, the religiously fanatic supreme court shot down the voting rights act saying essentially racism is over and they dont need it anymore, now all of these southern states are placing restrictions on voting rights purposely designed to target black voters the way they did in 1965. Im curious, do you at least admit when they were placing voting restrictions in the 60's that they were being racist? Or do you not even admit they were racist in the 60's? I tend to see closet racists deny racism everywhere they see it unless it has to deal with "race baiting" than they scream racism at the top of their lungs.

    Here is what a Tea Party leader said recently about black people voting,
    "When asked at a meeting of Texas Republicans “what can Republicans do to get black people to vote,” a Texas Tea Party leader, Ken Emanuelson, gave the following answer:

    “I’m going to be real honest with you, the Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they’re going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats.”
    He doesnt say he doesnt want black people to vote for the Tea Party, which would be racist enough, he says he doesnt want them to vote at all because they already know they will vote democrat and that is extremely racist. Although im 100% positive you are going to claim even this is not in the slightest racist, I bet you are even going to claim democrats to be the racist since we get so many black votes however that logic works out for you.

    I was watching Jon Stewart last night and someone from the Mecklenburg County Republican Committee says this talking about the new voting restriction laws, "The law is going to kick the democrats in the butt, if it hurts a bunch lazy blacks who wants to have the government give them everything so be it" are you honestly going to sit here and act like this is not racist? I think I figured out the GOP tactics, not like they are complex or anything, but every time you say something racist just say you are not racist and whoever says you are just call them race baiters and act like they are the ones being racist. Here are more examples,
    A guy has a life size manikin of Obama outside his house, eating watermelon. Let me guess, that is not racist either? The guy who put up the manikin also says its not racist. As you can see, they act blatantly racist and believe as long as they dont say word for word "I hate black people" than no one has any right to call them racist because I mean after all, its not like he said I hate black people they are just saying blacks are lazy and want everything from the government and love watermelon. Definitely not racist. Right? Of course its racist but its hilarious watching closet racists defend this bull(*)(*)(*)(*).
  12. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    He is directly saying America should be able to remain majority white, as Japan is majority Japanese, we should be able to practice forms of genocide on our people, as in India, and that we do not need more ethnic diversity. To claim this is not racist 100% without a doubt proves you are a closet racist defending racism ANYWHERE you see it. Seriously, this is the most blatant racism I have ever seen on this forum by far and people are (*)(*)(*)(*)ing defending it. The right wing is inherently racist and xenophobic without a doubt.
  13. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Apartheid, not Genocide my mistake. Either way, both are extremely racist with no question.
  14. Old School Whig

    Old School Whig New Member

    Jul 10, 2013
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    Had the GOP followed Bush's lead on immigration in 2006 and 07,we would not have had a second Obama term. How they honestly think that this party can win with such low Hispanic and Asian percentages is beyond me. The senate bill is not very good. Boehner and Republicans like my rep McCarthy need to pass a bill,get to conference,and improve on what the senate started. We need to retain the college grads who come from other nations(Skills Act). We need a new and more sensible ag worker program(Issa's plan). We need to honestly deal with the people here who have set down roots. Get them paying taxes,feeling as if they have a stake. It's not conservative to support population control or be protectionist. It's stupid to let a small group of people,who have lilly white districts in Iowa control the debate.
  15. gorfias

    gorfias Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    I'm pretty sure we'll end up with some kind of "comprehensive immigration reform". It will be every bit as destructive as you'd think, rewarding people that told Americans they don't matter. It will attract millions more scofflaws. Wonder how long they'll wait to make them Democratic party voters too.
  16. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    What is wrong with Japan being majority Japanese?

    What is wrong with Africa being majority Africans?

    What is wrong with India being majority Indians?

    What is wrong with Europe being majority Europeans?

    This post does not show why it is wrong for anyone to be a majority in their own country, nor does it demonstrate why having a Japan that was majority non Japanese would be a good thing for Japan, and Japanese culture...
  17. ManifestDestiny

    ManifestDestiny Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    America is a nation of immigrants its amazing I have to even tell you this. When people immigrate to America and become citizens they become AMERICAN so America will always be majority American, what you are wanting is for it to be majority White which is undeniably racist.
  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    This post failed to answer any of my questions.

    I shall try again....

    What is wrong with Japan being majority Japanese?

    What is wrong with Africa being majority Africans?

    What is wrong with India being majority Indians?

    What is wrong with Europe being majority Europeans?
  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    What Japan still be Japanese if Japanese became a minority in their own country?

    Would Japanese culture flourish, or would it be harmed?

    Would laws be shaped along the lines of the Japanese people, or would laws shaped to suit Japanese culture now be artificially altered to suit non Japanese people? Would doing this benefit the Japanese?

    Would Japanese customs and traditions be more respected if they brought in 10million Pakistani's and 10million Bulgarians, or would Japanese customs and traditions be less respected because of this?

    Would the Japanese workforce benefit from millions of illegal and legal immigrants from Iraq and Bangladesh, or would such a thing harm the Japanese workforce?

    Would having no quality control on the immigrants you let in help enhance Japanese society and law and order, or would it harm Japanese society, and put more pressure on police and the related costs?
  20. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    It would be nice if we had the land mass of the rest of the planet and could accommodate all comers, but we can't. There has to be some limitations and realistically if they have nothing to offer, other than cheap labor, something we definitely have enough of if we would stop giving welfare to able bodied individuals, then there might be some leverage.

    Sorry, but this isn't a humanitarian issue, it's a political/greed issue. Democrats want their vote and republicans want their under minimum wage, under the table, cheap slave labor. Neither political party has a high road on this issue, they are both scum.
  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    To impose, by way of policy, reinforced with media silence, millions of immigrants, many of whom are from an alien culture, can barely speak English, are semi or not skilled at all, and whose background could really be anything, onto a host nation is a crime in itself.

    Why? Because you know it does damage. If you know it does damage and you keep on doing it, then what you are talking about is an agenda based on spite and aimed at hurting or bringing down the people of the host nation. That is logical. If you migrated millions of barely educated immigrants from Somalia, Sudan, and Pakistan into Hong Kong, it would change the face of Hong Kong, cause social problems, and drag Hong Kong down. It is as simple as that, and no one merits that any more than any being subjected to any other wide scale and harmful acts.

    The immigrants concerned are merely the symptom, not the cause.

    Yes, you need to deal with the symptoms, but there is no use doing that unless you understand who, by way of their legislation, caused it.

    And you cannot pass that off to one party or another, since all have been complicit.

    There was a time when a true Conservative in the US would have seen this clear as day. But they were displaced in the US by so called "Neo Cons", and as repulsive as they are, they, oddly enough, seemed to want to foist more third world immigration on the US, by and large.....
  22. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Whew, were to begin?

    First, this era is most certainly not the first one forced to deal with the issue of race. I would refer you to every other era of US history. It has always been an ongoing issue and struggle. That won't change, but there isn't anything special about this era to make it more racial than any other. The fact that the US has it's first black President does not automatically make every single political issue a racial one. However, that's apparently a minority (get it?) opinion. I'm not hypersensitive about race as an issue. I've wrote about it on my blog many times, and I've posted about it here many times. But here is what I'm (admittedly) hyper sensitive about:

    You oppose the President's stimulus plan? You're a racist.

    You oppose the President's plant to bail out GM? You're a racist.

    You didn't like the President's meeting with Chavez? You're a racist.

    You don't like the President's Afghanistan strategy? You're a racist.

    You don't like the President's health care plan? You're a racist.

    I could go on and on, but what is pertinent to this thread is:

    You don't like giving amnesty to 11 million lawbreakers that will drive down wage rates for native workers and will cost the government 6.5 trillion dollars over the next 50 years?

    Obviously, you're a racist.

    As far as respecting your opinons go, it's hard to know what exactly they are since they seem to change from thread to thread. You have gone back and forth where you've shown great racial animus, then you want to know why we can't all get along, then racial animus again... Would it be safe to say that this thread represents the real you? A you that holds a great deal of resentment towards the US, and as you've said, hate this country's history? And a guy who sometimes doesn't think he holds a great deal of racial resentment, but pretty clearly does?

    Are you trying to be something you're not half the time, and if so, which half is you?

    As far as the Mexicans go, The estimated illegal population is about 57% Mexican, with another 24% from other parts of Latin America. So add that up and that gives the overwhelming majority of our illegal immigration problem a distinctly latin flavor, so why is that an issue with you for that to be pointed out? Yes there are illegal Lithuanians, Serbians. Poles, Irish, Chinese, and so forth, but those number in the thousands, the Mexicans number in the millions.

    That's why no one really talks about the European illegals. They are too small a number to be a national issue. But the issue isn't what their nationality is (well, I mean it is to you, but that's not the problem) but the fact that they've broken US law to either get here or stay here or both. And we're talking felonies, not slap on the wrist misdemeanors, Presenting false ID's and fake SS cards or numbers are all identify theft and they're felonies. I just can't imagine that this country is seriously considering giving a pass to all of those serious crimes. That will have bad repercussions down the line.

    From what you've said, I suspect if our illegal immigration problem were Brits, Germans, or Danes, you would be far less forgiving of their crimes.
  23. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Brilliant post.

    Indeed - anti racist is becoming a code for anti white.
  24. Blasphemer

    Blasphemer Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2011
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    Depends on what you mean by it. If it means that immigration applicants will be judged and rejected based on their biological race, then it is racist and one could say it is unfair. However that is largely a strawman as I am not aware of many countries in the world that would take race directly into account when it comes to immigration policies. What they take into account is immigrant abilities, nationality, culture, numbers etc. It is those that have to be compatible with the host country maintaining and cultivating its culture, way of life and standard of living. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that nor is it racist at all.
  25. Middleroad

    Middleroad New Member Past Donor

    Jan 25, 2013
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    Yesterday my wife and I stopped in a new Ice Cream shop that opened, I had coffee she had ice cream. To make this short, the owners were here on a legal 5 yr visa that COST them a fortune, it has to be renewed in 4 more years for another ton of cash. These people are Belgians in their early 40s. Wonderful Couple. I asked why would you leave Belgium to come to the USA at this stage of your lives. The answer ASTOUNDED me.
    They said they cannot afford belgium and came to the US for the low "TAXS" I said WHUT lol. They said Belgium has a 52% flat tax if you make a certain amount and there are NO zero deductions. Sales tax on clothes is 21%. The said they have traveled Europe lived in italy and holland and Germany and they said the US had lower taxs than all of those places.
    Its astounding because we are inundated with Republican teaparty rants and raves and bellows that we the USA have the highest taxs in the world. Yesterday proved to me just how full of malarkey they are.

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